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  1. Continuation of a theme...recap from prior So the big goal is still this... Lose 50 lbs (total) by October, 31st, that's 5 lbs a month January - Done! February - Done! March - Done! April - Done May - In progress, probably not going to be 5 lbs though The Plan.... 1. Three interval runs, and one strength training a week. Make one of these runs outside when possible. Non-game days only, game days give me at least 10,000 steps and at least 20 flights of stairs 2. Continue making the 24 hour plan, eat on plan when hungry, stop when full. 3. Three times a week (at least) take time for me, this can be journaling, crocheting, or time to read That's it, continuing to keep it simple because it's working! Other than this I feel like I'm living in a twilight zone episode, I have no other explanation for someone who tells me that they want things to work out, knows that they won't because she can't meet my needs, then acts like nothing is wrong I have taken some steps towards some goals to reach before the big birthday, I want to run (not walk) a 5K, and complete a 10K. Signed up for both of these the other day, the 5k is on September 28th and the 10k is on October 26th. Which should give ample time after season to get my ass in shape...actually my ass is not the problem, it's the rest of me...the ass looks pretty decent I've been told Final note, has anyone seen my missing twin @T2sarahconnor? Their first doctor appointment is next Thursday, it looks like I'm going to be a grandma
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