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    • Do what you can, you're just getting back into things after being ill. Ramp up as you can.    Your thoughts on building up a bank of mental images through drawing practice makes a lot of sense. I know your focus is on RPG characters on dragons (which sounds like a lot of fun!), but I've found nature journaling to be particularly helpful in building my ability to better "see" what is in front of me, as well as be able to capture details on paper. The focus isn't on drawing technique or artistry so much as to really training your powers of observation and ability to pick out details. There are some great links, exercises, and resources at wildwonder.org if you find that an interesting idea. It's also a great excuse/motivator to get out and hike. 
    • You're really doing well with getting more sleep - Congrats on the progress! 
    • I relate to the struggle over creativity. It's tough, but it's a great goal to have. Your idea of having a cue is good. Maybe along with your cue, add a little ritual that you do right after it to create some momentum and reinforce your intention - a prayer of thanks for the gift of creativity, a physical action that helps you get into a creative frame of mind, anything that feels right. I once read of a writer who would put on his red "writing socks" every time he sat down to write! 
    • I don't necessarily find it sad. I can't lift as heavy when my body is tired or unwell either, and it also just is what it is. A straight-forward fantasy novella or a low-stakes romance novel can still be very enjoyable to read. They can't all be Fahrenheit 451 or The Three Body Problem. And they don't need to be.  
    • Thanks. Solidarity.    Success! Enjoy it!    Yikes. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your recovery.    That looks interesting.   I keep hearing good things about that...   Well said. But sad 😞 Thanks for sharing. 
    • Health Bar (physical health) We went to a family tings, with food and gifts for all the sibling kids who have had birthdays recently, that we kept missing. The kids were dealing with the aftermaths of spring cold and lack of sleep, and the weather was hotter than was pleasant. My Stamina Bar and Mana Bar are now 100% drained and regenerating very slowly. Just do not have more in me today.   Stamina Bar (Resilience/Emotional Energy) Sheet mask and silence. Blessed, glorious, wonderful, silence.
    • Good call. And glad you're okay from that close call too!
    • I find it easier to activate my glutes with Romanian dead lifts than with "regular" ones. So I warm up with the Romanian ones.   Or the one-leg deadlifts. Those are very glute centric!
    • I forgot to mention; I'm doing decent in the delay before screens challenge. I'm not doing anything to track, it's more just a mindset. I do better when I don't try and track all the things (that just makes me want to rebel) The idea is more and more I will just choose other things before doom scrolling.   I was going to track my water today. I have a clear water bottle that has ounces marked that I used. Only I misplaced it somewhere today. But I have been drinking water   I went on a walk today with my friend, and then did some weeding in the garden. 
    • Good for you for stopping the bingeing. It is super hard. You are right there is no miracle approach. Persistence and just practice and learning from your mistakes is the best plan.   I did better when I slowly eased my calories up. I did have one dinner, and then my birthday where I just ate whenever. I was planning to go into deficit in July. But, when I think about it, I start feeling like I better eat all the stuff now, because I won't later. Maybe I'm better off just staying in maintenance.
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