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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Congrats on all the weight loss, that one hell of an achievement! I love my Fitbit, I've got a heart rate one which is really good for tracking consistently. I use the Fitbit app for tracking rather than My Fitness Pal, which is really good for calorie tracking. Unfortunately it's rubbish for macro tracking though as you can only get the macro breakdown on the website, not the app.
  2. Sorry you're having a tough week, but congratulations on striking things off your to-do list. Seriously give yourself some credit for that; whether you feel it's fast enough or not you have still done those things! Unrelated, have you seen the new Pokémon they're announcing for the latest games? Checking this one out: An electric mouse Pokémon! What a novel idea!
  3. Don't worry, I got ya gif Bro: Good luck with the audition today man!
  4. Thank you, definitely trying! That's a good idea; will remember that next time I'm in the kitchen. Balance practice might also be good now I think of it... Yeah, that could be a bit risky (whisk-y? no?). Certainly wouldn't want to try it whilst doing DIY: ----- Last night we went to see a musical, steam-punk production of Macbeth for my mum's birthday. It was utterly bizarre and very very funny. At an open air theatre as well so it was a very chilled our atmosphere and great fun. And they got mum up on stage to play the part of the messenger (and get her a birthday kiss from Macbeth), which was a nice touch. I can't really explain just how odd it was, so here's the trailer: Food was less than stellar; last minute rushing meant drive-through MacDonald's, then interval snacks, then back to my parents place for birthday cake afterwards (because you can't say no to red velvet cake). Smoking was also bad - 11/8. I've realised that I'm smoking 1 more each day at work than in my last challenge, so I'm going to try and bring that back down. The trouble is that once I'm 1 over it's hard to not go 2/3 over knowing that I've failed the day. So hopefully having 1 more reserved for the evening will help combat that. Also hopefully I won't be having weekday nights out next week, which will make it vastly easier. Stopped by the supermarket on the way home as we needed fruit and eggs and milk (basically the staples of my diet at the moment), so didn't get back until about half 11. Decided I definitely needed to get to bed quickly as I've been talking about it so much on here. But first I should quickly do my daily dare (400 backfists). Oh, and I need to get in some more metal meditation for the mini. And then I better come on here and post those and update the spreadsheets, and maybe check a couple of other threads... Oh my God it's nearly half 12! Time for bed then! ...guess who didn't get up to swim this morning. Nothing major planned for the weekend. Gym tonight and Sunday, and aside from that I mostly plan on catching up with sleep, housework, and a bit of alone time ready to smash through a better week 3! Week 2 Stats at W2D3 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 4/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0/3 Kuss Mich - 4/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 38 mins meditating Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 100 squats (EC), 20 Push-ups with rotation (EC), 400 backfists (EC)
  5. Just got in another 17 minutes of heavy metal meditation. That puts us over 6 hours collectively; good job all!
  6. Sorry to hear you're feeling ill, hope it passes soon . Also, if your having physical symptoms (shortness of breath) when in certain physical positions (lying down) it may be that there is a physiological element to what's going on at the moment, not just psychological. Very much not an expert so take that with a huge pinch of salt, but it might be something worth discussing with your doctor when you do see them. Also, the physical symptoms might be a good way to start a conversation with your doctor if you're concerned about discussing anxiety problems.
  7. Camaraderie (and some healthy competition) is one of the best motivators going. Well done on your workout
  8. Poetic, and more than a little scary! Very true though. Glad surgery went well, hope recovery is speedy . And mad respect for Rangering on with the meditation straight out of surgery! Heavy metal meditation seems great! Got in 10 minutes last night, gonna try and do a lot more this week! No worries man, every goal can't fit everyone. If you do manage to fit in some running meditation though, every little helps!
  9. 10 minutes of Heavy Metal MeditationTM (© Rurick Harrgath 2016) last night for the Cutlass. Loud, heavy music, eyes closed, on the floor. Think this will be the main part of the challenge for me this week.
  10. I know, it's pretty scary. I'm starting to get the impression that a lot of the 52% would be voting the other way now if they could have their time again, either because they were protest voters expecting Remain to win or because they feel betrayed by some of the lies of the Leave campaign. Swimming strategy; getting to bed at a sensible time a few nights in a row would be good! The bedtime being 11pm or an hour after I get home was on the assumption I would usually be in all evening, so I need to make more of an effort to be at home and not go out late. Thanks! Not so good yesterday unfortunately, I hit 10 . ----- Snooker after work yesterday went well; I won again so I'm 5/5 so far for this competition. I don't really expect to win it, but there's 11 players and the top 6 places get a cash prize, so I'm hoping to at least get my stake back . Stayed chatting to my mate and another player until well gone 11, and had two beers in the process. By the time I'd taken mate home and got myself back it was about 00:10. Used my time before bed reasonably wisely. Would have done my daily dare, but as it was gone midnight I'd already missed the chance. Instead I boiled eggs for today and tomorrow's breakfasts. While they boiled I got in 10 minutes of Heavy Metal MeditationTM (© Rurick Harrgath 2016). @DarK_RaideR, @Rurik Harrgath, @BarbarianBassBro you were absolutely right, this was excellent! Smoking was high as I had an extra one drinking with mate, and having hit 9 and failed I had a "sod it" moment and had another one at home too. In bed about 1am, so late but within my goal. My alarm app on my phone crashed so I didn't get up for swimming yet again this morning (hell, I might not have if my alarm did go off to be fair, but I'll never know). My pool have a weekend 500m competition, so I'm hoping that I will get up tomorrow morning and put in a time for that so i get at least 1 swim this week. Tonight I'm out for my Mum's birthday, don't know what we're doing yet as weather's still uncertain. Week 2 Stats at W2D3 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 3/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0/3 Kuss Mich - 3/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 21 mins meditating Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 100 squats (EC), 20 Push-ups with rotation (EC)
  11. Seconding @Rinna's request - recipe please! Sounds like a good day
  12. Well done on fighting your fear and getting back out on the bike! Sounds like you've got a good plan of attack going forward; sometimes it's best to drop a goal if it helps you achieve everything else
  13. Ok, this is definitely happening. Heavy metal meditation it is! @DarK_RaideR just discovered that I have a Spotify account, so now I can use those playlists you posted last week for this; cheers! ----- Didn't make it to the gym yesterday in the end; by the time I got home from the work talk, sat down with Mrs and had dinner I looked up at the clock and realised I wouldn't get there in time to get a full session in, let alone have time to digest my food first. Dinner was good - Lamb and apricots with honey mustard cous cous. Snacked a bit after and watched TV with Mrs. It was nice to chill out with her, if not very productive. Did get my daily dare done; 20 push-ups with rotation. Smoking was also good, only had 6/8. Up to bed at 11. Didn't go swimming again this morning; for some reason my bed seems far more tempting at the moment than getting up and going for a swim. A few more early nights and hopefully I can correct this. Week 2 Stats at W2D1 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 2/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0/3 Kuss Mich - 2/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 11 mins meditating Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 100 squats (EC), 20 Push-ups with rotation (EC)
  14. Push up rotations done with EC. Pretty sure I wouldn't have made one more if I had to!
  15. It's great that you can have that attitude, and recognise what's not important to you as much as what is. I agree with you that if you don't enjoy spending the time on it, why do it just for the sake of it?
  16. I think tracking can be a really useful tool in itself; even if you do go a bit over the top. At least you have the data to identify what's fine and where you can improve.
  17. ...there do seem to be a few bits going on in England actually. Will look into that further.
  18. Sounds like you might need to consider a change of job. Never an easy step, and I know you wanted to get to a position where you could pull out of this one and just do your own thing, but if that's going to take time a new job might be a good idea in the interim. You deserve to be happy, so if your job is making you stressed and miserable, leave. Great news on the audition though, good luck with it mate!
  19. Glad you've made a decision on the move, seems like a really good idea
  20. You did awesome on week 2, well done! Love the tracking page as well.
  21. Cheers. Yeah, certainly could have been worse; but I'll be pushing for a better result this week. Thanks for the info. I tried a guided meditation last night on an app I found (my main phone's a Windows phone, so my choices were somewhat limited) and it made me feel really weird. Will give Headspace a go on my other phone next time. Also going to experiment with walking meditation, as I think that might be more up my street. And maybe any other suggestions that come up as the week goes on actually; it's a whole new area for me . ----- Missed swimming yesterday morning and this morning. I've been half awake at about 7 both days, but rolled over and gone back to sleep rather than getting up and going out. Not good. Mrs has a new job now which doesn't require her to leave the house at half 7, which really helped me get up, so I'm going to have to get used to doing this on my own now. Need to swim for the rest of the working week to hit my goal. Otherwise yesterday was fine. Badminton after work (which I lost fairly badly; was still aching from climbing and all the squats). Chilled with Mrs for a bit, McD for dinner out of sheer laziness, but that should hopefully be a one-off. Went to the club for a bit, then home to do the daily dare (100 bloody squats! I swear the people at Darebee have been watching our challenges and are laughing at me!). Also got in 11 minutes of guided meditation for this week's mini. Smoked 8/8 - could have been 6 if I hadn't ended up going to the club with Mrs. Teeth done. Home at 10:45 and in bed 1 hour later. Week 2 Stats at W2D1 Down with the Sickness - 1/7 Until It Sleeps - 1/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 0/3 Kuss Mich - 1/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 11 mins meditating Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 100 squats (EC) [announcer voice]Coming up this week on Jarric Gets Metal...[/announcer voice] Daily: Daily dare PvP, meditation (min 10 minutes per day), smoking, teeth Today - Work, work seminar, grab shopping, dinner before late night gym, boil eggs for rest of week's breakfast Wednesday - Swim, work, snooker Thursday - Swim, work, out for Mum's birthday Friday - Swim, work, gym (pub band in the evening?) Saturday - Much tidying of house, make time for myself (evening unknown?) Sunday - Gym, breakfast prep for next week [edit] Had this song stuck in my head for days, and we need more music in this thread:
  22. Like the daily reward system, great idea! I'm in for being a neighbour, but I'm bad at checking my notifications so sometimes I miss when I'm tagged...
  23. Jarric

    Bker respawns

    1000 squats in a week and you're still going running, nice one!
  24. Managed 11 minutes of guided meditation last night, and it just made me feel a bit weird. This will be a good week to experiment with different types of meditation for me I think, and see what works.
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