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Found 4 results

  1. I've got a habit of digging up historical recipes and adapting them for the modern kitchen. The oldest recipe I've adapted is for a green pudding (the savory kind, not the sweet kind) with simmered meat. The instructions were all extremely vague because it was a lot of educated guessing based on residue found in a stone age pot. Anyways here's my version. Fair warning, I tend to eyeball and guesstimate my recipes, but I will try to be exact here. Ingredients: Large quantity (1 lbs?) of fresh greens (recommended: nettles, dandelion, watercress, sorrel, spinach, kale, or chard) optional: A handful of fresh cilantro or parsley one handful of fresh chives one cup of Barley Flour One Teaspoon Salt Lots of seasonings Meat (beef/venison/pork) Kitchen Supplies: One large pot or slow cooker A clean cotton cloth (cheese cloth will do as well) Clean cotton cord Food Processor A large bowl Lots of tupperware containers Instructions: 1: Roughly chop all your greens and chives and pop them in the food processor and run it until you've got everything chopped as finely as it can get. 2: Add salt and barley flour to the food processor, it should do most of the mixing for your. 3: Scrape out the food processor contents into a bowl and add in just enough water to make it a pasty/gooey consistency. I recommend adding a tablespoon at a time, this will vary with the freshness of the greens and ambient temperature/humidity. 4: Wrap the green gooey paste up tightly in a clean cloth and tie securely with the cord, leave excess cor of at least a couple of feet. 5: Take your largest pot add a joint of meat to it use the excess cord to hang the pudding in the pot and fill with water until both the meat and the pudding are fully submersed. 6: add lots of seasonings or sauces or whatever tickles your fancy, you want the liquid to be very strongly flavored. 7: Bring water up to a boil and quickly lower to a simmer. Cover and let simmer for at least four hours. Longer is better, but do keep an eye on the water level and make sure nothing gets burnt onto the pot. 8: Pull out the meat and pudding when the meat is falling apart. I highly recommend saving the liquid and freezing it to use as a broth. Unwrap the pudding and slice it like it's bread. put leftover pudding in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer. It can be reheated easily enough and it can be nice added to various other meals. There you have it. Long cooking time, but it can make a lot of leftovers. In fact, you can skip the simmered meat and make the pudding itself alongside homemade bone broth.
  2. I can't believe I pulled this off... My 3rd quest for this month is to make a meal for 3 people with heavy dietary restrictions. I'd completed this week's quest on Tuesday with a ginger chicken chili (no nightshades), and had made a broth using the bones from the chicken. Sooooooooooo tonight I'd had a random thought about udon (and who doesn't?) and yesterday the Dragon (ie husband) had roasted chicken/carrots/brussel sprouts that were A. really tasty and B. hadn't gotten very soft, so we tossed those in with some extra chicken, let it boil, added the udon and O_O OMG.... The broth had all the spices from the chili (ginger/clove/rosemary/oregano/black pepper) plus Josh's spices from yesterday (rosemary/olive oil/roasted garlic) - and it is amazing. And we still have some left over and I'm very excited to bring it to work tomorrow for lunch when the veggies will be even softer Which would make 3 separate uses of leftovers and I don't even LIKE leftovers o.o And then I stumbled onto how to make udon and I'm wondering if I can experiment with different types of flours. Maybe I've made an udon monster... oh well, back to playing Undertale XD
  3. Hey guys! Does anyone have good ideas for food that makes good leftovers? I'm a student and I work part time, so I'll often have either no time or large chunks of time in which to make food. I'm trying to make more food as it's easier to go paleo and it's cheaper that way, so what are your favourite meals to make that can be made in bulk and reheated? There's a microwave at work and at uni, so that's good, but I don't have one at home, so it makes reheating take more time at night. Things that are good cold work, too.
  4. Hello! I was looking for a tasty breakfast that could be made in advance and stored in the fridge to be rewarmed when needed, and these mini quiches fit the bill. If you want to try them, here's the recipe! Makes 12-18 | Ingredients: 6 eggs 1.5 cups almond/soy/rice milk (I used almond) 5 strips of bacon 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 1/2 cup bell pepper, diced 1 cup white mushrooms, diced 1/3 bunch cilantro, roughly chopped 1 roma tomato, chopped salt & pepper You'll also need cooking spray and a muffin tin. (Feel free to substitute your favorite veggies) Start by frying your bacon and setting on paper towels to drain off some of the grease. After the bacon is finished, add the garlic, bell pepper, mushrooms, cilantro and tomatoes to the pan (on medium) to cook in the leftover grease (YUM) from the bacon. When the peppers have started to soften, turn off the heat under the frying pan, and begin spooning small portions of your veggie mixture into each space in the muffin tin. Aim for each to be 1/4-1/3 full. After you've added the veggies, chop up your bacon and add a few pieces to each space as well. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Crack all 6 whole eggs into a large bowl and add the milk. Add approximately one teaspoon of salt and pepper each (this is to your taste, really). Whisk this mixture until it's slightly frothy and smooth. Now pour (or in my case, scoop with 1/3 cup measuring cup) your egg mixture into the muffin spaces -- be careful not to make them much more than 3/4's full or you'll probably spill all over the place on your way to the oven! I added a little extra cilantro on top at this stage too, because I love cilantro. Place your tin in the oven for approximately 25-30 minutes. When the tops are golden brown and puffy, and you can stick a fork in and it comes out clean, they are done. After you remove them from the oven, they will sink back down again. You should be able to slide a fork around the edges and then lift them out easily. They might be a little crumbly! A couple tips or ideas: Mine were a little soggy, I think due to the tomatoes and perhaps a bit of excess bacon grease (nay!), however, they still tasted fantastic. If sogginess bothers you, you might drain your veggies first. Almost any combo of veggies would be good: I also made one with cilantro, mushrooms and shredded red potato. You could always add cheese as well!Good luck!
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