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Found 3 results

  1. The world is depending upon me! Or, really, my world is depending upon me. Why isn't stretching a habit by now?? And rolling? I feel better in all the ways when I do it. But nope. Even last time when it was on my fancy schmancy daily to-do list it was not treated with the love and attention it deserves for all that it does for me. This time that changes! I hope. I have a short and simple list of three things goals; body, brains, and batcave. Body! Stretch quickly after each fitness session and stretch/roll 4 days per week in the evening minimum. Brains! Select a task each night for the next day that involves advancing my skills in some way. Currently the necessary scope is in learning these newfangled sewing machines.... excuse me, sewing computers, and advancing my craft skills in crochet, knit, and sewing. Batcave! MrC and I have possibly ironed out a sharing of household cleaning tasks. I had him pick the things he dislikes least, and I'll get the rest. I have to do mine. Ideally I will tackle 4 short (10-20 minute) sessions per week will complete my portion when combined with the agreed upon rules of 1. don't leave a room empty-handed and 2. 5 minutes of just picking up at the end of the day. It's just the two of us and two animals, so hopefully this is reasonable. But really, when it comes right down to it, this is all about the stretching habit.
  2. This challenge will somehow be about action; implementation. Reduce the planning time, be more effective. I will still also focus on direction though, but it can't take me half the challenge to outline where I'm going, it has to be quick, clear and straighforward. And I know I can adjust it as I go, it's ok to be wrong, but to fail one has to move first. Fail harder, fail often to get to awesome. - Get a job: asap [once] - Active constantly: there's always something to do [Y/N] - Workout: a bit every day, convict conditioning 3/week [Y/N] - Cook healthy: at least twice for the week [Y/N] Should track it on paper, and have it near me. Also want to make a new planner for the quick, clear and straightforward part.
  3. Been lurking around NF for about 6 months now and was pretty happy with eating Paleo and then, slowly, slowly all those foods I didn't really want to eat have been creeping back and I don't feel as good as I was. Well, hoping this challenge will be a good kick in the backside to add more regular and meaningful exercise to help with weight loss and strength/endurance gain. Oh, and I'm a forty-something year old mom with an awesome Sweetie and four beautiful children aged 7 to 15. My goals/plans for this challenge are to: 1) Get back to eating Paleo at least 95% of the time (energy was better and allergies were less for the 2 months I was strict) 2) Take an 8-week beginning kettlebell class (twice a week to improve strength and get my shy self to try something new) 3) Do the Angry Birds workout 3 days a week and walk, hike or walk-jog on the other days for at least 30 minutes. 4) Stop procrastinating! Hmm.. this one may be too general, but something towards Steve's "Become a Productivity Ninja" is the goal here: answer phone calls/emails/messages right away, getting things done instead of thinking about doing them or starting them and getting distracted by shiny objects all the time. (Like signing up for the challenge in the last hour of the last day, right?) OK, I hope I'm posting this in the right place and this fulfills the requirements for getting started. PS I started the Angry Birds workout on Monday and walked, rowed and signed up for the kettlebell class yesterday. Today was a fail because life got in the way (had to take hubby to the ER last night and follow-up appointments today. Alas, tomorrow I shall start again.
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