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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Finally caught up on your thread . Hope your coding class was good?
  2. So the latter half of this week has mostly gone ok. Thursday: 4 miles slow in the morning, had my phone interview in the afternoon (I think it went ok, waiting to hear if they want me to come in now), chilled evening and early night. Friday: Not entirely on plan! I woke up and turned off my alarm, but then went back to sleep That meant I missed the gym, but did get a longish nights sleep at least. Out of the office most of the day, got back late and promptly found some colleagues for a beer. Then home and out in the evening with friends seeing a local pub band. Good end to a day on which I managed to fail all my goals (including failing to track calories, and going over the weekly budget). Saturday: Quite hungover! I did get up to take WW to work and get to Parkrun by 9 (for an extremely slow 5k). I then went home and back to bed for a bit, and may have spent most of the rest of the day watching Critical Role - woops! Today: Went bouldering this morning, and had loads of fun as always. A supermarket run, then back for an actual run - 5 miles slow per Runkeeper's instructions. Working at the club now and looking forward to my bed! Today also marks my calorie high score for the week, currently Fitbit's saying 5,356 burned and counting. I'm trying to keep up with that - the two roast chicken legs for dinner helped, as did a raspberry turnover.
  3. Haha, you actually helped an old woman cross the road? I never thought that that was a real thing. Awesome you got the job after that though! Thank you! Yes, let's get 'em! They're surprisingly less horrible than I remember them about a year ago at least! Absolutely! No worries, good to have you man! I have a very long list of threads to catch up with, yours included. Maybe not a shark, but I wasn't too bad. Still pretty reasonable really.
  4. Ok, I'd never even considered that so cheers for the tip. I will give it a go next squat day (and you should too ).
  5. Seems fair! Good to know though man, thanks for the tip! Woo, well good luck man! I'm sure you'll do great! ===== So what's been happening? I've run out of data on my phone, so I have two days with no internet connection on the phone. So basically I'm even more unplugged than I was to start with! ===== Moving is happening. Yesterday my train was cancelled so I ended up getting to the gym late . Deadlift day though! Joint Mobility Deadlift: 47.5kg*: 10, 10, 10, 10, 14 - holy cardio Batman! Glute Ham Raises - not done; turns out I don't know how these work and/or am not yet strong enough for them! Leg Press - 40kg x 4 x 12 Russian Twist - No, ran out of time *I messed up my spreadsheet - this should have been 57.5kg So fairly calamitous but there we are! Today Runkeeper called for 4 miles easy. I got a little bit lost, but ultimately got the distance in in about the right sort of time. ===== Snooze is not being hit! Only used it once this week so far . ===== Tracking is still happening, and I'm still posting insane scores and deficits! Monday: 2,688kcal in - 4,360 exaggerated kcal out = 1,672kcal deficit Tuesday: 3,251kcal in - 4,804 fallacious kcal out = 1,553kcal deficit Wednesday: 3,113kcal in - 4,313 erroneous kcal out = 1,200kcal deficit ===== Budget is suffering this week. Monday I needed to find a café to sit in for my phone interview, so I did that for lunch. Today was said interview, so lunch out again. And I've basically therefore given up and bought food every day. At the end of Wednesday I had £30.73 remaining, so that's not looking great. ===== Stats after 1.4286 Weeks Move! 9/10 Snooze! 5/8 Track! 10/10 Budget! 8/10
  6. Awesome, that is fascinating (although well beyond my comprehension)! Not really man, still a long way! The plan is pretty much to find a new job at the moment! Telephone interview tomorrow so here's hoping And good to have you Wolfman
  7. Interesting numbers from week zero: Calories - 6,752 deficit (965 daily average) Weight loss - 1lb So that would imply my Fitbit calorie burn is out by what, 750 kcal maybe? More data needed as one week isn't much of a test, but that could be right!
  8. Thanks! Clearly you are! Oo, woops! I bet that would work on dating sites though - "28, 5'10", able to provide well paid employment". Thank you! I would gain around 3 hours a day with this one, which would be amazing! Did you get the job through clicky pen hypnosis? Wow, that's a story! Glad it worked out well for you in the end. Well horror stories from interviews you've conducted could be equally entertaining! It's funny how things work out in the end, isn't it? Ah, the dream, to get a job just by being a Firefly fan! TBH I saw the gif before reading all the way through though, and thought that the end was going to be you turned up to the interview naked . Also, my phone autocorrects naked to baked, which is almost as funny! QFT
  9. Yeah, you should just be able to type the full tag and let it put the link in when you hit submit instead really. And me too! But we've got like 5 months to wait!
  10. So exciting news, I've got a telephone interview for a new job (with a drastically shorter commute) later this week. Gonna try and keep updated on here, but more important is to research the job and find somewhere quiet to have the interview so if you don't hear too much from me for a couple of days you'll know why. In the meantime we also need a week 1 icebreaker question, so: What's your best/worst job interview story? I don't have much for this myself; I've only ever been interviewed after I'd already got the job. Might have a story by the end of the week though!
  11. I don't think I've heard the word "nebbish" before. I would use geek again to describe someone who's very into (and good at) a hobby or study - "drama geek", "music geek" or "language geek" for example. Yeah, there's no end to the silly things I'll do if I'm put on the spot because I'm too polite to say no! Well welcome to the party! Help yourself to a drink.
  12. I think they're assistant weights actually . Evi! I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?
  13. Good luck with your stresses man! The weekend was great fun, but not too relaxing! Lifting heavy shit has happened however (details below). It's an interesting point. I would add that that where I live (and this may be more regional than British) you wouldn't hear the word "nerd" used. I would describe myself as a geek, but I don't recall ever using the word "nerd" other than to describe this website or a delicious type of sweet. The other professions we appear to be missing are manual trades, but that may owe to the differing approach to fitness for someone with a heavy physical job than anything to do with nerdiness. I'm lost for words to respond to this, clearly I'm not enough of an arts nerd to construct a suitably eloquent response Not to bring things down, but I actually cried with Sir Pterry died. I never thought I'd cry at the death of a stranger, but I guess I grew up reading his books so much it felt like a personal loss. ===== Quick recap on this morning's lifting, my train got in late so I lost 10 minutes but got most of the way through: Joint Mobility OHP - 25kg x 5 x 10 DB incline press - 16kg/hand x 6 - 12kg/hand x 4 x 12 Lat pulldown - 30kg/hand x 8 - 20kg/hand x 4 x 12 Tricep Extension - 5kg/hand x 2 x 12 - ran out of time here Stretch out As you can see I'm still working out those assistance weights!
  14. Congrats on signing up for the half marathon, that's really cool! For what it's worth, whenever I do a press-up challenge I end up hurting my shoulder and having to take a break. It might be different for different people, but I'm just not convinced that daily push-ups are actually a safe idea unless you're staying well below maximum exertion.
  15. Woo! Hiii! Oo, that sounds interesting. Sorry you're having a busy time of it at the moment though man. I don't think we'll ever beat out STEM workers on NF, though having said that when you think of the kind of people to come across a website called "Nerd Fitness" we're actually a surprisingly diverse bunch. The video is "not available in your region" Thanks! The first time I had a separate challenge tracker was last challenge, but I started journaling late last year. Mostly it's a way to try and get some of my to-do list clear (not going great on that front as yet), but also if I don't update on here for a couple of days it's easy to check back on how my goals went! Ahoy hoy! Ouch, twice in three years? That sounds like an absolute nightmare. This is the first aquisition I've had to endure and I don't fancy doing it again for quite some time!
  16. Love the goals this month, and the challenge tracker! Looking forward to seeing you totally half-arse this month!
  17. I keep forgetting to post my challenge tracker for you guys! Here you go:
  18. Aww, thank you <3 ! Thanks. I'm an insurance broker (it's more interesting than it sounds, though I'll concede that that's not hard!). My firm got bought out at the back end last year, so we're still finding our feet with the new company and trying to merge the business together. It's hard work! Sorry to hear you've been struggling too; what do you do? Thanks! I've deliberately tried to keep it simple this time round because I knew work would be like this. I think it' working . ===== Yesterday was mega busy! Up at 07:45, drop WW at work and to bouldering for 9am. Spent well over 2 hours climbing, and messing around with some challenge climbs that had been set up (one was no hands, one was no legs, one was just a single hold to muscle up over a boulder, a couple of ones involving jumping). Drove home and then went out for my run, 2 miles easy pace. Then watching Ireland stuff Italy in the rugby whilst updating on here. Then I picked up Wonder Woman and went out for pizza and drinks with Hopalong, Marathon Girl (Mrs Hopalong), The Captain and Mrs Captain. Watched the rugby, had a skinful of beer, spent much too much money and generally just an awesome night. Budget - £90.53 over? Maybe?? Tracking - 4,277kcal in* - 5,271 alleged kcal burned* = 744 deficit *high score on both counts, due to many liquid calories and a very busy day! Stats after 0.8571 Weeks Move! 6/7 Snooze! 3/5 Track! 6/6 Budget! 5/6 ===== Today I feel rough as hell, so it's been a bit of a lazy one. I eventually got out for my run, 4 miles easy pace. It wasn't pretty but I did it. Other than that spent the day watching Critical Role and seeing family. Working at the club this evening.
  19. Wow, I really owe you guys an actual update! Mammoth post coming. Wednesday Hit snooze once, but still made my morning train and hit the gym to actually start Juggernaut. Day one was Bench day: Joint mobility Bench: 20kg x 2 x 10 35kg: 10, 10, 10, 10, 12 Superset*: Tricep Extension: 4kg/hand x 4 x 12 DB Military Press: 8kg/hand x 4 x 12 DB Row: 16kg/hand x 4 x 12 Stretch *Accidental superset in fact. I was looking for a a weight I could do military press with, and the gym was bloody packed. I saw a couple of 8s next to a bench, and asked the bloke at the bench if he was using them. He was - between BP sets - so I gave up and decided to do tricep extensions first. I was doing tricep extensions near the bloke I'd asked about the 8s, and when he finished his set he indicated I could share, so out of sheer politeness I found myself doing tricep-murdering supersets! Did save me a bit of time though. Really stressful day at work, and I was very grateful for you lot making me smile at lunch time when I got a chance to read through this thread . I also have a note in my BuJo which says "I love my cat", which suggests I may have been drinking at snooker that evening... Budget - £43.02 remaining Tracking - 3,670kcal in - 4,635 alleged kcal burned = 965 deficit Thursday Got up to my alarm and went out for my second run, another 2 miles easy. 1st mile in 10'39", second in 9'44". Miss-calculated the route slightly so ended up with a 0.67 mile walk back. Work was mega mega stressful, and I cracked a bit. It was quite clear to everyone in the office that I wasn't coping and I feel I made a bit of a fool of myself. It did give me a chance to offload some work though, and at least no-one can claim that they don't know I'm struggling. Went for a couple of beers and a catch-up with a colleague after work so got home at 8:20. Cooked and ate dinner and still made it in bed before 10pm! Budget - £30.22 remaining Tracking - 2,929kcal in - 3,865 alleged kcal burned = 936 deficit Friday Hit snooze once again, but once again made the train in time to go to the gym. Day two of Juggernaut was Squat day: Joint mobility - forgot Squat: 20kg x 2 x 10 45kg: 10, 10, 10, 10, 14 Reverse Lunge: 22kg/hand x 6 - started too heavy 16kg/hand: 12, 12, 12, 6 Back raises: BW: 10, 10, 8, 8 Russian Twist: 8kg x 3 x 12 - started too light 12kg x 12 As you can see I'm still working out the weight for assistance work! Work was a little better and I feel like, with a lot of help, I'm starting to catch up a bit. I want to get to the stage where I'm under control and looking forward, rather than just working triage all the time. A couple of beers after work again (it's been one of those weeks!), and then a chilled evening watching Alan Davis: As Yet Untitled with Wonder Woman. Budget - £0.87 remaining Tracking - 3,283kcal in - 4,362 alleged kcal burned = 1,079 deficit Stats after 0.7143 Weeks Move! 4/5 Snooze! 3/5 Track! 5/5 Budget! 5/5 Busy (but fun) day today so I have to run, will tel you all about it tomorrow!
  20. Ok, cool. I will get numbers confirmed my end and book tickets on 25th Feb (two weeks today). So far it's 2 for C_Q and one for Jon. Open invitation to anyone else who would like to join us, the more the merrier so let me know before the 25th if you want to come.
  21. Yeah, it's a pain isn't it? Hopefully busy with good things though? Yeah, I'd watch that. ^this
  22. First of all wanted to say, work was an absolute shit-show yesterday, but I have been reading your replies and thank you all for making me smile! FTFY Good to have you! I've actually got everyone's new challenges in a OneNote to start reading, I'm still trying to get through the end of everyone's January! No, they're standard metric calories! To be fair I think Fitbit might just be lying though... I'm just going to eating loads for a couple of weeks and once the scale gives me some feedback I can find out how much it's lying by! And thank you, hopefully they'll chill out soon . Oo, that's cool, what instrument did you play in the marching band? They're not much of a thing over here really, I've done plenty of marching and played in bands but never both at once! Good luck on finding some cool 5ks That would be a very cool alarm clock. Wonder Woman might kill me if I did that though (she doesn't get up nearly as early as I am now). So, did you embody the spirit of the English? Like, play host to an 18th century English ghost or...? Thank you! Slow bicycle race was a nightmare at school! Then again I never was much of a cyclist. Thanks! Yeah, it's really something I need to work on. To be fair I could wake up at 6:45 and get to work on time, it's my decision to work out before work that gives me the totally disgusting start. I'll try and give it a look. Definitely give the challenge/story a go! We all love story theme'd challenges, and I suspect I'm not alone in loving sci-fi stories! I've just looked and I can't get the Rock Clock *shakes fist at windows phone*. But again, don't think Wonder Woman would be too impressed being woked up to Dwayne Johnson saying "beep. beep. beep. beep. beep." Is the Thing you'd be proud of a red ribbon? Seriously, that does sound like a story with a moral to it. No idea what it might be though! Good to have you man!
  23. Ok, cool. I think I might have 5 coming from my way (including me) so it might be easier if I get it on credit card and do the collection if you're happy? Always fancy a beer festival! Will have to see how I'm fixed nearer the time.
  24. No, I'm not! I'd never thought about using that tightness to push up out of the hole, but I can see what you mean now. Thanks for the tip and I'll give it a go shortly!
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