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Found 3 results

  1. I have been MIA on NerdFitness for quite some time. A few days ago I got a random bug to plan an introvert adventure. Some where nature like. Alone. As I've fleshed this idea out I'm leaning towards a rustic (hike in!) cabin, or maybe camping + hiking. This kind of trip would require some training and planning. I'm kind of out of shape and have never done anything like this before. A four week challenge is perfect for getting me started on prepping for my adventure. Move your feet I will go on a walk once a day. It can be long or short - just so long as I do it. Condition/Endurance Twice a week I will do some combination of: run/walk intervals, hiking, or rucking (bad weather sub: rowing machine) Strength Training Twice a week I will strength train: weights at gym, body weight at home, or rucking. I can't count the same rucking session for both Condition/Endurance and Strength Training. Life Goal: Plan the Adventure Pick a date and location, make a plan of what to do while I'm out adventuring, figure out what gear and supplies I'll need & make a packing and shopping list. Let the adventure prep begin! Edited to Add: I have some on going self improvement projects that I didn't include as part of this challenge, but still want to update on! 100 days of Fiddle/Violin Practice Any length practice so long as I do it, can be fiddle music or classical music. Sick and travel day contingency plan: listen to pieces currently working on, or use a music theory app to do some music theory study. Read 24 books in 2018 Pretty self explanatory! I'm going to at least partially work through Book Riot's Read Harder challenge to help expand my reading choices.
  2. So then. It has been a while. The last time I was on the Forum was over a year ago. A lot has happened since. Anyway, now that I have returned form my year living in Switzerland, I still feel the need to travel, and see new land. That and my bucket list are the reasons why I now have chosen to go on a journey and not just any old one, but a trip around the globe. This trip will start in three years, probably at the end of July 2017, and it will take me to countries such as Ireland, France, China, Australia, Chile, Ecuador, Brasil and the USA. It is in nature similar to the one Steve did. Not only will this thread show my progress in preparing for it, but it is also asks the readers of it to give advise and help. Help I need mostly in understanding and finding a flying miles (living in Estonia I have not heard there is one, so if you live nearby and know about any, please say). Also, I'd like to know the cheapest ways of transport and living in those countries or in general, because I probably won't have a large budget. Thirdly, can anyone recommend places to visit in the mentioned countries. I'm more interested in nature and landscapes than in cities. This is a really big project and it will take me a lot of time to prepare so any advise given will be appreciated.
  3. Finally recovered enough to come in and say that I successfully biked the C and O Canal Towpath and the Great Allegheny Passage (plus some odds and ends in D.C.) for a total of 354.6 miles over the course of a week! We went the so called "hard way" by doing the 23 mile 1800ft climb from Cumberland to the Eastern Continental Divide, and it felt like a freaking huge achievement. Will post pics later of my loadout and such. If I had to do it again, I think I'd try to change around my meals a bit because I did all big hearty meals like I do for my hiking trips. On top of that, I carried extra water because being my first time on that trail I didn't want to risk being without. Those two things added so much weight, plus most people do a bed and breakfast every night and we camped, so I had the gear for that too. Still, I definitely loved it and if anyone on here does any bit of cycling and hasn't done some kind of long distance yet, I'd definitely say try it!
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