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  1. Hi guys! It's been a long time... I'll make a quick recap of the last couple of months. First, CrossFit got way too expensive to be economically sustainable so I had to quit my box. I drifted aimlessly for a while, looking for a new gym that was close to the office and affordable. In the meanwhile I kept on training Krav Maga twice a week as usual. After a rather depressing month, I gave up on trying to find an affiliate with a reasonably affordable full pass (I work in a really expensive part of town). Just when I began looking for a regular gym, one of the Team Leaders at work told me he got a memebership at a really fancy gym only three blocks from the office. Through a Union discount he was paying half the price... close to the office and really affordable, it was what I needed. I joined the gym with thedame discount and engaged in a bodybuilding style routine while my TL-now-gym buddy got acquainted with the big lifts. Two weeks ago we started a linear progression program as layed out by Brian Alsruhe in one of his videos. So far it has been great. I still train KM and mess around with some mace movements on the weekends. It's really light, fun stuff So for now my goals remain: - Lift 4 times a week - Do one conditioning/cardio workout a week - Attend 2 weekly KM classes - Practice mace movements once a week -Eat like a grownup(enough protein, around 2100kcal, booze no more than once a month, no flour/sugar/etc.) I've been away from my Internet home, but now I'm back to being a Ranger
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