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Found 3 results

  1. So I'm 23, 5'2" and hoping to get some direction on getting in shape and probably loosing weight. I've always had low self esteem when it comes to body image ( thanks media) Here's a photo of where I am at now. I have no upper body strength but really strong legs from so much biking and it's always stayed. I heard beach body and shakeology are good. I want to look toned like you see people wearing the Nike outfits
  2. In an effort to keep track of everything I am doing on my journey to the ab holy grail, I'll use this single log for all of my quests. No need to split it into different threads to search through in the future. Official Start Date - December 1, 2013 Weight - 143.6 lbs Measurements: Waist - 29 1/5" Bust - 34" Right arm - 10 1/4" (relaxed), 11" (flexed) Left arm - 10 1/4" (relaxed), 11" (flexed) Hips - 40 3/4" Right thigh - 21" Left thigh - 21" Belly (right below belly button) - 31 7/8" 1690 calories Protein - 35% / 145 g / 583 cal Carbs - 35% / 150 g / 600 cal Fats - 30 % / 56 g / 507 cal Measurements, and any macro updates will be logged in this initial post after each quest. Update pictures will also be included.
  3. About 5 months ago, I finally lost enough weight to get into size 6 jeans again. Size 6 was always my goal. It was the smallest I'd been to my memory and pretty much as small as I ever expected to go. Those size 6 jeans have felt pretty lose lately, which was odd because I haven't lost a pound since buying them. Just for the heck of it, I stopped by American Eagle today to try on the next size down. They fit perfectly. Without losing a single pound I have toned my body down an entire size. Holy cow. i had no idea I was making that kind of progress. I know I've only been nerding it up here for like, two days, but I had to share because none of my IRL friends would care. SO FLIPPING EXCITED RIGHT NOW.
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