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    • start weight 4/6 : 233.7 18/6 : 234.7  26/6 : 235.5   had family  down on holiday, which included a birthday party this week so much cake and barbecue was eaten. Also on fun meds right now that hate my normal meds, so yay. Drug interactions city. Mix in shark week and i am kind of screwed. So am glad its not more to be honest
    • I know, so weird. Its very clear i rest weight on my left leg much more than my right 
    • Panel discussion sounds really cool. What a great topic.    hope the inversion means the sculpture prints better for you 🤞
    • Congratulations!! I hope you feel great in the morning! 💜
    • The comedown is something I experience as well after I finish and share a project I'm really satisfied with. Be gentle with yourself and recover. You'll be back into creative flow soon. 💜
    • I'm so glad you're okay!! 😳
    • Truck Porn Tuesday   XTREME TACTICAL TENDER - MAMMOTH   This brightly colored baby is a tactical tender. Usually a truck with a large water tank, used to shuttle water to areas that have no hydrants, a tactical tender can also perform some functions of a wildland engine. And this one has some great features!     Storage areas on the sides for tools and fittings, 2 wildland hose reels, heavy duty 4x4 chassis, and a sprayer mount on the front that allows it to "pump and roll" - for instance, driving along the edge of grass fire to stop its spread.     The red nozzle  on the bumper of the tactical tender is known as a "bumper turret"   At the 1:30 mark, this video shows how a cab-controlled bumper turret can be used for "pump and roll"      With its 1250 gallon tank and 200 gallon per minute pumping capacity, it can quickly refill the typical 300 gallon tanks on the highly mobile Type 6 brush trucks to keep them out on the fireline. A welcome sight when your little wildland truck's tank is getting low!    
    • Do what you can, you're just getting back into things after being ill. Ramp up as you can.    Your thoughts on building up a bank of mental images through drawing practice makes a lot of sense. I know your focus is on RPG characters on dragons (which sounds like a lot of fun!), but I've found nature journaling to be particularly helpful in building my ability to better "see" what is in front of me, as well as be able to capture details on paper. The focus isn't on drawing technique or artistry so much as to really training your powers of observation and ability to pick out details. There are some great links, exercises, and resources at wildwonder.org if you find that an interesting idea. It's also a great excuse/motivator to get out and hike. 
    • You're really doing well with getting more sleep - Congrats on the progress! 
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