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Found 4 results

  1. This challenge is about planning and crossing off items on my to-do list. Challenge To-Do List Get off the damn phone! Build the Wall. It'll be a glorious wall with no monkey shit on it at all. Everyone will want a wall just like mine. The monkeys, they'll pay for the whole thing. Those voices in my head that day this'll never work, they're just afraid, they're ruled by fear, so they spread fake news. We don't want fake news, that's what the monkeys want, that's what the monkeys bring. Now the monkeys, they're good monkeys, very hard working, I love the monkeys and they love me. But we don't need the fake news they all bring, so we're building the wall. Grow my Forest. Read a book for leisure Read another book for leisure! Adulting Tithe File taxes Launder all the things (we have a flea infestation 😫) Finish the closet and actually get rid of some things. Get thicc Gym (Thicc Thursdays) and home bodyweight routine 3x /wk. Biking (weather and mother dependent) Catch up on Bible reading plan FUTURE. FUUUUUTUUURREEEE!!!! Ace thermodynamics Meeting with advisor for biomedical engineering program Build CV and submit to advisor in preparation for applying to BS-to-MSBME program. Find and attach syllabi for advanced math classes. Meet with program coordinator and potential graduate advisor
  2. CHOO CHOO HERETICS!!! I have not finished my last challenge, but ya'll know I am not one for rules! I am BlackTezca, returning once again, but this time I may not your browsers with gifs! This time I'll just use memes to entertain! Not only will this thread entertain you, but you also have enjoyed my DYNAMIC ENTRY with journey From Lurker to (Newb) Rebel!, checked out whatever draft insanity and nonchallenge silliness I have with my battelog BlackTezca's Daily Battle Towards Feline Greatness and soon I will also win my latest war BlackTezca's 9th Trial: An Artsy Geeky Amazon Battles Against Curses and Keeps Hope Alive! War is a big THEME here I have chosen, since most you know may know that I have been chosen by the Ethereal Caste to join our technologically advance Tau brothers to battle for the Greater Good against those who would oppose our Grandest of Grand Destinies! I have been transported into the 41st millennium to fight against the forces of Chaos, the bloody bastard Orks, the insect gluttonous Tyrannids, the racist and down primitive Imperium of Man, the almost facing copyright lawsuit undead robot assholes Necrons, and the stuck up, snobby, should've died out long again Eldar. These are my enemies and I will win! Even if we Tau haven't gotten our melee game down... This time, I am taking a bit of a break from planning out my novel, The Primal Soldiers, but I am still going to tackle on my artwork for the story and finish my profile image. Not only that. but we Tau are lacking in melee and need to work on getting up close and personal with our strikes. I shall relieve myself of stress by becoming more mindful as well as cleanse myself of impurities for The Greater Good. As well work on my taxes, because War costs money! All this is to help me master my most meaningful and ever lasting quest...my MAIN quest... My Main Quest is to be as POWERFUL and BATTLE READY as Wonder Woman These challenges have been short and compact thanks to the length. Though I am Tau, I have realized that WE are not racist, fanatical crazies and the other races have beautiful they can offer for The Greater Good. They may not see it, but we Tau clearly do and thus I have taken inspiration from these people in order to further improve myself and my armies to expand our glorious Empire. Perhaps then they will accept our generous offer for them to join us and take on our philosophy for The Greater Good. If not, we shall shoot them dead. But that's another fight . Orks - Muay Thai to prepare for WAAAAAAAAGH!!!! Details: Orks love to fight the biggest and baddest fighta's all around. These cockney green bitches love getting into a rumble and I enjoy it too. Thus I shall go to Kickboxing or Muay Thai at Easton at least twice a week this time. Aim for Muay Thai but count Kickboxing as well. Contingencies: Shouldn't be an issue; I have a lot of options for times, though if something comes up, I can substitute a cardio kickboxing instead of going to Easton. Let's pump myself up and keep up this habit! Tracking: I'll be tracking the workouts using MyFitnessPal ( username BlackTezca and this lovely thread will be updated as well. Grading: A for Kickboxing/Muay Thai Workouts three a week ( 25 pt - 2 Dex 1 Sta 1 Str ) B for Kickboxing/Muay Thai Workouts twice a week ( 20 pts - 1 Dex 1 Sta ) C for Kickboxing/Muay Thai Workouts once a week ( 15 pts - 1 Dex ) F for all else Adeptus Soritas - Keep your Faith and Be Mindful. Do not be clouded by fear. Details: Though closely related to another group down below, the Adeptus Soritas, or Sisters of Battle, are loyal to only one being; The God Emperor. Their faith is so strong that they have no periods of doubt, even in the bloodies of war. These women are a force to be reckoned with and will cleanse any doubt (or heathen Xenos) with fire. I want to practice a bit of mindfulness myself. Not meditation per say, but to do a short exercise to help ease my head and stress. For this I shall use this list of mindfulness exercise a few times a week. I may also do some yoga just to help relax as a substitute. Contingencies: No contingencies. Just need to remember to do at least one mindfulness exercise, especially when feeling stressed. Tracking: I'll be tracking by updating this thread at least five times daily. Grading: A for Stress-relieving mindfulness 4 to 5 times a week ( 20 pt - 2 Cha 1 Con ) B for Stress-relieving mindfulness 2 to 3 times a week ( 15 pts - 1 Cha ) F for all else Tau - Less Drinking For the Greater Good Details: We Tau believe in doing the best for 'The Greater Good' or the best for everyone (that's Tau or accepts Tau philosophy. We are not racists). We are a society that treasures the whole over the individual and this successful motto turned then from a race of hunters and gatherers to a small but growing technological super power. Therefore I will face my hardest challenge: I will limit myself to two drinks a week with only ONE cheat day. Anytime I drink more than two drinks a week, I will do ten burpees per extra drink or knock off the grade. This is March. This sucks. Contingencies: Either I can drink during the final ski trip of the season or if Brent and I do the big Collaboration Beer Festival. That's it. Only one of those can be a cheat day. Tracking: I will be tracking using MyFitnessPal ( username BlackTezca and this lovely thread will be updated as well. Grading: A for only two drinks a week + burpee penalties for extra drinks ( 20 pt - 2 Con 1 Wis ) B for only three drinks a week + burpee penalties for extra drinks ( 15 pts - 2 Con ) C foronly four drinks a week + burpree penalties for extra drinks ( 10 pts - 1 Con ) F for all else Harlequins - Everything for the Art Details: A once proud and powerful race, the Eldar are now a endangered, fragmented, broken species. The birth of 'She Who Thirsts' destroyed all the Old Gods...but one. Cegorach, the Trickster God, laughed his ass out of dodge and is the last remaining Old God, and his cast of players, the Harlequins, remain to continue the old Eldar traditions and perfect the Art of Death. So I shall do the same (except...without the death part) and just work on my art now, with some focus on character portraits for the people in my story. Wanted to take a little bit of a planning break to just do various pieces of art. Contingencies: Final ski trip and some busy weekends my hamper this but not too much. Tracking: I have an art Tumblr and I also have DeviantArt (WATCH ME FOR ACCOUNTABILITY). I shall use those and this thread to keep track. Grading: A for at least 30 minutes 4 to 5 days a week - 25 exp ( 2 Wis 2 Cha ) B for at least 30 minutes 2 to 3 days a week - 20 exp (1 Wis 1 Cha) F for all else The Inquisition - Pay your Debt to the Emperor Details: The Inquisition are racist and fanatical enforcers of the imperium. Anything that is deemed heretical means certain death...or worse...and IT'S TAX SEASON AND I HAVEN'T DONE MY TAXES YET AND I NEED A REMINDER TO DO THEM!!! Contingencies: None! It's TAX SEASON! Tracking: This thread! DID I DO THE DAMN THING YET?! Grading: A for Taxes completed! ( 10 exp - 1 Wis ) F for all else (and the IRS/Inquisition will come and claim Exterminatus on my home, my family, my cow, etc) This challenge has taken shape! I have all that I need to fully succeed! Here are my measurements, apparently required from the Water Caste to use in our motivational speeches when it's time to fight! Starting Measurements: Date: 02/28/2016 @ 10:30 am Weight: 130.2 ***Body Fat***: 22% Waist: 23 Waist @ Navel: 24 Hips: 34.5 Neck: 12 Chest: 32 Left Bicep: 11 Right Thigh: 16 Wrist: 5.5 Forearm: 9 Ooof. Definitely need to drink less for the greater good! Been a little too loose with my diet and it shows in these measurements! Nothing that can't be fixed though! The future is grim, the future is dark, the future is GRIM DARK! There is always endless fighting. But victory is around the horizon and the forces of chaos will be driven back so there can be...further war with other factions because that is the Warhammer 40k Universe! I have chosen my quests for true victory! FOR THE GREATER GOOD I WILL SHOOT AND BLAST THIS CHALLENGE OUT OF MY WAY TO FURTHER OUR CONQUEST OF THE GALAXY!!! THIS MEANS WAR(hammer 40k). LET'S KICK ASS!!!!
  3. I've been struggling to be okay lately. I've been under a lot of stress and struggling with anxiety and depression, but I've been trying to learn about myself and what makes me happy and makes me feel worthwhile. I'm going to try and keep it simple, and remind myself that the goal isn't weight loss, it's just trying to feel okay. I want this challenge to be very, very easy to stick with, so all the active pieces combined are going to take 1 hour or less per day. Excluding sleeping, because that would be crazy. Main Quest: Reduce anxiety and depression. Learn what causes these. Acknowledge that some things in my life are stressful and that's okay. Goal 1: 30 minutes quality alone time daily. Should be something that I want to do that I really find satisfying, and is in no way social. So reading, meditating, painting, or playing guitar would count. Browsing the forums would not, and generally netflix/youtube/reddit/imgur would not; I already do 30 minutes per day of this and it doesn't make me any happier. Reason: I'm an introvert. I like doing things by myself and rarely make time to just be by myself, especially with a partner who likes to spend almost all their free time with me. I'm much happier when I make time for productive alone time. Goal 2: Any physical activity daily. I would like to keep working on my C25K training, but I'm not going to be hard on myself if it doesn't happen. I just need to do something, whether it's a brisk walk or a short dance session or a few minutes hula hooping. Reason: Exercise is a mood booster. And if I have exercised today, at least I have done something worthwhile. Goal 3: Take your darn vitamins. Have them every day with dinner. Keep a stash in your purse so you have them when you go out to eat. Set an alarm reminder in case you forget. Reason: Severe vitamin D deficiency. It can exacerbate depression and worsen my immune system. Goal 4: No alcohol, low caffeine. Tell your friends and family and partner you're abstaining for the month and ask them to help you stay on track. Reason: Alcohol exacerbates my depression. Caffeine exacerbates my anxiety. It was a huge eye-opener when I started tracking my mood and realized 75% of my panic attacks happened within 2 hours of heavy caffeine consumption. Goal 5: Sleep 8 hours a night. I should be in bed, lights out by 10 on weeknights. Since I'm often out late on Friday, I should avoid scheduling things for Saturday mornings. I need to try and force myself to go back to bed when I wake up after 6 hours on weekend days. Reason: I get sad when I get sleepy. I also find it difficult to accomplish the simplest things when I'm tired. Other stuff that I have no choice but to do: -Taxes (come on Grizzy, you can do it, you only have to bring two forms to an office and then just wait while a guy does some stuff on a computer...) -Moving (I'm buying a house. Assuming nothing goes wrong, which I always assume things WILL go wrong which causes me to be anxious, we're closing on the 15th and ending our lease on the 30th. So I have to do all the packing and activating utilities and fixing a bunch of stuff and aaaahhhahahahhhhh *cries*.) -Put in consistent effort at work (I got moved off of a project I disliked for under-performing. My boss made it seem like not a big deal, but I feel like my ass is on the line and I have to prove myself on my next project.) Here's to keeping my head above water this month! I would drink to that, but you know, goal 4...
  4. Hey everyone! I'm back again for another go! Really looking forward to this challenge. Last challenge, I hit two of my goals and completely ignored the other two. So I'm looking to take some responsibility, and get an A on all 4 this time. I'd love to post some funny pictures/videos, but I'm at work right now and just trying to push through the last half hour. Humor will have to come later. I'll keep this quick and to the point since I don't have a lot of time, but check back later to see my random side. Vitals: Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Ranger (Level 4) Prestige Class: Firebreather Height: 5'6" Weight: 155 lbs Goal 1: Mobility WOD Everyday CON+2 STA+1 I had this one last challenge, and started strong. And completely stopped before it became a habit. It's just one MWOD a day, but it will help so much. Goal 2: Squat 250 lbs 5 times STR+2 STA+2 I'm still doing the 5/3/1 program. The most I've done at 250 is 3, but last week I was able to get 240 x 6. By staying on track, I should be able to get this by the end of the six weeks. Goal 3: Snatch 135 STR+1 DEX+2 CHA+1 I'm in a gym without bumper plates or oly stands. So this one will be tricky. I can do light weight for high reps, but I've been hesitant to go heavier because I can't bail. And I can't guarantee I'd nail it if I went for it now. I'll do snatch balances to get used to the heavier weight overhead, and to get used to the proper position. I can do 95 lbs 12 reps unbroken, but when I get to 135, it just seems so much heavier overhead. Practicing should help me here. Goal 4: Do Taxes WIS+4 If I haven't done my taxes by the end of this challenge, I'm in trouble. I just need to take an afternoon (or even a morning) and crank them out. They usually take me a few hours, so I always put it off. I just need to get it out of the way. Wow finished with 5 minutes to spare. I'll be back later. Good luck everyone!
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