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Found 3 results

  1. http://www.seriouseats.com/2012/05/oatmeal-toppings-sweet-savory-slideshow.html Okay so normally I don't share links, but you guys should see this. I got a big sack of oatmeal from the food bank, so tried making some oatmeal with soy sauce, bacon bits, scallions and a fried egg. It was very excellent. Like congee, only with oats. I'm also eyeballing the "bananas Foster and nuts" angle...
  2. After 2years with the Rebellion I've succeed in completing a lot of goals in my challenges. Learned a ton. Gained muscle, lost muscle. Established healthy habits, lost healthy habits. So it was brewing & brewing in my head for some time now that when I look at myself in the mirror & compare with the pictures I took along the way : Nothing has changed. So I set out a main-quest to get rid of 'the belly of the beast'. With all I've learned so far & hoping some old habits will kick in along the way: I take I can do this in 6months. Hence the reason of this thread : I need a container to keep track over multiple Challenges. So this wont be a daily log, but more like a weekly log.I need a place to hide my progress pics (ehm.. fail ? )extra motivation So without further delay : A summary of my first Challenge in the main-quest : Main Quest : Get rid of the belly. Motivational : Stigmata of Ministry ok: I'm seriously tired of my fat belly & all the problems it brings with it. time to tackle it head on. I anticipate it'll take me 6months or 3 Challenges. I'm skinny fat: This evenings measurement : belly 108cm; chest 100cm. The pics of me with my one day old smartphone stressing not to drop it. (I put them on a free-online thing, no idea how long they'll last there) there's 2things to it : Eat more. Build mass. (proper mass that is ^^ ) Goals: Diet : Fix breakfast The fail safe basis of my breakfast the coming challenge, and 6months, will be : Oatmeal. There is no excuse but lack of will for not eating it. Bring half a cup in Tupperware to work, add hot water : eat bomb of fibers. It will protect me half a day from white grains & the fiber will hopefully heal my intestines which are giving me a hard time sleeping. measurement : every single day fitness : Rope Skipping. I think it'll be a good a idea to build some grit at the start of this main-quest , by going outside in the winter & do some rope-skipping: which will be cold and way out of my comfort zone. and it will reap me, if I ever get it done, some much needed points on +STA .. measurement : 2weekdays / 1weekend day fitness : steady yoga It's the only thing in the last 3years that could win the mind battle vs the booze devil: I cant do yoga if I pop a beer after work. and half the time I'd rather do yoga. Which would be a big win vs a beer-belly .. measurement : 3weekdays / 2weekend day
  3. Hello Nerds ! I am quite new to the healthy nutrition and fitness but I am liking it so far. One of the biggest challenge for me is to find good receipe that I can make in advance to eat at work for example. I created this one in order to replace my morning banana bread habits. I really like this stuff but it is full of oil, sugar and flour so I needed a good replacement. I would be curious to know what you guys think of it. Is it really as healthy as I think ? Maybe you will event have good ideas to bring this to the next level. So here it is: Amaury's Banana oatmeal cookies ! This receipe will give you around 8 cookies (well it all depends on how big you like them) - Take 3 bananas, cut them in slice and cook them with a table spoon of honey for about 10 mins. Until they are really soft. Then take a whisk and work the banana until the mixture looks like mash potatoes. - Let the bananas colden a bit. - Preheat oven at 325F - Add 1/3 cup of yogurt in the banana mixture (I take 0% yogurt, it give a nice texture) - in a bigger bowl, mix 2 eggs - Add the banana/yogurt mixture to the eggs and again use the whisk to mix everything nicely. Make sure that the bananas are not too hot or they will cook the eggs right away - Add about 150g of regular oatmean.(no sugar or salt added). - Mix everything You should have a soft dough. Not too liquid, hard enough to stay in place on the cookie pan. You can add chocolat chips at this point but there is usually a lot of sugar in it so it is your choice. - Distribut the dough on a cookie pan, the sizes and position you want. - Cook for about 25 mins, it should start to darken a bit ! Enjoy!
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