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  1. During the war between elves and dragons, the matriarch of House Vol sought to make peace between the two races by combining the blood of both. The result was her daughter Erandis Vol, whose father was a green dragon. House Vol achieved its objective of peace though at their own bloodline's expense as the dragons and elves allied with one another under the goal of killing Erandis Vol, the entire Vol bloodline, and the mark of death. Eventually every member of the House of Vol was destroyed along with Erandis, but the other Elven houses that had aligned themselves with House Vol were spared the same fate and were instead cast out of Aerenal. These banished elves kept their faith and spread the religion to Khorvaire. Week 1 of this challenge begins immediately after my push/pull meet and, as is fairly typical when peaking for PL, I'm dying for more volume and conditioning. Once the meet is out of the way, I'll go back to 531, but with the following volume-happy tweaks: Including BBB again - For time's sake and to ensure I keep the weight at a higher 75-85%, I'll be sticking with the 5x5 version, and starting back at 75% this month with DL and squat BBB sets performed on the opposite day so as to work heavy DL and squat twice a week. Bench days just be benchy. Including deload weeks again - My work capacity at +80% suffered without these over the past few months so the four weeks working sets will look like 1) none (just BBB); 2) 3x5 85%; 3) 3x3 90% 4) 1xAMRAP 95% Circuit Conditioning as last priority - between the high volume/light weight bodyweight work and front squats, I like these and my hips like these and my erector spinea like these and my shoulders like these and my heart like these. I'm not dropping them, not for love or money, but I'm moving them to last place in the priority list. They've been supplanting heavier volume work and that's not been good for my <10 rep endurance. A good training session will have time for 2-3 cycles of high rep work, but as the finishing touch, not so much the main focus. I'm not a xfit whoreface like @Br0din. Outside of the gym, I'm going to spend August focusing on puppy training, smoking, meditating, and writing.
  2. Things I'm going to continue building on: 1: Continue to get my workout back in order. Last challenge I changed to order of my work out order and I like it. I'm doing a modified 5-3-1 with emphasis on Bench and front squats. I've changed the order of my workout so I do squats/legs on day 2 and DL/back on day 3. This has reduced my back fatigue/pain in the week I've done it. And for those who know 5-3-1, I'm doing OHP on bench day. Not trying to get super strong in OHP, just build strong looking shoulders. Plan: A. Continue to lift and maybe think (this went well last challenge, I'm at my strongest again) about taking a 2nd rest day during the week (new.) B. More abs. Do 15 min abs workout 4-5 times a week. Abs help carrying load barring equipment into battle. (this is going well.) C. Conditioning. I need to improve my conditioning a bit. So, I'll do some type of sprints, rows or horizontal cardio 3 times a week or go snowboarding for the day. Everyone knows you can't kill frost giants all day long... if you can't last all day long. (this didn't go as well as I wanted, lots of room to improve. Actually go snowboarding twice this month. This time I mean it.) C1. Also, Since I got my promotion last summer and was moved to a first floor building, I realized that I'm missing the stairs in my life. Therefore, all bathroom/water breaks will be done on the 3rd floor (highest floor of my building.) Cause stairs are good. (this did go well.) D. (New) start doing Yoga. I have a reduced pass for a week at 2 places. I need to check them out and strech out my Glutes and Traps/Rhoms. Yoga days don't need to be double up with a heavy lifting day. I can step away from the gym to stretch... (this did go well.) 2: I got fat(ter). I hit over 240lbs a couple of times (I was 212 in OCT) and I'm measured the highest I have ever measured on the waist. This is unacceptable. a. Track all the foods. (didn't go that well) b. Be less fat. Using the Marine body fat test, I'm 21% BF with 50lbs of fat and a LBM of 186lbs. So, losing the 25lbs I gained will quickly fix the problem that I don't fit inside my armor. (I lost 12lbs, 2 inches off waist and at 17% bf over 1st challenge, made no change for the next 6 weeks.) c. (new) reduce sugar intake. My wife did the whole 30 for a month last year and she really liked it and I really liked the foods, even though I didn't want to fully participate. Mainly, I didn't want to give up my whey. This year, I'm interested in trying the whole 30, but the wife isn't, (food is really expensive.) So, I'm not going to do the whole 30, but I'm going to read the book and incorporate as many principles into my nutrition as I can. This will be hard to track. (Need to do better) 3. Ragnarok will require proper defensive positions and weapons. So, I need to build proper defensive positions (I.e that shed Mrs. B wants me to finish.) Then I will train with my new Sword (in the Romeo and Juliet sense (no, the Leo/Clare one!)) I did finish the shed and cleared out most of my garage and I did get to the gun range once. Things I want to do this month to improve my defensive positions: A: Sell my Army uniforms. I found a surplus guy, we coordinated to meet, but he had to cancel, I need to follow up and sell it. I think I can get about $2000 for them. (Reseller isn't returning my emails now, I'll attempt one more time then find a new one.) B: Clean out my garage fully. Move the rest of the stuff out of my garage into the shed, then sweep and clean out the garage. C: Clean out computer room and move stuff to the garage, shed or good will. Build racks in the Garage to mount my snowboards. D: Buy a carry case for my 1903 Springfield and then take it to a gun smith to ensure that its serviceable (pending the money from my uniforms.) (Big bonus this year, mostly spend already on other things, but I should be able to get this.) 4. Lastly, I've not been around the forum like I should be, so (Doing better, but can always do better.)
  3. As I never did a closing post for the last challenge, I'll both close this one out and start the next one. Things I'm going to continue building on: 1: Continue to get my workout back in order. Last challenge I changed to order of my work out order and I like it. I'm doing a modified 5-3-1 with emphasis on Bench and front squats. I've changed the order of my workout so I do squats/legs on day 2 and DL/back on day 3. This has reduced my back fatigue/pain in the week I've done it. And for those who know 5-3-1, I'm doing OHP on bench day. Not trying to get super strong in OHP, just build strong looking shoulders. Plan: A. Continue to lift and maybe think (this went well last challenge, I'm at my strongest again) about taking a 2nd rest day during the week (new.) B. More abs. Do 15 min abs workout 4-5 times a week. Abs help carrying load barring equipment into battle. (this went alright, I got about 2-4 core sessions a week.) C. Conditioning. I need to improve my conditioning a bit. So, I'll do some type of sprints, rows or horizontal cardio 3 times a week or go snowboarding for the day. Everyone knows you can't kill frost giants all day long... if you can't last all day long. (this didn't go as well as I wanted, lots of room to improve. Actually go snowboarding twice this month.) C1. Also, Since I got my promotion last summer and was moved to a first floor building, I realized that I'm missing the stairs in my life. Therefore, all bathroom/water breaks will be done on the 3rd floor (highest floor of my building.) Cause stairs are good. (this did go well.) D. (New) start doing Yoga. I have a reduced pass for a week at 2 places. I need to check them out and strech out my Glutes and Traps/Rhoms. Yoga days don't need to be double up with a heavy lifting day. I can step away from the gym to stretch... 2: I got fat(ter). I hit over 240lbs a couple of times (I was 212 in OCT) and I'm measured the highest I have ever measured on the waist. This is unacceptable. a. Track all the foods. (did good for 3/4 weeks) b. Be less fat. Using the Marine body fat test, I'm 21% BF with 50lbs of fat and a LBM of 186lbs. So, losing the 25lbs I gained will quickly fix the problem that I don't fit inside my armor. (I lost 12lbs, 2 inches off waist and at 17% bf over last challenge, need to keep this up.) Also, I've been called out in bf% PVP, so I have to destroy me some up and comers and get back to being this guy: c. (new) reduce sugar intake. My wife did the whole 30 for a month last year and she really liked it and I really liked the foods, even though I didn't want to fully participate. Mainly, I didn't want to give up my whey. This year, I'm interested in trying the whole 30, but the wife isn't, (food is really expensive.) So, I'm not going to do the whole 30, but I'm going to read the book and incorporate as many principles into my nutrition as I can. This will be hard to track. 3. Ragnarok will require proper defensive positions and weapons. So, I need to build proper defensive positions (I.e that shed Mrs. B wants me to finish.) Then I will train with my new Sword (in the Romeo and Juliet sense (no, the Leo/Clare one!)) I did finish the shed and cleared out most of my garage and I did get to the gun range once. Things I want to do this month to improve my defensive positions: A: Sell my Army uniforms. I found a surplus guy, we coordinated to meet, but he had to cancel, I need to follow up and sell it. I think I can get about $2000 for them. B: Clean out my garage fully. Move the rest of the stuff out of my garage into the shed, then sweep and clean out the garage. C: Clean out computer room and move stuff to the garage, shed or good will. Build racks in the Garage to mount my snowboards. D: Buy a carry case for my 1903 Springfield and then take it to a gun smith to ensure that its serviceable (pending the money from my uniforms.) 4. Lastly, I've not been around the forum like I should be, so (this went better last month, I'll continue on with this.)
  4. After a packed holiday season, including 1rm testing to find opening numbers (fueled by Christmas cookies of course), my first competition is 27 days away. This challenge will entail me posting battle log style updates for my last normal training week (2nd-6th), overload week (9th-13th), taper week (16th-20th), liiiight week (23rd-25th) and comp day (28th). Outside of slinging iron, I'll be blerping (exciting new verb) on weekly chiro visits and yoga classes, and daily Mint/MFP/Duolingo/Meditation/yoga practice. There could be check boxes, stay tuned. Less quantifiable output will be ramblings on books, recipes, cracked philosophy, and puppy pictures.
  5. I have returned to return to my awesomeness. During my Br0din sleep, I had injured my lower trap, got sick, went on vacation them went through the holidays. ...and I got fat and fat Warriors won't do well when Ragnarok comes around. rare before photo: and rare after photo: Therefore, I have to get the basics back into order and start new things! 1: Get my workout back in order. I'm doing a modified 5-3-1 with emphasis on Bench and front squats. I've changed the order of my workout so I do squats/legs on day 2 and DL/back on day 3. This has reduced my back fatigue/pain in the week I've done it. I'm not lifting my deadlifts on a scheduled plan, just going to do 4-5 sets of 5 to work my back, glutes and hammies. And for those who know 5-3-1, I'm doing OHP on bench day. Not trying to get super strong in OHP, just build strong looking shoulders. Plan: A. Continue to lift and regain strength and get stronger because strong people crush weak people in battle. B. More abs. Do 15 min abs workout 4-5 times a week. Abs help carrying load barring equipment into battle C. Conditioning. I need to improve my conditioning a bit. So, I'll do some type of sprints, rows or horizontal cardio 3 times a week or go snowboarding for the day. Everyone knows you can't kill frost giants all day long... if you can't last all day long. C1. Also, Since I got my promotion last summer and was moved to a first floor building, I realized that I'm missing the stairs in my life. Therefore, all bathroom/water breaks will be done on the 3rd floor (highest floor of my building.) Cause stairs are good. 2: I got fat(ter). I hit over 240lbs a couple of times (I was 212 in OCT) and I'm measured the highest I have ever measured on the waist. This is unacceptable. a. Track all the foods. b. Be less fat. Using the Marine body fat test, I'm 21% BF with 50lbs of fat and a LBM of 186lbs. So, losing the 25lbs I gained will quickly fix the problem that I don't fit inside my armor. Also, I've been called out in bf% PVP, so I have to destroy me some up and comers and get back to being this guy: 3. Ragnarok will require proper defensive positions and weapons. So, I need to build proper defensive positions (I.e that shed Mrs. B wants me to finish.) Then I will train with my new Sword (in the Romeo and Juliet sense (no, the Leo/Clare one!)) But first I need to prepare my sword for battle like buying sights for it and paint it "tacticool." But do I got Multicam or black and white stormtrooper? or The more I look at it, the black and white is freaking cool looking. But before I paint it, I need sights and have my sling mount put on it. 4. Lastly, I've not been around the forum like I should be, so
  6. *Trigger warning: this post contains imagery and concepts that can be disturbing to heavy lifters – calorie deficits, sets with more than five reps, and cultivating inner calm. Care – with the holidays doubling down on normal stress and getting settled into a routine after all the moving; self care is a priority this season. I’ll be yammering about daily care activities like meditation, quality sleep, and mobility; weekly chiropractic visits and the occasional leisurely smoke. There may be high handed criticism of the odd novel or two that I’m reading. Who can know? Cultivation (of the self) – instead of being an awkward synonym for self-development, chosen to allow an alliteration of c-words (okay, mostly that), I’ll be posting about my efforts to cultivate and explore some fledgling interests including dog training (I have a tiny dog with massive dreams), German practice, creative writing, and a non-fiction reading list that’s been kicking my butt lately with the move these past weeks. Wendler’s 5-3-1 is first on the list, but some fun historical criticism theology, and post-structuralist philosophy is in there too. Conditioning – short on time, as always, I’d barely managed to make room for main lifts + accessories this last month, but now with a more stable schedule, I’m chasing the golden snitch of conditioning again. Circuits, sprints and other non-warrior stuff will get talked about here; and any lucky followers get to hear me complain about it. Daily MFP logging (same username as here) with initial CI target of 2000/2200 gross for rest day/gym day, 200g of protein and <=100g carbs. A few parties are on the schedule and I’ll aim for moderation, but we all know it’ll be a caloric reenactment of the red wedding - I’m okay with that.
  7. Bros and SwoleMaidens, I conquered a kingdom and partook in too my festivals in my honor... and now I'm fat(ter). Its time to get back to work and make Br0din great again with this easy to list 4 step method: 1: Stop eating like an asshole. No more if it fits into my mouth. It must fit my macros, it must be counted. 2: Start lifting again. I have (what I think is) server tendinitis in my right elbow and forearm. Drugs and REST didn't help, so PT it is, starting tomorrow. So, lots of legs until I'm cleared to lift upper body. *(may have to reevaluate this after PT session.) 3: restart my abs exercises. I'm become lazy with my back PT because of time. Stop it. start doing abs. 4: Be awesome and spread my awesome to others. Same rules as past challenges, no need to restate them.
  8. That's it. I"m getting my shit together. I've lost my way and not been disciplined like I want to be. So, I got some simple things to get me to my goals. 1. Track everything. cyclying between 1a: 3 weeks eating at 1800-1900 cals 1b: 1 week of 2500 cals (and don't eat all the extra cals for dinner.) 1c: put down the beer and wine. 2. Get to 205lbs. 3. Post daily on my thread. don't worry about putting cool gifs in my posts, just post. 4. Create a challenge for the Warriors this cycle. Here is an update since the last time I've challenged Good: I've been doing great to sticking to 5-3-1. I found a new app that does the plate math and tracks sets preformed vs failed. I've been getting stronger and just missed a 5lbs pr for my bench in the last VPL comp and almost getting a set PR every week. Bad: I've sucked at tracking foods, I would track breakfast, lunch and snacks... but fail to track dinner. I've been in recomp/slight bulk for too long. And got fat(ter) I keep drinking the beer and wine... then get hung over and can't lift the next day... or I have to heavily medicate to be functional. But enough about me, lets talk about you too! Since I'm obviously struggling at taking care of my own thread, I'm really not making time for others. So feel free to bring your PR's, success, failures and dramas in here.
  9. Bro's and Swolemaidens, Its been too long. And I need to awaken from my Br0din sleep. When you last saw your lifting god in action, I was adjusting to a new boss, new work internet restrictions and figuring out tapatalk (why do I keep getting unsubscribed from treads!!!!) In the last 6 weeks: 1. supported the wife in her whole 30 quest. Cooking was fun, food tasty, but I stalled my weight loss cause I didn't count cals, because I didn't want to stress her out. Turns out she didn't whole 30 almost perfectly. 2. A coworker past away. Being the good guy I am, I volunteered to come in to work 2 hours earlier (that's 4AM now) to help cover his shift until new people can be hired and trained. 3. A manager asked me if I was interested in a position that he was trying to hire for the last 3 months. I think I'm a shoe in for it, but patience is a virtue. 4. 5-3-1 has been very successful for my bench strength. I don't mean to brag, but I got new PR's of 5@290lbs and 3@315. So, now to the future. 1. Count all the cals so I can get down to 205. (today, I'm at 217.4, but was at 212 10 days ago) 2. Continue 5-3-1 for bench. Be awesome. 3. Get Tan. stop looking like this: and start looking like this: So, shirt off tanning oil on, and play my stupid phone game out in the sun. 4. troll @Flex Luthor as every opportunity presents itself. 5. get sleep, don't be afraid to take a day off from the gym Yeah, your right. Sleep when your dead. Gym now.
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