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Found 2 results

  1. Last challenge (and the previous challenge) I was trying to exercise and lose weight by training like a boxer. It was going well enough, then this happened... My bathtub capsized... 🤣 Okay, no not really. The drain pipe cracked causing all the water form my last shower to go all over the floor. I have it turned upside down to work on it. Once I got all the fixtures off of it, it was pretty apparent that it's going to need to be re-finished. Then I can add the new hardware... might as well, take on the sagging ceiling above... and install the exhaust fan the bathroom desperately needs... and spackle the walls and throw on some new paint... and now we've got ourselves a full on remodel. It looks so sad and helpless... And that thing is heavy boy. So that's going on. And Spring is pretty much here... it's time to plant the garden and do a bunch of landscaping. I've got an absurd amount of seeds, some of which are already started, for the vegetable garden. Then I have an order of plants coming for the last week of April. I am taking that week off from work to take a break from that grind, and get these things done. The back yard is going to be used almost entirely for the garden (I live on a small 1/8 acre lot in the city) and the front will be mostly landscaped with native plants, with the exception of one sunny spot in which I will plant berries. The need for home repair, and the want of gardening, is forcing me to move more, so I want to use these initial pushes to keep moving and re-ignite some better habits. I'm also currently aiming for a 99% plant based diet... I'm not going vegan. I don't fret minor ingredients or refuse animal products when faced with no other options. Hence, 99% just means not perfect. I'm trying to make it to 100 days of this... so until June 4th at least. I also need to track nutrition and try for more protein. I can hit 85 g in a day, easy, which is a tiny bit more than I need to survive okay, but I should be hitting 120 g / day to thrive. Goals: 1) Morning work routine: Do it every day Warmup with easy calisthenics Go for a walk (1 mi+) [if it rains, stay in and do more calisthenics] Work in the garden/landscape Stretch (as per @Snarkyfishguts's unsolicited advice. 2) Maintain a 99% plant based diet Take as many plant based food options as are available Track food daily Aim for more protein. 3) Finish Projects by End of Challenge The tub needs to be refinished and put back together at least to pass this one. For the garden, I need to at least have the ground ready (tilled) and fenced off.
  2. lately, i have been compelled to work with my hands. this results from a combination of factors - living in a house with garages, sheds and a backyard, etc. the next quest i intend to embark upon is that of gardening/landscaping. to be specific, i would like to plant some ground cover over some spots in my yard that are bare due to their location in the shade and out of the sunlight. would any of you rebels be able to give me advice on how to excel at this task? what resources would you be able to refer to me?
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