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Found 2 results

  1. Hello peeps, I am so pleased to have found this forum and you lovely lot! I was having a bit of a random google of things yesterday morning, you know, like "absolute beginners guide to doing some exercise" and "is drinking vast quantities of wine REALLY bad for you?" and somehow managed to stumble across Nerd Fitness. Happy days, it struck a chord with me, and now I'm all motivated and eager So, about me! I live in the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus though I'm thoroughly English; my vices are wine, haribo and cheese. I love to cook, I love to read, and I have in the past spent far more time than is healthy playing in Second Life. I've been overweight for all of my adult life, fluctuating from between 168lb to 220lb at my heaviest. When I first moved here I lost a few pounds purely from the change in diet and no longer having a car to get around, then a brief spell in hospital last year had me accidentally drop two stone. My overall quest for the next 12 months is - lose the remaining 21lb, get fit and tone up where I have already lost weight. We eat pretty well out here, takeaways are rare and if I suggest eating fried chicken (another vice!) to my other half he looks at me in horror. He's a bit of a gym freak and very very conscious of what he eats; days he's not at work I cook three to four full meals from scratch, days he does work it's only breakfast and dinner... If anyone is interested in recipes please squeal, I can talk about food all day long and there's pretty much nothing I won't try cooking! Anyway, apologies I'm waffling on (I have tax returns to do and I'm trying to avoid it...). The things I've picked for this challenge are: Diet Cut out added sugar - Cakes (I bake a lot for my step-son), haribo and sugar in coffee Reduce the wine - Cut it down to three nights per week instead of seven! Fitness Walk the coastal path to the beach and back at least 5 x per week (about 3.5km) LUYL Get into a proper work routine - I work from home and it's far too easy to become distracted! So I guess I've probably posted this a bit early but I reckon that I have a lot to do before I start in earnest on the first... clearing out the cupboards of Christmas food for starters! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is doing *Hugs* Mabs
  2. On Monday, my trainer decided to set me a target (which is good, I need something to work towards). That target is the Spartan Sprint in Sussex this August. For those of you who don't know what that is, here is the website and here is a video of the 2013 course. Pretty gruelling right? That video is of the sprint, which is the least gruelling of the three. Basically, I guess I want some advice from anyone who has done anything like this before, I've got roughly 7 months to prepare as it is at the end of August, I am starting the C25K program to make sure I can cover 5km without passing out, but any other advice on what sort of training I should be doing? Any help will be most welcome!
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