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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. *stumbles in late* Sorry I've not been keeping up with all you fine folks, but to quote one of our greatest leaders, today is a good day. This round's on me; make them large ones!
  2. That day will come though. It won't be long until you've moved, and even if you have to stay with your friend briefly you'll soon be in a new place of your own. I wish I could help you get their more easily, but remember you have the light ahead. Unrelated: I'm stealing the word fustercluck, it's a good one
  3. There were some logical reasons that it made sense (closer to home, effectively better money when travel's considered, smaller company so less red tape), but ultimately when I imagined life in my new job that was the place I was imagining to be honest. Well if you ever find yourself in my part of the world then you are more than welcome to come hang out. I'm not sure my life's quite as exciting as all that though! Thank you guys!
  4. You look so relaxed and so damn cool in those photos, I love it. Plus, those legs, just wow! I'm the same with Critical Role - I can't just watch it in the background. Think my time on here actually suffers for it sometimes :s. Also, I Agree With Tank™
  5. No, I think you're doing pretty damn well without them! Thanks for the list!
  6. Week 1 - Monday - The Challenge Begins Brushed teeth Hayfever meds Ate pre-prepped breakfast Took the stairs Stairs again at lunch Checked in here Updated journal Accepted a job offer! On time all day Walked to the shop for groceries Set up Tuesday's journal Laid out work clothes Packed climbing kit Teeth brushed Hayfever meds Total: 15 points No workout as a post run recovery day. In hindsight I didn't feel particularly beat up so I probably could have made it to the gym, but maybe it's better I didn't. And in the evening I sent out an e-mail accepting one of the job offers! Can't believe I have a new job; I'm excited and very nervous all at once. Now sitting on a train to hand in my notice at the current job!
  7. Zero Week - Sunday Warrior Run! [+5] Encouraged Marathon Girl (MG) round the track, and helped her and others over obstacles On time all day Grocery shopping Prepped breakfasts [+2] For a total of 10 points. Warrior Run was excellent fun. I ran it with MG again, and we both noticed how much fitter we've got since October. Interestingly I'm stronger, faster and fatter now, which is an odd combination but still not terrible news! MG is a bit slower round the course than me, so I actually had quite a leisurely time between obstacles, just having fun, laughing and joking and not worrying about the time. The course starts off with a sheer drop into muddy water, and that pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the run. Over a few walls and across some fields you come to woodland, where you have to run through streams and use a dark, low tunnel under a major road. At a couple of points the streams, which are so dark with mud you can't see the bottom, suddenly drop from 1' deep to 5' deep! It's surprising, hilarious and scary all at once! You then wind back across the fields to the obstacle village, where most of the 50 major obstacles are situated. Highlights include hang tough rings made of small tyres (which I found the hardest thing - they kill your hands), the water slide (pictured above), incline to decline monkey bars, a overhang platform to climb on to, and finally the warped wall (pictured above). The only real disappointment this year was that they had taken about 2'6" off the top of the warped wall, so it was really just a quarter pipe. I flew up that with relative ease and having needed a rope assist last time I can't help wondering if I would have made the full height this time. All in all though, 7km done in a sedate 2 hours (ish), 50+ obstacles Rangered, and a great time had by all.
  8. Update - Zero Week - Saturday Up on time Brushed teeth Took hayfever meds Daily dare - 40 reverse plank leg raises - with EC [+2] Tried country dancing at my aunt's birthday party No caffeine after 4pm On time all day Laid out run clothes for the morning Total: 9 points Took a pre-run rest day, and spent all day at a charity snooker tournament. It was a nice day (though I didn't get very far) and all in aid of supporting a friend who's daughter has a type of epilepsy. In the evening I went to a barn dance for my aunt's 80th birthday, which was a laugh. All told a low scoring day due to general busyness.
  9. Thank you! I knew there was somewhere doing Dryrobes with race entry but I couldn't find it! Thanks for the info, I may have to upgrade from the dressing gown between now and Tough Mudder Excellent, good to have you! Aww, you're making me blush - I don't think anyone's ever called me a hunk before! Thank you <3 Hi! Good to have you, and thanks!
  10. I did not give this enough thought. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted!
  11. Thanks man! And that reminds me, for those who haven't seen these: Well basically I really want a Dryrobe, but I'm a cheapskate and they're mega expensive. So I thought a dressing gown would be great to keep me warm and to get changed in discreetly. Protip: The dressing gown will not stay closed when you tried to get inside it. Consider standing next to a hedge when using it and not in the middle of a crowd That's exactly what it is, obviously. I know, it's been a mad one! Hope your doing ok?
  12. No, it was probably the right choice I feel! Yeah, that should work, they'll never notice I'm sure. It was Sunday, and thank you Steal away! Or, if you want to join in right now, I'm going to run this as a little PvP for those interested. Thanks. I actually hadn't thought of it like that, but being here is a really important part of keeping me going. Guess I've taken it for granted but I really do love this place. Well I gave combo points for the morning and evening routines (which "conveniently" makes them add up to 5 and 10 points respectively), but I think if I make it too complicated I might just give up on it! Thanks! Hah, good man, thank you very much sir! ===== I need to tot up my points for the weekend and tell you all about it, so I'm off to do that now! In the meantime if you want to count your own points and make a PvP out of this (IIRC @Charlie_Quinn and @mr_willes were keen? But of course the more the merrier) get counting! Any self-care action, no matter how small, can count, plus I'm counting full workouts as 5 points each. I'll try and get a Google Sheet up tonight or tomorrow sometime so we can keep score.
  13. I'm really enjoying it. With 3+ hours per episode though and another 60 or so to watch it might take me a while to get there!
  14. I started watching it a few months ago (thanks to your and Puck's references on here), but I'm trying to watch it through from the start so I'm waaaay behind. Currently on ep 43 - "Return to Vasselheim" That weekend sounds brutal! Top work though, sounds like you really killed it! My condolences on the steak, that sounds awful.
  15. Zero Week - Thursday Woke up on time Ran. 1 mile slow, 4 fast, 1 slow. Total of 6.15 miles in 58:26 [+5] Stretched after my run Took hayfever meds Brushed teeth Had a job interview Took the stairs Updated the journal Checked in here Pull ups (5, 5, 4, 4, 4) Set out work clothes Set out gym kit No alcohol all day On time all day For a total score of 18. Was always going to be a lower scoring day as working a half day so out of routine and not taking a bag to work I couldn't take any food in. Food was actual garbage - Coco pops for breakfast, Burger King lunch, Dominos pizza dinner - blech! Also stayed up late watching critical role; man that show's addictive! Today I have crazy DOMS, like the "I can barely walk" kind. Tomorrow I will therefore do no workout, and hope to be at my best come Warrior Run on Sunday
  16. Thanks! To be honest I just wrote a CV and gave the hard work to a couple of recruitment consultants - it seems to have worked! Thanks! Woo! One's about a 45 minute drive, the other's like a 20 minute /walk/. Either way a lot better than what I have now! And thanks Wolfman, encouraging to hear it worked for you! That gif is perfect for that line! Go interview twins! Thank you!
  17. I knew what this theme was going to be the second I read the title! Love it! Think you've got a really solid plan for the month.
  18. Jarpool here! Distance feat: Run 20+ miles over this week Speed feat: Try hill sprints this week Recovery feat: Attempt meditation/mindfulness every day this week Ranger feat: Try something new
  19. Whew, caught up, it was difficult cumin through all the herb puns to get here. (apparently that's a cumin plant?) I've definitely grown up in a guess culture more than an ask culture (a bit of social awkwardness, a bit of Britishness I think), but I'm really fighting to ask more and guess less. It's amazing how often people say yes if you actually just ask the question (I realise your situation is not that simple, but just as a general point).
  20. Cheers, yeah that's a good idea. There will also be much reading of contracts and offer letters and whatnot to do. If you train enough you can definitely get there, there's a lot of 5-7k ones as an easier start up to the really hard stuff. I've only actually done one OCR, with my second next week. If you really want to be in awe I recommend starting with @Charlie_Quinn and @EricMN
  21. Actions/Day Scores for Wednesday: Took morning hayfever meds Pre-prepped breakfast on the train Checked in on here Got in the gym before work - This was squat day but it's deload week (it's been deload week for about a month with how rarely I've been getting in, planning to actually push through it now!). The DOMS are pretty strong still due to the break since last leg day. [+5] Stretched after my workout Ate a pre-prepped lunch Read the blog article about mindfulness and tried that for a few minutes (a busy street in London is not the best place to attempt this as a beginner, FYI!) Took the stairs Pre-prepped wrap on train Daily dare - 30 tuck jumps - with EC (on leg day - so mean!) [+2] Reasonably healthy dinner - puttanesca risotto with salmon To bed on time No alcohol all day Not late for anything all day For a total of 20 points. This is probably a more reasonable score to expect from an average day (particularly whilst there's still Easter chocolate in the house), but it still looks like I did quite a bit of stuff right .
  22. So I got a call this afternoon. That job I interviewed for this morning? I've got an offer from them too! All this time searching and then two offers in one day! I've got a massive decision to make over the net couple of days as to which leg of the trousers of time I walk down, but man I'm excited! Commercial insurance broking - not the most exciting sounding thing in the world but I enjoy it. I'm really not a city boy at all, much more comfortable in the country, so I'd never want to live in London. Currently I live in Sussex and commute in, but that commute /sucks/. Thank you! I hope they help me make the right call! Then again, in the absence of having a crystal ball I'll never actually know what could have been, so I guess I won't know if I've made the wrong one . Definitely, it's an excellent problem to have! Damn right I am! Cheers dude.
  23. YEAH, INTERVIEW TWINS, WOO! Thanks guys! Interview went pretty well I think, won't find out for definite until next week but they seemed pretty happy. And then when I got out of the interview I saw a missed call from the job I interviewed for last week. And they offered me a job!! So if I get offered both I'm gonna have a mega hard decision to make, but basically I should be handing in my notice to get out of London next week!
  24. Happy anniversary for tomorrow! Sounds like a great weekend you have planned!
  25. Tuesday and Wednesday in fact . Don't think the tuck jumps would have been too bad if it wasn't leg day! I'm in for silver. Mainly though I just want to stay with it for the whole challenge for once.
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