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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! I'm gonna run this challenge through week 0, so hopefully I'm set up to crush the final week! Looks lime a pretty standard Rammstein show to me . Such an odd band! I like it; will try and work that in to my next challenge, thanks It was lovely! Last night was Kangaroo steak and chips, which was also great. Yeah, looking at some of the other plans for the same trainer they say a slow pace is faster, so think I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens. Me neither; must do ALL THE THINGS! ----- Pub band last night - they were quite talented (not amazing), but they looked like they were enjoying themselves so much that it made it so much better. Did smoke 1 too many, which was totally unnecessary. Still 9 is a lot better than the 20 I would have previously had on a Friday. Run this morning was good. I drank all of the Trooper in the pub last night, so running helped with the hangover . Mile 1: 10:27 min/mile Mile 2: 9:52 min/mile Just a short one per Runkeeper today - tomorrow's 4mi, which will be my longest ever! Had such a great day so far! Started writing and recording a song with my mate. The recording thing's hard work, but we're figuring it out. It's lovely to be playing again too, I've left it too long. And then bouldering! Best part of two hours of climbing. Well, a lot of the time was also spent falling, but I conquered some new climbs and am really pumped to do some more! Now I'm off to drink beer and eat Italian food
  2. Waa dreading the knee to elbows, so of course when I did them I found them easy! Done with EC
  3. Finally caught up. I really need to check in here more often! Good luck with the Econ (and equally importantly with FFX!). That weather sounds miserable to run in; good for your roommate I suppose but I wouldn't want to even sit still in that heat! Also, that BisexualiTea is not tea. Might be nice (I can't work that bit out either), but as a Brit I can assure you, it ain't tea mate.
  4. Got up to 240 yesterday. Gym tonight and climbing tomorrow, so how much more I can do without blowing out my shoulders I don't know. Really want to hit my initial goal of 350 though so will keep trying!
  5. This is true! Think I might have to get used to it at this rate. Seconding this; link please! ----- Last night was badminton; had one of the best matches we've had in a really long time, which was nice. Especially given that my shoulders hurt from press-ups and my legs hurt from running and squats. Weird how sometimes things still just work! (I did still lose 2-1; you might notice a pattern that I very rarely win these games!) Other stuff: Showered at the gym again; think i could get used to it if I had to. Mrs made mustardy pork chops with lentils - it was awesome Went to the supermarket and bought an imperial shit-ton of eggs (and some other stuff) Got in 50 press-ups for the mini over the day Did my daily dare - 80 side kicks (40 right then 40 left) with no break Smoked 8/8 (2 of which were on the supermarket run, otherwise I could have capped it at 6) Home from the supermarket at 10:40, to bed at 11:20 after the last of the press-ups. This morning I did get up and run. Runkeeper called for 3mi at a slow pace. This is what I did: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:42 -17 2 mi 10:16 -6 3 mi 10:26 -10 4 mi 16:02 34 I've managed to get the pace down a bit (ignoring the cool-down for mile 4, which was a walk). I've discovered however that Runkeeper says "All slow runs should be at a conversational pace, between 12:00 - 12:40 pace or slower.". I'm trying to keep slow, but I'm not sure if I can run that slow. It actually feels like more effort to cover the distance slower, as I'd be using a lot of energy bouncing up and down. I do have quite long legs so quite a long stride, which may be part of it. So people who run, please tell me, is this a problem? When I move on to longer runs I don't want to be knackering myself out in the first couple of miles and then not be able to run the whole thing, but maybe I should see if I naturally slow down when I get to those? I don't know; I know nothing about running Tonight is gym night, which is good. Not sure yet if I'm going out after (spoiler: I almost certainly will). Also got a busy and fun weekend planned, but will try and get on here and update. Briefly I'm doing: Saturday - Drop Mrs to work, run (2mi slow), jam session at friend's home studio, bouldering, Italian food night at club Sunday - Run (4mi slow), tidy house/wash clothes/other adulting for that goal, maybe some yoga (think I might need it by then), work at club in evening Both: Daily dares, press-ups for mini (want to hit 350) Also: Try and find time for Wasted Years goal? That's going to be a stretch. Boil lots of eggs for breakfasts. Week 3 Stats at W3D4 Down with the Sickness - 3/7 Until It Sleeps - 4/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1 swim, 1 run = 2/3 Kuss Mich - 4/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 240 push-ups Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30 sec L-sit (no EC), 40 Shrimp Squats (EC), 80 side kicks (EC)
  6. Jarric

    Bker respawns

    Well done on passing your body weight on the squat! Enjoy your run tomorrow
  7. Video games and sleep sounds like a marvellous plan!
  8. Well done on Titanium man! Sidekicks with EC for me too. Not enough days left to hit Gold, but going to aim for a flawless last 4 days!
  9. My technique: no beer in the house - just drink when you're socialising and actually enjoying drinking. Sorry you're having a rough week; we're all here if you need us
  10. Good luck for the next challenge man, hope things work themselves out
  11. I tried recording all expenses for a couple of months and it didn't help me either. Maybe I just didn't give it long enough but I found I was still spending the same, I just knew where it was going. I also started confusing myself with certain expenses. Like my credit card, presumably I should count money spent on that? But then if I count my credit card bill am I counting that expense twice? Do I need to calculate interest on that?
  12. Thanks . Life does sometimes make things awkward. It occurs to me that staying up doing press-ups is part of the reason I opted to run tomorrow instead of this morning. Exercise is getting in the way of my exercise damnit!
  13. Did 85 late last night when I got home, and another 20 this morning, so I'm up to 210. My shoulders are not best pleased about this.
  14. We certainly are . Seconding this on the handstand push-ups! One day...
  15. Thanks, nice to be congratulated for it. Usually I just get arrested... Cheers guys, I've signed up! Plumped for the 14k in the end; I think I can probably build to make that manageable over the next 12 weeks. Well, I hope so anyway! My friend wanted to do the 21k, so it was a compromise as I'm in no way in shape to be doing a half marathon, let alone with obstacles! She's also invited her uncle, who runs Iron Man Triathlons, so I'll have plenty of help being dragged along! I think I'll stick to the run-keeper plan. Because it's for a timed 10k it builds to 9 miles within 12 weeks, which is more than 14k, so I should be prepared. And Charlie, you might be right on the weather front. I was horribly hot and finding yesterday hard work, whilst playing snooker! I do not do well in warm environments. That's a good idea. How do you work your food system for reference? Never quit! ----- So, yesterday, things.... Have decided I'm counting morning runs for the swimming goal, as I need to have some running focus now and it's all pre-work cardio anyway. Got in 15 press-ups for the mini after my morning run. Otherwise a quietish day. After work went had a pasta with sausage and bacon from my mate, then we went off to snooker. Long, long snooker match (3.5 hours for 5 frames!), which I scraped 3-2. Got home really late from that 00:28. Should have gone straight to bed, but instead I decided to stay up and do more press-ups for the mini. Got in another 85 to make an even 100 for the day. Up to bed at 01:20. Smoking was a bust, 11/8, snooker days are hard. No run this morning, so will be going tomorrow morning. Did get in another 20 press-ups to start my day Week 3 Stats at W3D3 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 3/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1 swim, 1 run/3 Kuss Mich - 3/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 190 push-ups Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30 sec L-sit (no EC), 40 Shrimp Squats (EC)
  16. It's not out yet in England. I WANT IT SO MUCH! That's good. Not that you've got a cold, but that it's a cold and not depression
  17. You've got a great list of completed goals there, and what looks like a lot more awesome to come
  18. Sounds like a good plan! And that breakfast sounds gorgeous; you're making me hungry!
  19. Following along and in awe of your workouts. Out of interest, what counts as a serving of alcohol; one beer or one evening?
  20. Keep fighting the good fight man, and well done on using that feeling to do something positive. PM me if you ever need to talk. @Balsquith, nice to meet you, I know what you mean about reading a lot more than replying (hence the late reply here!). @JoshG no worries, just do what your PT says you can and don't be tempted to push for more. Hope the recovery's going well. Whilst you can't do push-ups you can certainly help with cheering everyone on! I'm up to 105 now. Shoulders are killing me after this and last night's gym session, so give it a few hours and hopefully I'll be able to pack some more in!
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