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  1. Hey there, my hubby and I both have Samsung Galaxy phones (3 for him 4 for me). I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good app for weight training? Like a virtual trainer and log in one. But customizable. Hubby works 7 days on 7 days off at his job with 12 hour shifts so every other week I will be going it alone at the gym. I don't mind paying for a good app. Is JeFit worth the $6.99 or is there another one worth checking out? I'm asking here because ALL the apps seem to be rated nearly 5 stars. So there's nothing to really differentiate between them for me.
  2. Does this happen to anybody else? I fast twice a week for 24 hours, from after dinner the previous night to dinner on my fast day. Usually on these days I only do morning cardio, but now I'm ramping up and adding a weight routine in the afternoon. After 20 or 25 minutes working out I feel like Gumby; not normal tired, but weak. Really wrung out. Has anybody had this experience? Should I break my fast before working out? I hope I didn't break something important ;-P Thanks, Barfly
  3. I'm feeling a lot less like a noob now, but I do have a very important question I wanted to ask of you more experienced and lovely people. On days when I don't go to the gym, I make do with what I have at home. I do body weight squats, push ups, planks, and things like that. I can't do incline pull ups because of my right hand (flexor tendinitis, had surgery twice), but I do make sure to do assisted pull ups at the gym where the machine has a much better grip on it. At home, my heaviest dumbbell is 10 lbs (in the past I never got much farther past needing it), and already I'm able to tell that it's getting to be too light and I only get a benefit with adding reps and/or sets. My question is this: I'm going to be adding another gym day and was wondering if instead of the usual 3x15 I feel anything from with the 10 lb weights, would it be advisable to switch to the 5x5 with 20 lb weights for my rows and curls? On a positive note, before I could only do 5 second planks, but now I'm up to 10 on a bad day and 15 on a good day and about ready to get rid of the ball for my push ups.
  4. My name is Tory, Disco_Inferno, and this is my first challenge. I have always been active, I am a ski instructor for a living and love being outside. I am looking to keep active consistently during this challenge because I tend to go through phases of activity and inactivity based on where I am and my access to sports or gyms. So my overall goal is consistency. Goal 1: Diet Folow my ALCAT (food sensitivity blood test results) list of foods closely. This includes a primarily Paleo diet with no gluten or dairy. Although it has more specifics as well that include a range of other seemingly random items. - Learn to use my new juicer and have a fresh vegetable juice at least 4X a week. Goal 2: Exercise - Workout intensely at least 3X times a week... Meaning a combination of running more than 2 miles, weight training, squats, pushups, swimming more than a mile or the like. - Workout less intensely 3X a week... Meaning yoga, stretching, bike rides, or walks. Enjoy being outside in a slightly active capacity for at least an hour each day. Goal 3: Sports Learn to wake surf. After a vacation to Costa Rica to learn how to surf last month I want to continue 'surfing' on Lake Michigan as summer starts. Goal 4: Personal Successfully learn basic programming through the free site Codeacademy.com . Keep up with reading and grad school prep, but primarily set aside at least 3 hours a week to practice basic coding with Codeacademy.
  5. Okay here goes for my first challenge. Me: Gary Weight: 193 Height: 72" Body Fat %: (Waiting for my body fat caliper to come in the mail.) Goal 1 - 3 sets of 130lb bench press 15 reps each (5 STR) 45 pts. I was going to do 100lbs because I have only done body weight training for the past 5 years, but when I got set up with my bench it was too easy. Goal 2 - 5k in 24 minutes. (2 DEX 1 STA) 24 pts. I'll be using my music and the Zombies, Run! app to track this one and for a bit of fun running from zombies and looking like a fool in my neighborhood. XD Goal 3 - PALEO PALEO PALEO (2 CHA 2 CON 1 WIS) 42 pts. Paleo, that is all. Goal 4 - No more Dr. Pepper. (2 CON) 42 pts. Yea, it does go with the no paleo thing, but honestly this could have been the WHOLE challenge for me. I literally chain drink Dr. Pepper all day (like 4 liters I'm not hyperbowling over here {Woah, hyperbowling! That'd be a good name for a really plain bowling alley! Where my grammar heads at? Ah, but I digress.}) Ok, so this is my first challenge. I will try to update often, seeing as I work nights and has interwebs.
  6. This is challenge is part of a larger mission to do unassisted pull-ups and I've come to realize the only way to do that is to get STRONGER and lose WEIGHT. So this challenge has two goals. Do not consume junk food or simple carbs (white bread, pasta) Monday through Friday for the duration of the challenge. Do inverted rows at 45 degree angle or lower for 3 sets of 8 reps.I will post updates on the progress of my mission.
  7. Good-evening, Nerd Challengers - my name is Christopher J. Buchko and I am a full-time student working towards becoming a Police Officer for the Clackamas County Sheriff's Department in Clackamas, Oregon. As part of my own prerequisite to carrying a shield I have begun some relatively extensive weight-training and dietary changes to better prepare my body for the physical challenges as an officer. My wife is a frequenter of this site and has recently signed up for her own 6 Week Challenge (also starting tomorrow); her enthusiasm for the project was passed on to me and I have decided to embrace this effort with excitement and eager dedication. MR. BUCHKO'S SIX-WEEK CHALLENGE - LIFESTYLE AND FITNESS GOALS Lifestyle Goal: Extinguish my 15-year-long smoking habit. Additional Lifestyle Goal: Cut out carbonated beverages completely. Additional Lifestyle Goal: Cut out overly-sugared sweets and deserts. Fitness Goal #1: Attend StrengthFit Cross-Training for sessions 2x a week. Fitness Goal #2: Achieve well-defined muscles in both arms and abdomen. Fitness Goal #3: Pack on a MINIMUM of 5-lbs of solid muscle. I understand that I am attempting more "Lifestyle Goals" than was required (or is recommended), but as I explained to my friends and family, I need to make these changes, I need to make them immediately, and... frankly, if I'm going to suffer through withdrawals and cravings, I'd much rather suffer all at once. Here we go... wish me luck.
  8. Hello to all at NerdFitness, my first reaction to finding this site is; why didn't I find this site sooner?! I'm a 24yo guy from Bristol UK, frequently practicing running, swimming, climbing, cycling, strength training, sprinting, bodyweight exercise, gymnastics, and circus skills, in no particular order. And like many of you, totally addicted to video games, films, and all nerdy goodness. Currently in good to v. good shape with goals of improving further, mostly reducing BF% and increasing lean muscle mass. I want to reach my absolute peak before I'm out of my 20s and priorities can "change", hah! If you're in Bristol and are reading this, PM me or reply, I don't bite Look forward to getting and giving some rockin fitness tips with you guys. -Jake
  9. I was unsure as to which profession to choose, and thus I'll start out as an Adventurer. I am a Druid by circumstance (I live in a lacto-ovo-pescie household and enjoy flexibility training and meditation)When I grow up, I want to be a Ranger: functional strength and adaptability are very important in my job. I'm an archaeologist (though currently reskilling and thus mostly deskbound and studious) where my days are divided between report writing, long-distance walking for field survey, and days where I get to shovel out medieval ditch fill.I live five minutes' walk from my university gym and have super-cheap student membership for the year, so I've decided to make use of their resources. For the last three months I've gone to the gym 3 - 4 days/wk, including 1 day strength, 1 day flexibility, 1 day cardio. I also dance 1 - 2 nights per week and walk for about an hour per day as my commute. I'm happy with my results so far (improved muscle tone and stamina, and a small amount of weight loss) but I'd like to level up. GOALS: 1) Level up strength training: shift to 2 days/wk and move from machines to free weights. 2) Level up cardio: start doing intervals. I'm best in a class context, so I've decided on AT LEAST 1xspin class/wk. Ideally I'll go to two, or 1xspin + 1xDIY intervals while jogging or swimming. 3) Level up diet: I can't do paleo as my housemates (who also feed me!) would implode so I'll aim for 70% primal. This means following the guidelines here: http://www.stumptuous.com/how-to-go-primal-without-really-trying, with an emphasis on oily fish, eggs and fermented things, plus heaps of veges. 4) Fitness goal: 15 full press-ups. (I can currently do 5).
  10. My measurements: Height: 185 cm Weight: 94 kg Bust: 102 cm Waist: 83 cm Hips: 120 cm Thighs: 112 cm Thigh: 70 cm Calf: 39 cm Upper arms: 33 cm My goals: eat 90% lchf (paleo) - food is my biggest problem (STR - 2, STA - 2) eat 3 meals a day - no snacking in between (STA - 2, CON - 2) do 5-min yoga every morning (STR - 1, DEX - 2, CON - 1) read a book (WIS - 3) I already go to the gym (weight lifting) 3 times a week and dance (cardio+streching) 2 times a week.
  11. hi everyone! i'm new here, although i've been reading some of these articles for the past two months. my problem is that i've gotten bored and unmotivated when it comes to my workouts. i work out 6 times a week, monday-friday twice a day, and once on saturday. i do an hour in the morning (monday, wednesday, friday are run days, tuesdays are climbing drills and thursdays are muscle failure) and then typically an hour and a half in the evening. i don't feel good after i work out anymore; i feel a bit frustrated. every time i do a work out i push myself to the point of shaking, but it just doesn't feel enough. i don't really know how to explain it. a typical week looks like this: monday morning, interval running (60-120s): 60 seconds of sprinting, 120 seconds of walking. usually 8-10 times. monday evening i go to the gym. usually i do ab work outs (planks for a minute thirty seconds, leg raises, flutter kicks, etc.) and squats with two 25 lb weights. i do 3 sets of 25. mix in a ton of stretching through out that, along with leg lifts (3 sets of 35) tuesday morning, climbing drills (straight arm hangs, heel hooks, assisted pull ups, leg tucks) 1 set with 7 reps, and then 2 minutes of dips. once that is done typically two minutes of push ups and 2 minutes of sit ups. tuesday evening at the gym, bent over rows with 45 lbs (5 sets of 10), 20 regular push ups, 20 one arm elevated push up (where one hand is on a medicine ball, about a foot higher than the other hand), 90 second plank, 30 second side planks. wednesday morning, 2 mile run. wednesday evening, leg lifts, flutter kicks, scissors, walking lunges with two 25 lb weights (3 sets of 10), squats with 25 lbs (3 sets of 20) and two more sets of the leg raises (20 scissors, 10 leg lifts, 20 flutter kicks). thursday morning, muscle failure. 4 minutes of push ups and sit ups, 15 eight count push ups, 20 squat jumps, 2 minutes of v- ups, 15 mountain climbers. thursday evening: same as tuesday evening. friday morning: 45 minutes of jogging + sprinting and 20 seconds of jogging backwards. friday evening: wednesday on repeat. saturday: a mix of tuesday evening and wednesday evening. sunday is my day off. mix in 45 minutes of racquetball after every evening work out. i take two supplements, a pre-work out and post-work out (pre work out is C4, post work out is a whey protein shake). i haven't been taking much C4 merely because i hate how insane i go when my face starts to itch. but my work out doesn't seem to be doing the right things. as i said, my body feels shaky and empty... but it doesn't seem enough. i don't feel satisfied and 100% spent when i leave the gym. i want to feel like there's no way i could possibly do one more thing. any suggestions? i would really appreciate it!
  12. Jambo!!! First of all, any other Kenyans here? It would be so cool to set up a Kenyan NF meet up soon. Second, I live in Kenya. I'm 29 years old, a project management professional, a makeup artist in my spare time, and an avid reader. Third, 2013 is the year when I let go of all my excuses. So here are my fitness goals: - 2013 Goals: Participate in at least 6 six-week NF challenges Complete one Insanity Fitness 2-month challengeLose a minimum of 20lbs and get my flat tummy backEat healthy 6 days per week, with one cheat day each weekRemain accountable to the NF community100 pushups in a row100 situps in a row300 squats in a row5 pull-ups in a row2-minute plankDrink at least 2L of water each day (or more)Wheatgrass every day (does wonders for energy levels and red-blood cell formation)1st 6-week Challenge- January 7- February 18, 2013 (thanks @Laureleye for pointing out that these need to be captured): Fitness Goals Lose 7 lbs (*scream*) Perform the Rebel Fitness Guide Level 1 Rookie workouts for 6 weeks (I tend to want to hurry things along- I'm teaching myself patience) At least 20 pushups in a row Life GoalJournal at least three times per week, for the next 6 weeks. Bring on 2013!!!
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