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    • Hey Rookie! Here to cheer and get all the updates on your adventures. Bonus pics of the pups are always welcome too.  
    • Super fun set-up. May your coffers overfloweth with Argold.
    • It is definitely not enough. And it no longer matters how much someone else is infatuated with me, I am not responsible for their infatuation or returning their attention. That has been an issue a few times. 
    • Oh? My interest has been peaked.    Also I looked at the painting 👀 beautiful ❤️ 
    • Broody and Moody - I absolutely am. Thank you for that. ❤️    Believe me, I was making sounds too!   I think that is the primary benefit of checking in here regularly - the logging keeps me honest, but also serves as the archive and I am not always reliable in the memory department, but I am very good at documentation. 😅   I don’t know what I have done to welcome such incredible friendship, but same, Friend, same. ❤️ I am so grateful for you and the space you occupy in my life.    I have absolutely loved it. I felt like I would if I gave myself permission to commit to it. I wish it were powerlifting, but I will take this over doing nothing.  Yes, it is. *sigh*   Thank you! Yes, I was excited about the advent calendar. I freaking love advent calendars (probably because I am a December baby, so it was a countdown to my birthday *and* Christmas) so this was a great treat for me. It’s going to be a lot of work to get things painted, but it will be worth it.  Canada does do Thanksgiving, just much, much earlier than the US. Similar foods on offer though, although sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallows is a distinctly American thing and not really done up here unless it’s by American expats.  Yeah, I am not a super huge fan of this guest. They always come for far longer than I want them to and make my life awkward. But they are very close to Dave, so I need to deal. Last time they were here was right smack dab in the middle of our reintegration last time and oof, that was rough.    Yes. They wanted to arrive for Thanksgiving which would have been this past weekend and I said I wasn’t comfortable with that given that Dave was just getting home, so they delayed until into November. Much better I think. I hope it’s better this time around because last time was a doozy.    Teeny message to say love you back. ❤️     
    • I feel you and am in a similar rut. I call it my Age of Apathy. I'm struggling to find goals or hobbies that really excite me right now. I'm trying to "embrace the nothing". I'm trying to really appreciate the moments where I'm not doing much (even if I should be) and maximize the quality of that rest time to the fullest.   What sort of movement are you aiming for right now?
    • Should be mostly transparent to everyone. We've been self hosting for years, but we are moving to the Invision's servers (the forum software this runs on).  Their hosting handles a lot of the back-end updates and I think we will be more stable generally (though we've had an awesome track record of stability self hosting as well). My hope is also that it will help with some of the security and reduce the spam and bots a bit.   That would be Leo, our artist for the Journey App! The Journey team gifted this to me a few years ago for some of my adventure help. I love it so much!
    • You look great and thirding that those leggings are fabulous! I am trying to get better about taking gym selfies because I want the photo milestones. But I tend to post them to Facebook more than anything (I have the Villainy album there for such things). Another thing I am doing with you in spirit! ❤️ 
    • I am still trying to get out of my rut where I am perfectly content doing nothing (including my hobbies). Choosing 3 things to do a day proved to be quite helpful in the past so I would like to try it again.    1. Aim for 30 minutes of movement a day 2. Choose 3 things to do 5 days a week   
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