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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Well done, looks like you've made a lot of progress overall this month. Looking forward to the next one.
  2. Well done rangering everything. Also, no idea about the clue...
  3. That's a nice motivational post. I might pass on the lipstick myself though... Congrats on the weight stabilising
  4. Superman done with EC. Wasn't too hard, except for the trying to breathe bit.
  5. You're doing awesome Tank! Definitely think you're right about the non-date. Much better to find out that they're gonna flake out on you now than 6 months down the line
  6. Thursday W4D4 continued So with badminton cancelled last night I was free to go to the gym instead. Really didn't feel up for it when I got there, don't know why, but made myself go in anyway. Started on the rowing machine, and it just felt like really hard work for some reason. Pace was pretty reasonable; 1,174m in 5 mins, but just felt really heavy and it knackered me. Then cable chest fly, and my shoulder started grinding like it was full of rocks. Long story short, I got worried about my shoulder, was tired and feeling rubbish anyway, and just gave up and went home after that. I think I was right to protect my shoulder; it still hurts today, but I'm still annoyed at myself as I could have found leg and core work to do and I just didn't bother. Basically I wimped out. Cooked Gammon steaks for dinner, topped with fried egg (obviously), and with sweet potato, parsnip, broccoli and cauliflower. It was excellent if I do say so myself. Darebee PvP was done last minute (60 sit-ups). Duolingo was not done, even though I had plenty of time to do it, and the rest of the evening was spent on the sofa watching TV. 8/8 smoked, teeth done (including newly discovered wisdom tooth!), up to bed at 11. Must. Try. Harder. W4 stats Poison Resistance: 4/7 Grinding: Gym 0.5/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 102/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 8/14, Sonic & Floss 4/7 Bedtime 4/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Friday W4D5 Woke up and decided to have a lie in today. Means I have missed my last morning of swimming, but given that I lost two days to bank holiday and dentist I will count a swim over the weekend if I get one in. Even with the lie in I still feel tired and generally shit, and my shoulder still hurts as mentioned above. Don't know if I'm getting ill or quite what. Anyway, planning is needed to snap me out of this! Today I'm meeting up with an old friend I went to music college with, maybe play some guitar which would be nice. Then the weekend: All the Duolingo! And read my French article so I can have a good finish on that goal. 1 Gym session (Saturday if shoulder agrees). 1 Swim session. Need to do at least 2,000m for the Ranger mini. Sort out breakdown cover. Go to bank and sort out rent payment. Mow back lawn. Strim back lawn. Weed garden path. Empty & clean bins. Clean bathroom. Clean kitchen. Put washing away. Play Diablo III. Set up next challenge when forum is up.
  7. Thank you! Cheers. Gonna have to remember that for the final couple of days in this challenge. Hopefully have time to push through and still hit most of my goals Ah, I see, *quickly googles Trigeminal nerve* that makes sense. Thanks for the info. As I say my dentist's talking to their in-house specialist, so hopefully should get some more info on how to proceed next week
  8. That really sucks, I think I know the feeling you're describing. That crushing feeling that the world's pushing down on you and every tiny thing you have to do just adds more and more to that pressure. Just pick one thing, and only one thing, and do it now. Recognise that the one thing is still an achievement, no matter how small, and keep pushing back. And I think you said it best:
  9. Black cats are gorgeous (I have one ), but I think the issue is that on camera they tend to appear just as black blobs, because you don't get definition/shape if you can't see shade on them. So people who see pictures and then decide to go adopt a cat tend to be more attracted to lighter colours.
  10. That's excellent news, congratulations! And now I want pizza. I blame you entirely
  11. Thank you, that makes me feel a bit better. I had both of the top ones removed under local, but apparently that may or may not be possible for the bottom one. It just sucks that this is the first dentist visit since I've really started trying with my teeth and I have to have an extraction! Also, change of plan for today; mate has backed out of badminton so I get to go to the gym instead! Not that I don't enjoy badminton, but now I should easily hit my gym goal for the week .
  12. Sorry to hear you're feeling bad, but looks like you've got a hell of a lot to look forward to and, more importantly, you recognise that you have too.
  13. Well done on the PR, and by smashing that 700 over half a year ahead of schedule!
  14. Wednesday W4D3 continued Dinner last night was an oven pizza, so meh but free at least. Won my snooker match 4-1, which is a good first result. Unfortunately the bloke I was playing was behaving like a child. I had a bit of luck and he wasn't playing very well, and I appreciate that that's all very frustrating, but by the last two frames he was swearing and whacking the balls around the table like a bloody idiot. We had at least one ball off the table, and more than once he fouled and gave me points because he couldn't be bothered to get down on the shot properly. It's seriously disrespectful and put me in a foul mood for what should have been a fun evening. Sorry, rant over. Got home after that and did my daily dare (60s squats, nice and easy ). Then tried on my polo shirt I get as part of the snooker league. It's really small and I look great in it, so that and the squats really cheered me up! Did some Duolingo; didn't get home until 10:55 so not too much time to work with, but still got 47XP done. Then made lunch, teeth and bed. W4 stats Poison Resistance: 3/7 Grinding: Gym 0/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 102/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 6/14, Sonic & Floss 3/7 Bedtime 3/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Thursday W4D4 Dentist this morning. He cleaned the tar off my teeth from smoking, and they look so much better now, so now I have an extra reason to pack it in. He also told me that I have decay in one of my bottom wisdom teeth though and it's going to have to be removed . Feeling like all my focus on my teeth these last couple of months has been too little too late... Tooth's not that bad at the moment he says, but it will have to come out at some point. And if it has to be done under general anaesthetic rather than local that means going to a hospital, which means potentially 12 months on a waiting list before they can remove it. He's going to look into it and call me back with options next week sometime. Smoking is on track for the day so far. Badminton tonight which will be nice. I will get up and swim tomorrow morning, both for my own challenge and for the Ranger Mini.
  15. Well done on the deadlift! Looks like you're gonna crush week 4!
  16. Sounds like you had a great workout, glad you've found a new plan
  17. Do the pixie cut, you can always grow it out (although I do remember the pain of the inbetween stage when I had long hair). Also yay for humane society! Yay for kittens! Boo for car money! Boo for random body weight change! Yay for smashing on with week 4! So many things are happening!
  18. @RocketbikeNinja congrats on the titanium! Squats done with EC; nice to have an easy one for a change! Also, hit my target, and now I can't stop singing this:
  20. Wow, congratulations on the new job! Glad you're getting some sun too, it's miserable where I am
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