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Found 2 results

  1. Huzzaaaaahhhh the threads are opened up! The plan is set, I already logged food and goals yesterday and am eager to get started. It's still dark outside. But this season's bout of depression and endorphin-depletion was broken around Midwinter. It was broken easier than ever before and I am happy and eager to get started with the christmas gift I made myself: new journal. The goals are: Log everything. Note down what I eat. Include quantities, where possible, do not stress if not possible. Go for runs (or >30min walks) 3× per week. Go to classes. (FKS (Fitness, conditioning, sports-games), tue+thu, if it happens) (Bellydancing, wed, schedule permitting) Workouts at home to stay at 2× or 3× per week. Figure out if cancelling studio membership would be right choice or wrong. Figure out a way to stay emotionally healthy. No running myself into the ground and then starting to cancel workouts, ending in me being depressed. Rest. It's not optional. Gorrammit. Will add some nice theme-y pictures once on the PC. But I'm not yet and I am planning a run/long walk along the coast at dawn... things to look up and get ready.
  2. New Challenge I want to do all the things. All the time. But my plate is constantly too full. The plan for March is to make doing-less-but-doing-it-right a thing. This is the last full challenge before I'm here for a full year. I have a lvl 50 25 dream, getting there will require training, training that requires some organisation. Furthermore it encompasses a moderate fluency in at least 2 languages I'm not fluent in yet. Grinding those skills up will have a place too. I'm in the weight room twice a week (if the kids are in daycare or hubby is home), at FKS class twice a week (except late shift week), and at the pool at least once oftentimes twice a week. All of these exercises are fun. It's when I have something come up and I feel a workout at home should happen that the plan is not followed by action. Yoga and walking are not a thing yet either, against multiple challenges to try to implement them. Food was slipping at the end of February. Need to work that over. And while we're at it, I agreed to write a commission for a friend's business. It's obvious I can't post work-in-progress stuff here of things that will be sold as exclusive stuff lateron. But I have a history of being too afraid to write because I know someone is waiting for my words. It's actually my favourite way to block myself. So I said yes, before I could find arguments against it and will have to find a way to be accountable here, without actually giving you any of my writing. Sorry. How is any of this minimalistic? you might ask. That's a good question. I don't know either, but I feel like slowing down is the right next step. We will have a mini, there's stuff that's not going to need 4 weeks of constant effort. Those will be my mini challenge goals. signing up for classes (including all the behind the scenes organisation) will be oneresearch of one fun topic or other will be another. (mead brewing? traveling?)increasing number of lunges and planks every day will be number 3.and 4... I don't know yet.Everything else will be sorted in one of my favourite things: A Spreadsheet. thank you, @Briniel, for the inspiration (yes, I stole heavily from you, but all the formulae are my own doing). Good behaviour on this month's challenge will get me a day in the SPA with a dear friend of mine. Workout, sauna, the whole shebang... (no massage though, that I need to save up more for.) I think it's time for a cut. TL'DR Do less. But do it well. Anyone feel like explaining how to embed this stuff to me? EDIT Picture and music. PS There is a weekend event at a small lifestock zoo not too far from here. Stoneage / Equinox Celebration. We'll be there, the whole family: my mom, the kids, hubby and me. It'll be fun, I'll give you pictures.
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