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Found 13 results

  1. Welcome back, we have all made it to the second half of the year! What are you guys looking to accomplish in the next several months? Any major changes that are going to make your challenges a bit more challenging? Or take you to a place you had no idea would be ventured when you looked forward in January? Personally, I gave up my goal to get my black belt this year. And my happiness has skyrocketed.
  2. Man, @The Shogun is lazy. Makes a challenge thread and doesn't do his GL duty of making a place where we ALL can blather.
  3. Welcome to the Courtyard! Discuss amongst yourselves the best way to subdue and beat down your foes! Or, you know, what books you're reading, requests for recipes, and tips for workouts. Whatever floats your boat.
  4. Two days into the challenge and we haven't a place to ramble a bit? What is this madness? Oh, right, I've been on vacation. Sorry guys. My bad. Hope the first two days have gone well for everyone!
  5. Next challenge starts February 12! Yea, I Think I'm back in an Avatar/Korra mood.
  6. Next challenge starts December 4, and ends on New Year's Eve! You all ready for the last challenge of 2016?! What are you guys thinking of for December challenges? Anyone got good tips on surviving all that social holiday interaction and party food? I'm thinking of trying to go stricter Paleo/Primal (with some caveats) during the weeks, and then not care as much during social outings. At the moment I have three or four things I can think of that I'm going to, so I need some planned sanity.
  7. Huzzah, new challenge! New place for random silliness! What've you all got planned?
  8. Apparently August 21st is the new challenge! Get yer threads up and ready to roll, people!
  9. Happy May, all! Ready for the first summer-ish challenge? What do you all have planned this time around?
  10. RP Edit - I want this info at the top and the topic Merge function didn't do my bidding. So post editing it is. Welp, it's almost time for the new challenge! New Challenge begins September 14th and goes until October 25th! Feel free to ask questions, or just ramble about. And if you have some free time, stop by the Recruit forum to search for some potential Monks!. Otherwise, chatter away! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ * sweeps the courtyard with a broom so that it looks good for the new recruits... ;-)
  11. I dunno why I'm writing this one, but I'm just putting this one out there. I really want to know how many people have two sides of the coin in different colours, because over the past couple of years I've had two extreme conflicting personalities. I was just wondering if other people have that as well, and just checking to make sure I'm not insane. No one is being judgemental , just post whatever, even if it may sound stupid, I'm just curious to know.
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