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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I'm not the only one who arrived via Wolfie's thread then?
  2. That is the most perfect caption in the history of anything.
  3. Congrats on the new hip! Sorry to hear you've got so much going on at the moment but looks like you're coping amazingly. Glad to see you back to rock this challenge.
  4. Thank you! That's sage advice I will! Yeah, just a casual half marathon OCR, who's counting . That is true, but then C_Q is The Machine! Thanks! Yeah, like I said, 4.5 ish... Thank you!
  5. This could definitely be a thing. I'm keen. Really? Is no-one going to take that comment out of context?
  6. Thanks man! And if you want to join that'd be pretty cool - you might just be the king of PvPs. Thanks man! Me too! And yes, it looks like race season has very much begun. I only have one this challenge though, you're on what, 3? Thank you! And that'd be cool, so try not to die this week and we can get on it! Hi, welcome! Will be good to have you here ===== News which I'm not sure if I've mentioned: I have another job interview tomorrow morning. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I mean, it should be fine, but also AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  7. Good luck for your interview tomorrow! You're gonna smash it! I'm worn out just looking at all your challenge goals (and catching up with 3 pages on thread (on week zero (how???))). Also, YOU NEED TO WATCH FIREFLY! Serenity not so much, but definitely Firefly. P.S. I <3 Nathan Fillion
  8. First test day, week 0 day 2, Tuesday. Things I did: Got up on time Went out to run, 3 speed miles with breaks for a total of about 5 miles (should have been closer to 6 but I cut the cool down mile short) [+5] Stretched after my run Updated journal Pre-prepared breakfast on the train took the stairs at work (my office is on the 8th floor) Had my pre-prepared lunch Went out at lunch, and took the stairs again when I got back Had pre-prepared wrap on the train home Did pullups: 5, 5, 4, 4, 4 Daily Dare - 20 sky diver push-ups, with EC [+2] Turned the TV off at 10(ish) Set up my journal for today put out work clothes packed gym kit brushed teeth took hayfever meds took other meds in bed before 10:30 Full evening routine about [+2] Had no caffeine all day was on time all day For a total of 29 points. In other news my right leg was giving me some issues on the run, and it's still a bit sore now. Leg day at the gym today but it's a fairly light one so we'll see how my body reacts to that.
  9. Hah, I'm sorry! That doesn't sound like a very useful trick to be honest! I just know that 5km is about 3mi, so 10km must be about 6mi, so 7km must be somewhere in the middle - 4.5mi ish. Good to have you! Thank you! I'm hoping it should work out well then! Yes, ALL THE POINTS!! Thank you! For tracking this should be good, and everything goes in my journal - I'm not sure I could do this one without it and remember everything I've done by the end of the day!
  10. Ok, thanks for the info. In that case I'll blame the hay fever and hope that the meds for that manage it ok.
  11. Thank you! I do have hayfever, so that might well be what it is. Certainly not been breathing as well as I might like. It's only been like 16*C/60*F here so I shouldn't be overheating? I don't think?
  12. Jarric - Actions per Day I've got a few things going on at the moment and the past couple of months have been pretty stressful - I won't moan about that now (though I'm sure there will be some of that this challenge). Last challenge I tried to be very strict with my goals and use extra discipline to pull through it, and to be honest that went pretty horribly. So this month I'm trying the opposite tack, inspired in part by this article on the NF blog, and not having any particular defined goals. Instead I'm simply going to try and do as many good things or self-care actions each day as possible, and focus on hitting the best number I can. I'm hoping that this will be good as I really don't know what life's going to throw at me this challenge, but I want to do the best I can regardless. I want to trial this through what's left of zero week and see if the scoring works, and then if anyone wants to come in with me and make a little PvP of it then that could be quite fun. Edit: For anyone who wants to make this a PvP there's a tracking spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19HylaEZPOxxKguDanXSUBIYPk_Ib0c1vaJhRI93Fy4Y/edit?usp=sharing Just count every good thing/self-care action/fitness/diet/health/whatever you do and post you score for the day. Any actions gain a point for the day. Here's some examples: Basically though if I think something's worth a point I'm giving myself a point for it! I've put workouts as being worth 5 points as I think that they're important, as also as they take vastly longer than most of the other things on there! Oo, also, at the end of zero week I have Warrior Run! Only doing 1 lap, which comes to 7km, so should be a fun OCR!
  13. I LOVE this idea! Not long now until SV man, and looks like you're gonna crush it!
  14. You're totally mad, and I love it. Looking forward to hearing about all your races!
  15. Love the idea of pursuing an archetype, that's really interesting. I wonder what mine would be. On sugar, does beer count as a sugary item? If so, I'd keep beer. If not, probably chocolate.
  16. Oh my lord that sounds amazing! I don't think it's weird - short intense exercise and long constant sessions are such different things that I can see how that would happen. You have done so well this challenge mate, even though you've not been feeling it you've got out, put the work in, and that 11.5 mile trail run is amazing! Well done man and look forward to seeing your race filled challenge coming up.
  17. Well done on the long run, 15.5 miles is massive!
  18. Nice to see you have such a simple, straightforward plan for your routine.[/sarcasm] (I'm actually impressed with the level of planning though!)
  19. Back from my 'run'. Inverted commas because I didn't run a fair portion; ended up as roughly 3.8 miles run, 2.2 walked, then run 1, walk 1, run 1. Not ideal at all and I don't know if it's my body or my mind getting in the way at the moment, but I went out and got the miles on my legs so that's something. Looking forward to next challenge it'll be another month where I don't know what I'll be doing week to week or what might be thrown at me, so I'm planning on taking it a day at a time with my challenge goals and allowing a bit more flexibility - I think it's safe to say that trying to be a robot didn't work too well for me!
  20. Glad you're doing well on your goals; it's great to hear you're making progress. Will be interesting to see your Tough Mudder training as I'm doing the Ireland one this summer. I can't remember if you've posted in it but there's a OCR chat in the acountabilibuddies section of the forum that's great for info/advice/training stuff. Edit: Here you go:
  21. Thank you! The interview went pretty well I think - I should hear either way in a few days anyway as to whether I've got an offer or not. Hoping that they get back to me before Thursday morning, then I can walk into my other interview on Thursday knowing if I have another job. Exercise wise I'm slowly getting back in to things. Thursday I didn't run before the interview but I did get out in the afternoon instead. I was supposed to be out for 6 miles but I didn't even make it to two before stopping and walking, and then mostly walked home for a 3 mile total. Pretty disappointed in that but it was my first run in 11 days so the important thing is that I actually left the house for it at all. Friday I went bouldering, which included this fun little problem (there are only 2 holds here, 1 for my hands and one for my foot): Yesterday I went to Parkrun, and got round the 5k in an ok-ish 27:53. Once I've posted this I'm off to attempt a slow 9 miles; not confident that I can make it without a walk break or two but I'll get the miles in one way or another. Nutrition has been less good with all the days off this week - quite a lot of meat, beer and now Easter eggs, not enough fruit and veg! Still, will be back in the routine from Tuesday.
  22. Well if you want to know what I look like: https://www.instagram.com/jarric42/ I really feel you on this - I hate a rushed workout! I'd much rather be moving all day if I could.
  23. Hope the hand's healing up ok Puck! I am very tempted by this, but I'm not sure whether I can commit that much time to it at the moment. I've never done anything like that before, what is it like as a time commitment?
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