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    • I have a small bumblebee jasper that looks a bit like an eye, it’s wild. I love your pieces, so pretty! I am glad that you had such a great time at the festival and that you can rest and recover now. 
    • I just got my first bike since I was a teenager yesterday so maybe I will also experience the 5% slower than I actually want to be going frustrations as well.  Solidarity?    Thanks for the pictures!! 
    • I always love to see your garden photos. Thank you for watering the fawn, poor babe. 
    • You change whatever you need to change to make the challenge work for you. It’s yours to shape at will. We have your back.    Congrats on the date, I hope it is/was fun! Yay for kitten snuggles and pictures of the lake. I am proud of you working so hard. ❤️ 
    • Hi Darling,   Good stuff! I can’t wait to see what you can do with a bit more fuel, either! You’re rocking things!   Atomic Habits was a good book. I found it useful. 
    • History. I want boring times back. But yes, we're watching how Hitler rose to power in real time. Vote. Get everyone to go out and vote. And I really mean https://giphy.com/clips/hamlet-everyone-gary-oldman-leon-the-professional-ilASz8GjH3r1bNJOn3 Voter turnout is absolutely abysmal in this country. If absentee ballot is available? Use it. If not, make a plan to vote. Vote EARLY if you can. If you're not registered, REGISTER. But whatever you do - vote. Don't want Trump? DO NOT VOTE 3RD PARTY. This is NOT the year to skip or vote 3rd party to make a statement. 2016 wasn't either, but some did and that's how we ended up with Trump in the first place. If half the Green\Libertarians had voted Dem - OR a few more Dems in the right districts voted, we would never have had a Trump Presidency in the first place. The DNC underestimated how many people, including Dems HATED Hillary and it bit them BIG.
    • Hope you and Bronze both have some ease. Sending love. 
    • Ooh, maps! This is my jam! Yours look great, keep it up!
    • Just reading about the testing sounds so exhausting and overwhelming! I am so impressed that you are able to track and understand all of that *and* add the physical components as well! Way to go, Mistr!!!!! 
    • Sorry to have been away but I am caught up now!   Yay for seeing your friend and the baby, and for catching up with Mr Harriet in German. Well done. And extra awesome that the naked men proximity stress is plummeting! I hope no one gives you any reason to have concern. 
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