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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. As a fellow chronic over-thinker, the what-ifs are never going to go away. So let them run (for a bit), realise that you often can't make a perfect decision, and then just do something. The decision doesn't go away until you make it, so even if you make the wrong decision at least the decision itself is then gone. And to be honest, unless you invent a time machine, you'll probably never even know if you made the wrong decision - at which point it doesn't much matter.
  2. Thank you! The doughnut was great. Yeah, I know, I just don't like giving up on things. Thank you though. Thank you *hugs* Well I'm sure if you hopped over the pond you could find both quite easily I know, what is with that? Too much rubbish being thrown around at the moment - give us a break universe! Thanks man. And now I look back I see that face actually O.o Thanks. It was delicious. Hah, great picture! And thank you! ===== Got out for my run this morning - 3 miles plus 4 sprint intervals (blech!). Now at the stage where the sun comes up during my run, which makes it a bit nicer.
  3. Caution: Grown man ranting and feeling sorry for himself ahead. Reader discretion is advised. Sorry I've not updated over the weekend. Friday night I did go out for a beer and to see a band with my Dad, but then I got some bad news and ended up drinking more than I otherwise would and staying up til stupid o'clock trying to distract my self. Saturday I woke up feeling angry, and scared, and upset. I did go to Parkrun and tried to push myself too far to distract myself, which lead to me giving up totally half way round. DNF. I went home and lay in bed for a while feeling sorry for myself, and then went to see my family and talk about things. That managed to burn through the worst of my feelings, and I got to watch the rugby whilst booking tickets for Barrel of Laps (because who doesn't want to spend a weekend at an OCR beer festival?). Saw another band in the evening too. Sunday was mostly domestic stuff - washing, shopping, made a cottage pie to have for lunches for the week. I did get in my run - 5 miles at 10'06"/mile pace. Challenge wise I'm just doing the bare minimum at the moment. I'm consistently missing one workout/run per week, which means I'm consistently hitting 6 workouts/runs each week, and I will at least keep that up. The other stuff isn't so good. My last budget entry says "buggered if I know". That was on Thursday and I haven't journalled since. I'm gonna keep posting here but it probably won't much resemble a challenge. I just really fucking hate this time of year, it's full of bad memories and I keep making new ones. Roll on spring. Sorry for the rant guys. On a more positive note, today was deadlift day:
  4. Sorry, I hit reply before I saw your post. So so sorry to hear about your brother in law. *hugs* There's nothing wrong with feeling stressed about an awkward social situation though, that worry is no less valid than worrying about physical things.
  5. Whatever he wants to talk about, I'm sure you'll ranger through . Also, amazing job on week 2! Shame you're not quite feeling it yet, but sometimes it takes your brain to catch up with what you've already got your body working on - keep hitting the lifts and the numbers and accept that they're good. With starting strength, if you want to keep doing it I would consider getting some fractional plates so you can keep progressing the weight but much more slowly (I think the Starting Strength website has a section on modifications to the plan for women and this was one of them). Alternatively maybe you're at a point where you need an intermediate plan now rather than a novice plan.
  6. Ok, cool. Yeah, I was looking to have one pair for both purposes if I could get away with it. Ok, that makes sense. And down the rabbit hole of shoe shopping I go!
  7. I got the sarcasm . Yeah, I'm going to keep looking. I've exhausted the ones in walking distance, but there's still plenty of places a short drive away that I can go for (when positions come up). That's... not actually a bad idea. Yeah, I could go for a no crust pizza, that sounds pretty good. Dominos deep dish is definitely not the way to go anyway! I've never tried it, but I strongly suspect that Laghail might be right! Do let me know if you find something good though Terra . ===== So I didn't get out of work early today, but I said screw it and went to the gym anyway. Gonna be getting back mega late, but I feel much better for getting something done anyway. It was OHP day, though I'm thinking of re-naming it tricep day: Joint Mobility OHP: 22.5kg (~50#) x 5 27.5kg (~60#): 5, 10, 10, 10 DB Incline Press: 12kg (~26#)/hand x 4 x 12 Lat Pulldown: 25kg (~55#)/hand x 4 x 12 Tricep Extension: 5kg (~55#)/hand x 4 x 12 Stretch out Might go and see I band tonight, it's Friday and I fancy a beer.
  8. Question on trail shoes: Is it ok to wear them running on roads/pavements? Where I live currently all my routes are half field and half road, so I don't know what's best to get for that and to be OCR ready?
  9. Not that I draw at all, but that sounds like a really good thing. Not only does it allow you to look at your drawing with fresh eyes later, but it means you can get down ideas without worrying about getting it perfect or being critical of what you've done. Glad you're feeling better! It's sunny here too and it certainly helps the mood .
  10. Haha, thanks . I'm just imagining you beating up a storm now! And seriously, thank you. I have a love-hate relationship with pizza. As in, I love pizza, but I hate the way I look when I have it for 4 meals a week! Maybe I just need better pizza... Ooo that taco sounds amazing. I'm definitely hungry now! Thanks! Nice one! 25 reps is a long old set, ouch! ====== Woke up this morning and just did not want to leave my bed. Decided to check my train times before getting up and my train was cancelled, and that was enough to tip the balance (to be fair, I was looking for an excuse). Rather than get up and get the next train to go and do half my workout I had an extra hour in bed. I have brought my gym stuff though so work permitting I'll get my lifting in afterwards.
  11. Found you! Great to see you back . Nice strategy with the cheque, that's some solid motivation for you! And a very happy un-birthday!
  12. Put all of it down as a deposit on a house (well, minus an allowance for solicitors costs and stamp duty). Would love to be able to own my own place and not pay stupid private rent rates forever! Are these actual guns and actual guitars, or are you starting a GnR tribute band?
  13. Thanks . Today definitely feels a bit better. Yeah, that's Doris. And tonight Doris is actually fucking with the train times, what a combination! To be fair, it wasn't that bad when I went out. Hard work when I was running against it, but I wasn't being blown over. Take care if you do go out tonight. Excellent, I think we're going to get on famously. Wish July would hurry up and get here!
  14. 1. At this point I don't think anything is too much. 2. I expect pictures when you do this. Yep, pretty much! And thanks, I do feel better now actually, and the beer in particular was well enjoyed. ===== Yesterday's gym session was pretty good, it looked like this: Joint mobility Squat: BW x 2 x 10 (read: I got bored waiting for the squat rack) 20kg (~44#) x 10 40kg (~88#) x 5 47.5kg (~105#) x 5 50kg (~100#): 10, 10, 12 Back Raise: BW: 9, 10, 10, 10 Русский твист (Russian Twist): 12kg (~26#) x 4 x 12 - got mine in @Xena! Reverse Lunge: 16kg (~35#)/hand x 3 x 12 - ran out of time for final set Stretch out ===== Yesterday was otherwise pretty crap - work was mental, I found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week, trains are screwed due to strikes and I got out of the office so late I missed the only directish train at ten past 6, then when I went to change train I got on the wrong one and ended up back in bloody London! Anyway, Wonder Woman picked me up from the station and we grabbed something at the McDonalds drive through. The I went off to snooker and chilled out with a few beers (and pulled out a win somehow as well). ===== This morning I got up and went for a run in Hurricane Doris. I got a bit lost so was pretty slow, but I got in the 4 miles Runkeeper called for anyway.
  15. Or a flapjack wrapped in cheesy scrambled egg? I could just go for that actually. Welcome! To be fair, there's a hell of a lot of ranger threads! You got medals for reading in school? That's really cool. I wish I had, I read so much more then than I do now anyway, that would have only spurred me on. I think all I got from school were attendance awards ===== Lifting was good this morning, but the day has rapidly gone downhill. Tonight will involve greasy food and beer in what is either an attempt to cheer myself up or a form of self-flagellation. I'll try and post a proper update tomorrow morning.
  16. Wow, Girvan looks awesome, that's really cool! Sorry I've only just caught up. I discovered Critical Roll in your thread a couple of weeks back and now I'm hooked on it. And I've never even played D&D! It's so watchable though! Also, alternating squat and deadlift days with running days, respect! No wonder your legs felt like lead yesterday though.
  17. Here you go: https://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/95013-jarric-as-yet-untitled/ I really need to add that to my signature. And wrap up my January challenge... I'm with you there, totally incapable of lying to people and I wish everyone else was too.
  18. Thank you, I'm flattered! Unfortunately I didn't win the bet though. It stemmed from an argument about the relative superiority of cheese against flapjacks (we were about 18 at the time). I ate cheese for a week and my friend ate flapjacks for a week. After making ourselves fairly ill we called it a draw.
  19. So yesterday my train was cancelled (got I hate commuting!) which made me late to the gym. My workout was a bit rushed and a bit confused as I tried to get on equipment that was free to get as much done as possible, but here's how it went: Joint Mobility DB Row: 16kg/hand x 12 Bench: 32.5kg (~72#) x 5 37.5kg (~83#) x 5 40kg (~88#): 10, 10, 11 DB Military Press: 8kg/hand x 4 x 12 DB Row: 18kg/hand x 12 Stretch out ===== Stayed out seriously late at snooker last night, didn't get home until half midnight, so this morning I turned off my alarm and slept in instead of running. Debating doing my run when I get home but by the time I get back, and with the knowledge that I have leg day tomorrow, I suspect I will not!
  20. Oo, good shout. And if I thought I'd get away with it I would definitely go to restaurants and only eat the free bread! See I find chicken quite bland, but I guess that's why it is so versatile - it's a relatively subtle flavour so you can put it in almost any meal and it just takes the sauce you have with it. So yeah, good shout. Bacon: curing vegetarians since the dawn of history. Yeah, that could well be second on my list to be fair. You could top it with more cheese! *the cheese board A very sensible choice, but I can't help feeling that you're stretching the brief slightly by classifying live chickens as food . You comment on the GI system is fair though. I once, for a bet, ate nothing but cheese for a week. I can therefore confirm that whilst I would love to have an endless supply of cheese, I would not want to live on only cheese!
  21. Whew, caught up, glad to see you're still rocking 100% . Pointless lying. Stupid stuff like making up fake excuses when you don't want to do something, or hiding things because you're worried how the other person will react. It's just so useless, and eventually the truth comes out and everyone feels a bit crap afterwards.
  22. Congrats on getting the all clear to run! Hope you do manage to hit the road today Yes, yes you should.
  23. No, it's clearly lying. But if it's lying consistently that's not all bad. ====== Week 2(?) Icebreaker Question: If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would it be? For me, it would definitely be cheese. It's so versatile, and there's so much variety, there there is no meal which isn't improved by adding more cheese. And I really mean NO MEAL.
  24. Well done on hitting 10 miles on your run man, that's a seriously long way! Good luck for the half if you go in for it!
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