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Found 3 results

  1. so the end of last challenge was... hiiiiiiiii, i'm CM and i like lifting and eating and fun runs and short OCRs. i got a bit side tracked the last couple weeks after a vacation and now some stomach pains that won't go away. i'm going to take this challenge week by week and adjust as things progress. ZERO WEEK 1. move everyday. either a walk or yoga with some pull up bar hangs. 2. figure out your stomach issues. go to the doctor as needed, make those appts, take supplements, eat at least 30g fiber from food per day. 3. lift. if I can, i'd like to get in an do some light sets of 10 on each lift. just to get back in there. but it will need to happen tomorrow or friday so we'll see how i feel. we'll re-evaluate for WEEK 1. work has been crazy busy so forgive me if I haven't stopped by your thread yet! also i have this stuff going on during the challenge... 9/15: friend’s wedding 9/16: cape cod with fam 9/23 – 9/24: Maine trip 9/29: dress shopping 9/30: outfit and dress shopping 10/1: NH 5K 10/7: friend’s wedding 10/13 – 10/16: Acadia Nat’l Park camping
  2. Not much going on this challenge in terms of nerd content and games. Sorry no zombies or neighbors to be saved. I took last challenge off and hit kind of a meh period, had a lovely bike wreck and luckily did not break anything(going 18 MPH and the wheel snapped all the way to the left suddenly) but suffered some nice road rash and some general poopy attitude about being so sore and missing workouts. 2 weeks afterwards I was pretty much pain free. I am now only 2 weeks out from my IRONMAN so number one focus is training/diet. I am going to continue my old method of posting daily habits and chores and just marking off what I do and grading myself based on the progress made. After 10/1 I am unsure where my challenge will head but there will be a recomp of goals and sort of a new challenge inside this challenge. I originally thought I was going to continue this long distance thing and go even further(double or triple IRONMAN next October) but recently I am deciding it is not really for me. I am likely going to do sprint Tri's and get much more back into lifting/rucking, I may even pick up rollerblading(tricks on rails and jumping stairs) again. One other big thing recently is I am down 25lbs just about. I have started bagging up my current clothing(style would be best described as Hobo) for donation and have purchased some really nice clothing that fits properly. First day at work I was asked where my interview is so I know I am looking good. I am starting to feel strongly about dressing nicely as a part of feeling good. I'll post crash pictures later.
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