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Found 2 results

  1. Okay I am kinda new to the low-poo life but with 3 feet of hair it is just so much better. However! I do jiu-jitsu and habe to fight all of the weird body fauna that comes with wrestling with a bunch of dudes 4 days a week. Anyone have good antibacterial ideas about that?
  2. I have no idea where this post belongs but it is only tangentially fitness related at best and long hair is not a women's only issue so here we go: I have been growing my hair out for the past couple of years and it has become long enough to go past my shoulders. This means that, occasionally, when I roll around at night I somehow end up pulling my head and neck back by my hair with my shoulders. It's not painful but I do wake up sore from being in an odd position all night, and generally speaking I would like to not wake up sore from sleeping (waking up sore from a workout is different). My hair is very thick and heavy (I am the envy of my sister, mother, and every hairstylist I meet), but this means that if I braid it, when I roll over it often whacks me in the face, waking me up. My hair is long enough that a pony tail does not eliminate the shoulders problem, and a bun makes many sleeping positions uncomfortable. Aside from cutting my hair off, does anyone have any suggestions for this? I've read a few posts with workout hairstyles and while they do seem great for workouts, I would rather not sleep with my hair pinned up or tied back tightly.
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