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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. This is an interesting threadjack! I think @jonfirestar is right here though, acceleration doesn't really come into it if we're comparing steady state cardio. When you walk, you accelerate up to speed very rapidly and then maintain your chosen speed for the remainder of the walk. This is the same when you run and although you are accelerating up to a greater speed this initial acceleration is pretty negligible if we're travelling 5 miles. Once the body is moving then the only force put in is to counter-act friction to maintain the travel. That said it is hugely more complicated than that as @jstanlick says. We are not just blocks being pulled forward and although it might help with approximations the situation I am describing is better for answering the question "how much energy does it take to tow a human?"
  2. Good to see you back, and love the Harley theme! Good on you for having a bit of self-care there.
  3. @Severine beat me to it, but yeah some people just aren't compatible with each other and that applies just as much with trainers as it does with any inter-personal relationship. There's nothing wrong with that, his teaching style just wasn't compatible with what you wanted.
  4. BuJo buddies and Starting Strength buddies, excellent!
  5. Stats at W1D1 Eat - i. 0/4 - ii. 1/4 - iii. 1/7 Sleep - i. 1/7 - ii. 1/7 Lift - 1/3 Like it - 1/7 Daily Dare Score - 10 The Captain - 9/30 Like It "Day one of the challenge and it's bench day, a perfect start! Looking forward to getting in the gym & starting my week off right!" As you can tell this was written in the morning before the whole day went wrong. Aside from the back (which is definitely better today, but still not quite right) I then had a horrible train journey home due to tube strikes. It was full and standing the whole way (which really hurt my back) and I got home about ten to 8. Grabbed sausages and chips from the local chippy due to time constraints (I really would've rather cooked for myself), and then off to my snooker match. Which I lost . Got home late at quarter past midnight, made today's breakfast (boiled eggs) and lunch (paté sandwich) and to bed at 1am, so a technical pass for the sleep goal and a set up for food passes today. ===== That brings me on to my positivity statement for today! "You know what, yesterday was a pretty shitty day on all fronts. And that happens, so it's ok to acknowledge that and move forward. I'm still standing and today can only really be better than yesterday." On that note, trains are still knackered but I shall have to make do. At least all I have to do when I get home today is clean the kitchen, cook and eat. I'm also hoping to make some progress on my work/life balance goal for 2017 if there's time. ===== I should also probably explain the last 2 entries on my tracker above. First off, I'm taking part in a PvP using the daily dares on darebee.com this month. It's great fun, so if you're interested check it out here. Secondly, my friend "The Captain" is getting married at the end of the year and he has asked the best men, myself and my friend "Hopalong" to help him get in shape for the wedding. So I've set up a little accountability group on Whatsapp for the three of us and we're starting with a 30 day push-up challenge to get him thinking about exercise on a daily basis. So as that's kind of a PvP too and impacts my workout routines I'll be reporting it on here. ===== Not all updates will be this long, I promise!
  6. QFT. Love the checkboxes though, great system.
  7. What Tank said, and also there's this: https://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/membermap/ No idea how many people are on there, but it may give some guidance.
  8. Great start to week one, setting yourself up to smash this one!
  9. Cheers man, I will go and see someone if it doesn't clear up pretty quickly on its own. It's been getting steadily better throughout the day, but there's definitely still some discomfort. We'll see what a night's sleep does for it. It is quite nice one you get into the journal thing. I had to get a tiny one I could keep in my pocket or I'd never update it, which is why mine's such a mess. Look forward to seeing your paper lists . Oo, sounds awesome, good luck for it! Yeah, I've been on it solidly since November. Funnily enough one of the reasons for coming to the warriors was so I could post a few form check videos here and the form check thread. Even more funnily I'd decided to do a video of my deadlift today, but I never got to my work weight to record it! Depending on how it goes I may have to invest in a session with a trainer. Hay, glad you found me! Thank you, it seems to help me!
  10. So not the best start to the challenge today... I was all excited to get in the gym and well up for starting with a bang. Did bench and noticed a little discomfort in my lower back. Then squats and that feeling's still there but not a problem (though they felt pretty heavy in general). Then halfway through by deadlift warm-up bang! pain. It's not exactly agony but it's pretty bad - right at the base of my spine. I don't know what I've done but I hope it sorts itself out quickly . Here's what I got in before that anyway: Bench: 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 30kg (~66#) x 5 40kg (~88#) x 3 50kg (~110#) x 3 x 5 Squat: 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 40kg (~88#) x 5 55kg (~121#) x 3 65kg (~143#) x 2 72.5kg (~160#) x 3 x 5 Deadlift: 40kg (~88#) x 2 x 5 60kg (~132#) x 5
  11. Thanks man! I knew I should have taken a photo of much lunch! next time... But oh so right... Hiii! I'll try for some other pics of the BuJo, but mostly it's not that interesting. I pretty much just right things in as they come to mind without any real prior preparation! That's cool, what OCR are you doing? Yeah, mine's pretty much like that too. I mean, I can read it, but that's about it! O.o
  12. Welcome back man! Looks like a solid training plan you've got there.
  13. Well done on asking for help with your car, really good call. Following along .
  14. Love the challenge, following along. Also, your 2 year nerdiversary is the day after my 1 year, so that's cool.
  15. I've never seen this show but I might have to now! Following along.
  16. Hiiii, glad you found me . ===== So I've been seeing loads of people doing challenge trackers in journals and I wanted in. Mine's not the most exciting but I kinda like it:
  17. Cheers man, I'm certainly looking forward to this one!
  18. This thread's been up 7 minutes! Damn you're fast man, good work!
  19. My goals for challenge 1 of 2017: As you can see the main focus is on the OCR goal this time around. The not buying nonsense goal may help slightly on my goal of amassing wealth however (every little helps!).
  20. I've just completed my 2017 road map, and my main focus for this year fitness wise is going to be running some OCRs. This means I'm going to have to do a whole variety of training, but as the first one won't be until April that gives me this challenge to focus purely on strength. And as I'm focusing on strength I though what better place to be than over with the warriors for a challenge to see what I can learn from you lovely people. I've been working through Starting Strength since the beginning of November and I'm starting to struggle with some of the lifts, so this will also be an opportunity to find out if there any form issues that are holding me back, or whether it's going to be time to move on the an intermediate program. To goals! Eat - 15XP What? Eat the right things as much as possible, and limit the bad stuff Why? In order to lift strong I need to eat strong, and eat right. How? i. Pack breakfasts for work at least 4/5 days per week. ii. Pack lunches for work at least 4/5 days per week. iii. No buying nonsense at all this challenge. I have enough rubbish left over from Christmas in my house without buying anything on top of that. Nonsense is the food I know is just silly - chocolate, cake, crisps etc. Sleep - 10XP What? Set myself up to get a decent amount of sleep. Why? Because my body needs recovery time to get stronger, and because I aim to workout early in the morning before work, meaning I have to get up on time. How? i. In bed every day by 10:30pm, or within 45 minutes of getting home, whichever later. ii. No caffeine after 4pm on any day. Lift - 15XP What? Keep lifting! Why? Because that's the whole focus of the challenge! Also, it's fun! How? Lift 3x per week following Starting Strength, no exceptions! This should be at the expense of all other exercise - if I have to miss a workout it can be anything else but not this. Like It - 10XP What? Keep a positive attitude to lift by keeping track of the things you're thankful for. Why? Because I want to be a happy, positive person, and I hope this will keep me on track for that. How? Record one positive statement in my bullet journal every day, and share them on here unless they're really personal. So that's a wrap! Looking forward to kicking off on this tomorrow, and on looking through everyone else's threads!
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