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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Late on the job this, but as someone currently navigating that particular minefield (from a slightly different starting point) I have thoughts: • I feel like job requirements are often less minimum requirements and more the company's ideal candidate. So I clearly wouldn't go for a job where I didn't hit any of them, but if I'm at 80% of the requirements then it probably means I'm more suitable than a lot of people, and it might be that no-one better applies. • When you apply for a job you literally have nothing to lose. Either you get an offer, which is great, or you don't in which case nothing has changed. • You will never have complete control over if you get a job, because there will be other applicants. You could be the second best candidate in the entire world and not get the job if that one better person also applies. So accept that you'll get rejections and try not to take them personally. • You won't get all the information about a job from a job spec, so it's perfectly ok to apply for a job, have an interview, get an offer and then turn the job down now that you know more about it. Again, don't let this make you fear applying. • Because of the above points, I think you're better off applying for a lot of stuff and seeing what sticks. Sorry, didn't mean this to come across as a lecture, I'm kinda working through these thoughts for myself as I type them.
  2. ^^ IAgreeWithTank™ Seriously, I know you're smaller than me, but 1,400 calories is nothing. I need twice that just to keep going, and if I'm honest you're probably a lot more active than me right now.
  3. I actually find loops easier (and more convenient as I start and end at my own front door). I would caveat however that if I'm doing a 6 mile run I plan a 6 mile loop, so past the half way point I am heading home. 3 x 2 mile loops would be much harder mentally as I'd always want to stop at the end of the loop. I agree (although reading the other comments above I understand the other side a bit more now). I would always expect locked arms to be stronger than using muscles to hold your arms bent.
  4. Jarric dashed between two rust coated shells of cars, and banking slightly to the right sprinted across the open ground towards the next patch of cover in this gigantic metal jungle. He mused upon how he had ended up in such a mess. Certainly the universe had thrown him a raw deal these past few months, but now this was a problem of his own making. A 'ting' of metal on metal brought him immediately back into the present, as a bullet passed his right shoulder plate and ricocheted off a discarded fridge. Instinctually he turned left, pushing further into the maze of iron and rust. He could sense hydraulic fluid temperatures rising beyond tolerance levels, and a servo failing somewhere around his left hip. No time for that now, as rounding the next corner his path was blocked. Knowing he couldn't turn around Jarric hauled at the wreckage, making slow, desperate progress. As he reached down to toss a large metal plate aside he felt an absence of his arm, and looking over he saw that the metal limb had completely frozen in place. In a moment of brief confusion he turned his head to see that a bullet had pierced his right arm, destroying the bundle of copper nerves from which it received signals from the rest of his body. As he swivelled his head round further he was face to face with the muzzle of a pistol. "Wai-" was all Jarric managed before the bullet rang through his head, silencing him instantly. As power drained from his eyes his body locked, and was held in place. Jarric was reduced to nothing more than a grim statue in a sea of debris, a warning for any other who dare enter this place. ====== So Jarric the robot it dead (I thought I'd try and give him an epic death to mark the occasion). I'm basically on 0HP for all goals so I'm calling it there. The good thing about robots, however, is that you can always re-build them. Starting from Monday, week 3 I'm going to release Jarric 1.1. All the same starting goals, half health on everything as he has been so hastily thrown together, and I'm going to see if I can have a better time for the last 2 weeks of this challenge (or the first 2 weeks of April). For the 4 days in between I'll be updating anything interesting and trying to keep up with you guys. EDIT: Bonus goals for this week still apply - as long as I don't drink tonight and do meditate tomorrow morning I'll hit those.
  5. Funnily enough, that's what I'm doing right now. Not that I forgot to set it, just that I'm still hitting snooze!
  6. 1,000 burpees a week? Utter madness! (Hugely impressive madness at that). I agree though - that theory makes a lot of sense.
  7. Wow, glad you hit that perspective change, that's really awesome. Also love the cocktails and canvas idea, that seems like a really cool thing to run.
  8. I'm sorry you're frustrated, you were right to expect better from that dietician. I don't know what the answer is, tracking or not tracking, how much you cut by, what you cut, it's a lot of variables. I know it's not that useful, but I sympathise <3
  9. I know, I can't wait either. Only about 2-3 weeks though and it should be lightish at 05:30 again
  10. I think part of the trouble aa well is that we're not all the same - what's great for me might not work for you, so different people will tell you different things and be completely convinced that they're right.
  11. Love the write-up. I have no useful input here, but it sounds like a really cool set-up! Sorry you didn't have a good experience with the dietitian, unfortunately just because people are qualified it doesn't always make them good at helping people Also, love the picture of Kessa.
  12. Haha, good gif game. Oh dear! ====== Tuesday - W2 D2 Do the Robot Yesterday Runkeeper called for 4mi + strides. With 5 sprint intervals and a cooldown walk it came to a decent 5.37mi run whilst the sun was rising. In a few weeks it'll be light when I'm getting up thank God! Robot Fuel Ate the chocolate mini eggs WW got me, but at least that means they're out of the house? Also boiled eggs for breakfasts, made egg mayonnaise salad wraps for afternoon train snacks (I had a lot of eggs and not much else), and cooked pasta bolognaise for dinner with a couple of portions of leftovers for lunches. Shutdown Procedure Got almost everything done, but got to bed about 10 minutes late so a fail here. Just realised that puts this goal on 0HP. More death is imminent! Error Reporting Passed Bonus 1 - Morning Meditation - not tried yet Bonus 2 - teetotalling - 2/4 days HP: Do the Robot [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][X][X][X]
  13. #rangerbrain. I wonder how many you'll end up signing up for this year!
  14. Sounds like a plan! Insomnia here we come
  15. Ah, but see whilst most people are coming up with excuses why they can't do all that stuff, you're coming up with excuses for why you do it so easily . Fact is I think the things you do so easily are because you've worked really hard to make them a part of your life, or because you are working hard to do so now.
  16. Yeah, it's a tough line to walk. Also, complaining at free food seems totally unreasonable! Yeah, I will work it out with one or the other. I'm not going to give up exercising either way, which is basically that goal, but I may need to re-form it. That's cool. I can imagine the stat checking is pretty annoying until you're used to it, but I guess you end up knowing your own character's core stats pretty well? Glad you had such a good time anyway, I may need stories of your game's adventures! Thank you Yeah, it's a tough one. I feel like I should just be able to get into the habit of waking up, but it's particularly tough when my bed time is not a routine due to other commitments in the evenings. I feel you on leaving the other half in bed thing especially, a bit of envy and a bit of regret make getting up so much tougher! As you say, you will figure it out though.
  17. I know I've mentioned it before, but I'm amazed at just how much of a base you have for fitness and adulting in general. Where you don't need goals for a fairly normal week to involve 2 runs, 2 aikido, daily stretching, spring cleaning, other workouts, walking. I don't think I have a point here, I'm just impressed. Also, swapping shopping for lots of trips to the library is definitely a good problem to have!
  18. Monday - W2 D1 Do the Robot Guess who over slept and then didn't get to the gym? That's right, THIS GUY. Seriously though, I'm on 0HP now with 20 more days of this challenge, this is going to be really tough! Robot Fuel WW very kindly bought me doughnuts and milk chocolate mini eggs yesterday. I wish she wouldn't express her love for me with food and I did mention this, but nonetheless I did have the doughnuts - it's hard to say no when I know she's trying to be nice :/ Shutdown Procedure Got in from snooker a little late (we did win 5-0 though ) at 23:10, but all stuff done and in bed by 23:50. Error Reporting Passed Bonus 1 - Morning Meditation - not tried yet Bonus 2 - teetotalling - 1/4 days HP: Do the Robot [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][X][X][X][X][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][X][X][X] ====== This morning I got up... and actually went for a run! Also went to the Dr's to finish my registration there, so one more thing out of the way. Now I'm on the train to work.
  19. Thank you Flea. Well if you were having fun I'm sure that'll help them get into it. Thanks. Thank you Puck, that's really sound advice. I'll try and keep that in mind over the next few months. So, I can't tell if you're joking or not. I realise now that what I meant should be spelled "teetotal", as in not drinking alcohol for 4 days. To be fair I probably do have more than 4 cups of tea a day, but that's not my biggest concern right now . Also, I would recommend Earl Grey or Lady Grey if you're struggling with (black) tea, both much more palatable unsweetened than normal breakfast tea. Thank you
  20. Thank you for the support guys, it means a lot. Doesn't feel like I'm holding together that well at the moment, but I'm still here at least. ====== Bonus Goals for week 2: • Try morning meditation to see if that helps me to start my day. • 4 tea-total days this week - I've been drinking too much and too often so hopefully I'll feel better for this. Assuming I succeed in these I will allow myself to finally get round to buying my ticket for this year's Download Festival.
  21. Week 1 Wrap - Saturday and Sunday Do the Robot Saturday was a double pass - I got in both my run and a couple of hours of bouldering. Bouldering was particularly hard, I think I was more hungover than I initially realised, buy really good fun as always. Sunday I should have done my long run in the morning, but I laid in bed for some extra procrastination instead. I would have gone in the evening but WW complained that we hadn't seen each other all weekend (and justifiably so), so I stayed in with her. I did spend a couple of hours splitting logs at my parents' place however - with that and climbing my arms and shoulders are shot today! Robot Fuel 2 more variances used - leftover pizza for lunch on Saturday and cereal for a quick breakfast on Sunday. Shutdown Procedure Saturday night I fell asleep on the sofa watching TV. Last night I was a little late to bed, and was so shattered I didn't attempt to get anything done. 2 fails and I also now have no food prepped for my week. Error Reporting Done Saturday, but totally missed Sunday. Overall I'm looking in pretty bad shape this challenge already, and we're not even halfway through! Pictoral representation for those who like these things: HP: Do the Robot [O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][X][X][X][X][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][X][X][X]
  22. Thank you all for the support guys <3
  23. In my experience most independent recruitment consultants in the UK are themselves immigrants (actually quite often their first language will be the language the majority of their clients speak), so it's not necessarily a bar. But then their work is more about guiding people through the legal process of applying for visas, leave to remain applications etc. rather than helping people assimilate into local culture, so I'm not sure if that's really what you're after. I would be totally terrified if a stranger handed me a baby btw!
  24. I was going to suggest imgur for image hosting too. You can set images to not searchable, so they're only accessible where you share a direct link which is ideal for putting them on forums.
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