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  1. Once upon a lifetime, I was a proper warrior. I worked out five days a week, was in the best shape of my life and was relatively healthy all things considered. Then fate saw to it that my path would change, and I took on a new life leaving behind my tools of warfare for ones better suited to education and cultural awareness. I want to get back to being that physically fit, so that I can once more meet my foes on the battlefield in combat. TL;DR: I used to be a soldier, was in smashing shape and then got out of the service. Now I play rugby and roller derby, and I want to get into good enough shape that I can be a contender in those arenas. Would I love to have the lean muscle mass of Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)? Oh sweet baby jesus, yes. Will I? Probably not. But I'd settle for some good exercises for cardio, significant lower body strength, flexibility and endurance. Help me formulate a fitness plan that isn't going to rule my life (workout 3x a week), and won't be daunting for someone who doesn't enjoy busting his bum. I've looked at roller derby specific workouts, but there's a paywall. *sigh* Stats: Sex: Female Height: 5'10.5" (That half inch matters, damnit!) Weight: 157 lbs Measurements: Not yet, getting a DEXA test next Saturday. Will update thereafter. Injuries: Knees prone to fits of "fuckoff!", and lower back problems due to rubbish posture. Exercise will help both of these things. Exercise preferences: Weight lifting, body weight exercises and yoga are probably all really good starts. I hate cardio to high heaven, but I know it's necessary. Also, as we've clearly illustrated with my choice sports, I don't have a problem taking a punch or throwing one.
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