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Good morning!


So I finally decided to commit to living a better life. This means keeping a cleaner house, creating meal plans that can feed two adults, and two toddlers while still packing big nutrition and enough calories to fuel our shenanigans, and completely restructuring how we think so as to be productive to our goals instead of undermining.


I hope that in joining this community that I can get some advice from other like-minded folks. So my first questions for my fellow Rebels are as follows:


1.) As a half-time online college student and mother is it really possible to pull off something like this while still giving my children the attention they need and deserve?


2.)What are some sample meal plans that are healthful and simple enough to fit into a super busy life that are also desirable to the carnivorous hubby and picky kids?


3.) Has anyone else been able to regain their body after having two kids close together?




4.) Does anyone feel comfortable sharing their struggles on this journey and how you've overcome them? (It doesn't have to be super detailed, I'm only asking to gain a sense of confidence to be able to surmount the challenges that are sure to come.)


I know nothing worth having comes easy. I've been there, heck before my husband and I were married I was at the peak of my physical fitness, I was strong, at the lowest weight since middle school and I had confidence. While he still complements me and truly has a high opinion of me I have lost all of my confidence, that fire that drove me, everything I was before. This is mostly due to the depression but also because I've learned so much in the last four years about health and diet, and even things like organizations that I've found that the majority of what I had confidence in back then was a lie.


I'm here not to mope about the past, or even to recapture it. It was a wonderful time in my life, I found my love, and found a deeper purpose as a wife and mother, don't get me wrong. It's just time to move forward, and be the best me from this point forward. More people depend on me now than they did back then so this beginning is very important and admittedly, I'm going to need a lot of support from a solid community.


There it is, I admitted to needing help! There's one accomplishment already!

Ready, set... Go!

Let's get started!



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Live this life and enjoy it.

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Hey Kitty, welcome to NF! 


Tagging a couple of people from the Mommy Brigade for questions 1 and 3: @PixiePrincessPea, @Bean Sidhe, @Butternut, @shy 

As far as 2 goes, I don't have kids but I have dealt with cooking for some picky roommates in the past, and what was most successful for me was "build your own" meals. Things like taco nights where people can assemble their own toppings, salads that people can add whatever veggies they like to, and traditional meals like mashed potatoes/meat/vegetable where people can serve as much as they like of what they want. It helps a lot to have a few recipes you're good at that you can whip out anytime, and is especially helpful if those recipes can be made in bulk so you can do leftovers for a couple nights. 

You can check out the Recipe Book threads for more ideas. 

As for 4... for me what works the best is being mindful, taking notes, and especially having really clear instructions to follow. If there's any room for interpretation or putting something off, I won't do it. If it's as simple as following instructions to get results, I can stick with it, even if it takes months. In my experience, there's no guarantee that what works for one person will work for another, but it's always good to ask questions like this and try out the responses you get if you're not sure what method will work for you. 

Good luck! 

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I have been summoned... (Sorry, that's what I think of when I am tagged somewhere)




Welcome to NF. I guess I am the first member of the Mommy Brigade to stop by (BTW, when did we get a cool name?)

Secondly, turn your toddlers into well, not toddlers (I have one in high school and one in middle school) and I am right there with you. I go to college online (I take max 8 credit hours), I work part-time (I didn't when I had littles because daycare is expensive) and I got the 2 kids, and 2 cats and a dog. And my kids are in that active "DO the activities" age where we have up to 3 activities night 4 nights a week. I TOTALLY GET IT.

The major difference here is, You are doing this at a different point. My kids are old enough (to a pt) to understand Mommy has school. Yours may have a harder time with it. I may even be older than you since again my kids are not small anymore, which makes this harder yet.  The thing is, I think you could do this if you decide to. It may be a bit slow (like no dropping all the weight overnight and suddenly becoming the Success story), but I believe its doable. I haven't reached where I want to be yet, but I am seeing a difference in things. As far as your questions.

1) I do think its doable, but it may take some planning, some late nights/early mornings and a ton of commitment. I admit, I started small and changed one thing, then 2. Then I went back to school, and I kept adding one more small thing to do. For example, I have been working at this weight for awhile, my house was a mess, I was working and I had so much clutter and junk I said "I will deal with this later": and I started just walking, then I removed soda, I started spending 5 minutes in the worst room of the house a day, then I joined NF.  And I told myself we can do a bit more. What are some things I can do in 5 minutes a day to lead to a cleaner house and to be stronger and healthier. I started with doing sit ups once a day, until I couldn't (it was like 10), keeping the island clean so I could make lunches in the morning and spending at least 5 minutes decluttering a specific room (Sometimes that is 2 minutes, sometimes its 20,  but its always what I can do that day and when I hit a stumbling block, I stop for the day and deal with it later) And then the next challenge, I did a bit more, and a bit more. Now, I have not yet learn to outrun my fork, but I am stronger and I feel better, and my house is cleaner (not clean, cleaner). I know there is a link to my challenges in my sig, but feel free to follow along on my current one. And if you make a challenge in the Newbie section, let me know and I will pop in when I can. The thing is, take it slow. Don't try and overwhelm yourself, but do a few things gradually that you will be able to find the time for, then a few more. (I think this may fit into #4 as well).


2) Meals.. I fed my kids off my plate from the start. So they know that what mom eats is good food. I do have one with some special needs, so we cater a bit to that, but we do a ton of prep the night before or on Sunday live off that. So like Sundays we will make pancakes for the kids for breakfast, My breakfast (This week mushroom egg spinach bagel sandwiches), Youngst's lunches, Hubby's lunches, My lunch, and maybe precook as much as we can for the week. This makes it less of a deal to get dinner on the table in 30 minutes. 


3) This I have no help for. I had 2 but they were 4 years apart. and sadly,  I have not regained anything yet. But I am working on it, and I have noticed it helps when I can help at home more with laundry or dishes or my little "chores/goals" Since I do feel like there are times I am doing NOTHING but homework after work. Being able to say I did other thigns helps.

4) again, feel free to follow my challenge or look at the old ones (I actually think my sig might be the last one, here is the current one, but the last one is good too). If you decide to do a challenge (It starts Monday, and you can start late if you need to take some time to figure out what your doing). let me know and I will do my best to cheer you on as well.

I totally get it, and I am there with you. Just remember its not impossible, but it will take work.

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You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream - C.S. Lewis

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Thanks for tagging me ^_^ I feel so special!


1) Quality vs. Quantity. 


2) We pick out meals together. I ask my kids to pick 1 veggie for the week with groceries (sometimes I say a color, like pick a green or orange color veggie) Little squash (my 7 yr. old) usually picks baby carrots or green peppers. String Bean (13) picks cucumbers most of the time. My thoughts they are veggies, so eat them until they get sick of em, but they have to choose.


I also have them make the salad with dinner sometimes. Little squash loves adding cranberries and nuts to the salad, sometimes that’s all she’ll put in the salad. But my thoughts are I’m creating a habit of eating salad for my kids.


3. My kids are 5 1/2 years apart.  


All i I must say is, I can’t lose weight the way I did 8, 7, or even 2 years ago because I’m in a new time of life. I used to wake up at 5 every morning, bike ride before the kids went to school, walk the dogs, etc. 


Now I work a part/full time job, it’s dead winter, and I have different needs. So I’m adjusting to that. 


My husband used to say “I wish I could look like I did when I was going to compete in body builder” but he’s never going to look like that because

1. That was 10 years ago

2. We don’t have that amount of time to work out unless you want to make it a career

3.Even if you did work out like he did 10 years ago, your body is going to be different. 


Any way! Welcome to nerd fitness! I’m in the rebel guild! Come check us out 


battle log is like a journal. Talk about anything your feeling, wanting, dreaming, etc. 

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"One should eat to live, not live to eat." -Molaire-

"People always forget their hangover" -My dear ol' dad

"People are born to live, while some are born to evolve." 

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12 hours ago, kittykitty93 said:

I have a newbie challenge sat up. It's under "Birth of a Legend".
Thank you so much for the affirmation. Will definitely be keeping in touch if you don't mind.

Also what exactly is a Battle Log?


Feel free to keep in touch. I never mind questions and I am following you now so I will hopefully see when you update (assuming I remember to check my "Content I follow" log).


Battle logs are daily logs of how you are doing. I don't have one, but I know some use it as a work out log, some use it as a therapy journal. Its all about what you want/need it to be.

I don't use them, but that's because I don't really need one. I can cover everything I want to in my challenge thread. But some people want all their stuff in one place, and that works as well. One thing about NF is there is no perfect way of doing things. Its all about what works for you.

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You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream - C.S. Lewis

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12 hours ago, kittykitty93 said:

By the way, is that RuneScape?

And I almost forgot. The name has been one I've used since high school on the Xbox 360. Lol thank you.


Runescape is a videogame I think. I don't honestly know, I have never played. The picture was just one that looked like summoning.

You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream - C.S. Lewis

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Good morning!
So I finally decided to commit to living a better life. This means keeping a cleaner house, creating meal plans that can feed two adults, and two toddlers while still packing big nutrition and enough calories to fuel our shenanigans, and completely restructuring how we think so as to be productive to our goals instead of undermining.
I hope that in joining this community that I can get some advice from other like-minded folks. So my first questions for my fellow Rebels are as follows:
1.) As a half-time online college student and mother is it really possible to pull off something like this while still giving my children the attention they need and deserve?
2.)What are some sample meal plans that are healthful and simple enough to fit into a super busy life that are also desirable to the carnivorous hubby and picky kids?
3.) Has anyone else been able to regain their body after having two kids close together?
4.) Does anyone feel comfortable sharing their struggles on this journey and how you've overcome them? (It doesn't have to be super detailed, I'm only asking to gain a sense of confidence to be able to surmount the challenges that are sure to come.)
I know nothing worth having comes easy. I've been there, heck before my husband and I were married I was at the peak of my physical fitness, I was strong, at the lowest weight since middle school and I had confidence. While he still complements me and truly has a high opinion of me I have lost all of my confidence, that fire that drove me, everything I was before. This is mostly due to the depression but also because I've learned so much in the last four years about health and diet, and even things like organizations that I've found that the majority of what I had confidence in back then was a lie.
I'm here not to mope about the past, or even to recapture it. It was a wonderful time in my life, I found my love, and found a deeper purpose as a wife and mother, don't get me wrong. It's just time to move forward, and be the best me from this point forward. More people depend on me now than they did back then so this beginning is very important and admittedly, I'm going to need a lot of support from a solid community.
There it is, I admitted to needing help! There's one accomplishment already!
Ready, set... Go!
Let's get started!

I can pretty much only offer advice and insight into #2 and #4. The fitness part, I’m not a huge help on because I’m working on it too, and I only have one kiddo who’s right smack in between yours at just over two years old. I do, however know quite a bit about making healthy, filling, quick, and cheap meals, though most of them won’t have any dairy or soy because Bee has a medical condition and can’t have those.

For meals, if you have an instant pot (my new best kitchen friend since Christmas last year) and/or a crock pot, you’re in business. Today, for instance I made a whole chicken in the crockpot (well, the slow cooker setting of the instant pot, but same difference). I pre-chopped some sweet potatoes and onions earlier in the week, threw them in a crock pot this morning, plopped a whole chicken on top of it, poured on a little olive oil and some seasonings, and let it cook on low all day while we were at work. 10 mins prep tops. When we got home, we could’ve just eaten it as is, but I like my chicken skin crispy, so I put it on a tin foil covered pan (easy cleanup) and threw it under the broiler for 5 mins. While that crisped up, I threw a frozen bag of peas and corn in the microwave for 5 mins. Bam. Dinner done, and it made enough for at least two more meals.

I’ve got half a dozen meals based around crockpot pork shoulder or butt in the crock pot. You can cook a spaghetti squash in an instant pot in about 10-15 mins, and make meat sauce in it too. I’ve got a bad ass veggie loaded chicken korma recipe for the crockpot or pressure cooker.

On Sundays make a plan and a list, go power grocery shopping (sans Bee and husband), and I do about an hour of general food prep on Sunday nights after Bee goes to bed, then I try to keep any dinner/ meal to 15 mins or less during the week by making enough proteins for a few days at a time and just repurposing them with different sides.

If you ever want to see my lists/ plans, just give me a holler, or if you’ve got a hunk of meat (really, any type from chicken to wild game) or a weird smattering of veggies, I probably have a meal that uses them.

As for the whole sharing what you’re going through, my (fairly limited ) experience here has been that most people are super open and helpful. Lots of people here have been through depression, body issues, motherhood problems, health scares, and just general malaise and can feel where you’re coming from.

As far as getting your body “back”, my version has never been to get it back to pre-Bee, because it was pretty mediocre and without a goal, I’m pretty aimless and lazy. I try to figure out a goal that I want my body to be able to do, like last summer I wanted to be able to run a 4 mile obstacle race with my sister, and come up with a plan for how to get there. Right now, I want to be able to eventually do 100 push-ups, something I’ve never been able to do, so that’s part of my challenge this time around (last challenge my goal was to do at least 1 real push-up...haha. You gotta start somewhere, right?). Is there anything physically quantifiable that you want your body to be capable of? Like if weight and clothes size was off the table, what would you want to be able to do?

Sorry, this is so long-winded... I have a problem with rambling and not being concise.

TLDR: I’m a toddler mom too, trying to get in shape. Use me as a resource or an ear if you need to.

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I can pretty much only offer advice and insight into #2 and #4. The fitness part, I’m not a huge help on because I’m working on it too, and I only have one kiddo who’s right smack in between yours at just over two years old. I do, however know quite a bit about making healthy, filling, quick, and cheap meals, though most of them won’t have any dairy or soy because Bee has a medical condition and can’t have those.

For meals, if you have an instant pot (my new best kitchen friend since Christmas last year) and/or a crock pot, you’re in business. Today, for instance I made a whole chicken in the crockpot (well, the slow cooker setting of the instant pot, but same difference). I pre-chopped some sweet potatoes and onions earlier in the week, threw them in a crock pot this morning, plopped a whole chicken on top of it, poured on a little olive oil and some seasonings, and let it cook on low all day while we were at work. 10 mins prep tops. When we got home, we could’ve just eaten it as is, but I like my chicken skin crispy, so I put it on a tin foil covered pan (easy cleanup) and threw it under the broiler for 5 mins. While that crisped up, I threw a frozen bag of peas and corn in the microwave for 5 mins. Bam. Dinner done, and it made enough for at least two more meals.

I’ve got half a dozen meals based around crockpot pork shoulder or butt in the crock pot. You can cook a spaghetti squash in an instant pot in about 10-15 mins, and make meat sauce in it too. I’ve got a bad ass veggie loaded chicken korma recipe for the crockpot or pressure cooker.

On Sundays make a plan and a list, go power grocery shopping (sans Bee and husband), and I do about an hour of general food prep on Sunday nights after Bee goes to bed, then I try to keep any dinner/ meal to 15 mins or less during the week by making enough proteins for a few days at a time and just repurposing them with different sides.

If you ever want to see my lists/ plans, just give me a holler, or if you’ve got a hunk of meat (really, any type from chicken to wild game) or a weird smattering of veggies, I probably have a meal that uses them.

As for the whole sharing what you’re going through, my (fairly limited ) experience here has been that most people are super open and helpful. Lots of people here have been through depression, body issues, motherhood problems, health scares, and just general malaise and can feel where you’re coming from.

As far as getting your body “back”, my version has never been to get it back to pre-Bee, because it was pretty mediocre and without a goal, I’m pretty aimless and lazy. I try to figure out a goal that I want my body to be able to do, like last summer I wanted to be able to run a 4 mile obstacle race with my sister, and come up with a plan for how to get there. Right now, I want to be able to eventually do 100 push-ups, something I’ve never been able to do, so that’s part of my challenge this time around (last challenge my goal was to do at least 1 real push-up...haha. You gotta start somewhere, right?). Is there anything physically quantifiable that you want your body to be capable of? Like if weight and clothes size was off the table, what would you want to be able to do?

Sorry, this is so long-winded... I have a problem with rambling and not being concise.

TLDR: I’m a toddler mom too, trying to get in shape. Use me as a resource or an ear if you need to.

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I enjoy your posts because you write like I do! Don't worry about conciseness, as you know toddlers have a very terse language of their own so being able to be express my thoughts and feelings like this is like a mini-vacation.
A quantifiable physical goal for me by is to get to where I can run the IST Marine Corps style like back in the day, only four years ago, which is the Initial Strength Test that you have to perform to ship out. I'm not going in since I've the girls to take care of but I know that if I can run at least a 20 minute mile and a half, one pull-up, 50 crunches, I can't remember the last requirement to save my life, but if I can do those then I can build from there.
Functional fitness is my aim and over the last few days I've wondered if I should hang with the Druids to start with for a time to limber up, and restart my tired body, but then again should I go whole hog and be with the Rangers since they're into almost everything?
I'm also considering the ways my body has changed in 4 years. I was 20 when I started training hard, I was a smoker, and part of by the way I lost the weight was that I didn't eat much. Just enough to get by, I know from experience that I cannot do that this time around.
I will be 25 in July and already I know that everything I had finally figured out about my body has changed. My metabolism, how my muscles respond to strain. It's weird.
I have a feeling that this time a different approach will have to be made but weight and image aside, I need to be able to have more energy and the ability to crawl around with my kids. I need my body to be that if a 25 year old, not a 50 year old, no offense to those out there who are of that age, I'm only basing that sentiment on my family.

Hope this essay didn't have to be in MLA format. Bwahaha
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Live this life and enjoy it.

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Howdy Kittykitty93, wishing you friendly greeting from Texas. Like you, I'm starting my journey to a better me in 2018 and I would be honored to share my blunders and success' as the year moves on. I find that having this accountability with like minded people shooting for the same goal helps ensure the greatest chance for success.


While I can't answer the majority of your questions (I'm not a parent yet), I can definitely help with cooking. I've discovered that I enjoying cooking after taking some basic lessons from a local chef. Here is a link to my repository of recipes: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsQyfs4-TxjAn0a70dQFzSqV0Jlm. I've found the greatest success in sticking with healthy eating if I meal prep on the weekends (a personal challenge is to actually eat those meals instead of going out with coworkers but that's a different issue). My issue when starting meal prep was how to keep the food fresh and reheat it so it actually has flavor. I've found success with vacuum seal containers and using the oven to reheat. If you ever want to discuss this in more detail, I would thoroughly enjoy the conversation.


Good luck Kittykitty94, I'm rooting for ya!




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I am honored to have been tagged in this.


1). It is totally possible. Taking care of yourself first MAKES you into a better mom. Obviously with young children there are certain things you have to do for them before you can prioritize yourself (feeding, hygiene care, etc), but care for yourself is just as important! Do not ever feel bad about the time you may have to spend away from them to care for and do things for yourself. It can be hard but caring for yourself (even if it means being away from them for short times) teaches them how to care for themselves when they are older. If it is in your budget I would recommend putting them in day care one or two days a week for a couple hours, and set that time aside as your school time. 


Give yourself ALL the grace. Little years are hard and exhausting. I am just coming out of them. My youngest are in Kindergarten now.


I don't really know about #3 as I am just now down to my 9 month pregnancy weight from my last baby (that was 6 years ago)  :P


As far as helping organize things and reclaim your life/health just take baby steps everyday. One resource that helped me get my house under control is the FlyLady  http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/


I also just learned this tip from a podcast. Ask every member of your family for their 3 favorite meals (not sure if your kids are old enough to be able to tell you this) make a list of them and use that as your back up/go to meals. It helps with meal planning. You may need to find ways to make substitutions for healthier options. Also the crock pot is so your friend. 


Another great tip I have received is to take the kids outside. Is there a park you could possibly walk to together? That would get you moving, and it is something you can do together. If you can't walk to one maybe drive, and when you get there you could do some yoga/stretching or even use some of the equipment for some body weight exercises.


Also, don't worry about your house being messy. Everyone wants a tidy home (I think they do anyway), but it is okay to let things go at times, so you can get in those cuddles and stories, and games. You will have plenty of time to create a tidy home when they are grown and not as interested in being with you every minute. 


I'm not sure what kind of support you have in the way of family and friends but don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is a sign of strength  not weakness.


Motherhood is a journey of learning about yourself, and facing hard truths. It is ever changing. Let it grow you. Give yourself grace. 

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I am honored to have been tagged in this.
1). It is totally possible. Taking care of yourself first MAKES you into a better mom. Obviously with young children there are certain things you have to do for them before you can prioritize yourself (feeding, hygiene care, etc), but care for yourself is just as important! Do not ever feel bad about the time you may have to spend away from them to care for and do things for yourself. It can be hard but caring for yourself (even if it means being away from them for short times) teaches them how to care for themselves when they are older. If it is in your budget I would recommend putting them in day care one or two days a week for a couple hours, and set that time aside as your school time. 
Give yourself ALL the grace. Little years are hard and exhausting. I am just coming out of them. My youngest are in Kindergarten now.
I don't really know about #3 as I am just now down to my 9 month pregnancy weight from my last baby (that was 6 years ago)  [emoji14]
As far as helping organize things and reclaim your life/health just take baby steps everyday. One resource that helped me get my house under control is the FlyLady  http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/
I also just learned this tip from a podcast. Ask every member of your family for their 3 favorite meals (not sure if your kids are old enough to be able to tell you this) make a list of them and use that as your back up/go to meals. It helps with meal planning. You may need to find ways to make substitutions for healthier options. Also the crock pot is so your friend. 
Another great tip I have received is to take the kids outside. Is there a park you could possibly walk to together? That would get you moving, and it is something you can do together. If you can't walk to one maybe drive, and when you get there you could do some yoga/stretching or even use some of the equipment for some body weight exercises.
Also, don't worry about your house being messy. Everyone wants a tidy home (I think they do anyway), but it is okay to let things go at times, so you can get in those cuddles and stories, and games. You will have plenty of time to create a tidy home when they are grown and not as interested in being with you every minute. 
I'm not sure what kind of support you have in the way of family and friends but don't be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help is a sign of strength  not weakness.
Motherhood is a journey of learning about yourself, and facing hard truths. It is ever changing. Let it grow you. Give yourself grace. 
I appreciate that so much! Today was a little hard to push through but your post just made it a bit better. Lol Congrats on your weight though. That's a lot better than where I'm at admittedly. 210 is not very flattering on a 5'3 woman bwaha. But hey that's why we're here right?
We do have a park just up the road from where we live. We have to drive there just because of the heavy traffic flow through town. It's a lovely little place and has 3 different trails. It was one of the many things I fell in love with after moving here. It's just been a bit too cold for me to feel comfortable taking them outside.

As far as goals on here, I'm learning that there is a lot of rudimentary work that has to be done. Heck most of my 4 week challenge pertains to getting the basics back into routine like cooking how I used to before the depression, and finding a routine to keep the house just clean enough. Lol
We're making progress, just kinda embarrassed at where I've realized the beginning truly is, if that makes any sense.
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Live this life and enjoy it.

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On 2/8/2018 at 10:39 AM, kittykitty93 said:

Thank you so much for your response and the tagging of the "Mommy Brigade".

You're so welcome! I hope you've had a good time at NF so far :) Seems like people get a lot more out of it when there's more community engagement, so I like to encourage it where I can. 


On 2/8/2018 at 7:43 PM, Butternut said:

Thanks for tagging me ^_^ I feel so special!

14 hours ago, PixiePrincessPea said:

I am honored to have been tagged in this.

Of course! You have important, valid, and relevant opinions! Seriously, do I need to up my tagging game?? (I actually do, @Hypotheticalfox sorry I didn't tag you, too! I thought you had a little one but wasn't sure and didn't want to be awkward if I was wrong! :unsure:


On 2/8/2018 at 2:38 PM, Bean Sidhe said:

I guess I am the first member of the Mommy Brigade to stop by (BTW, when did we get a cool name?)

Do I need to up my "cool group names" game as well? So much room for improvement. Smh. 

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I appreciate that so much! Today was a little hard to push through but your post just made it a bit better. Lol Congrats on your weight though. That's a lot better than where I'm at admittedly. 210 is not very flattering on a 5'3 woman bwaha. But hey that's why we're here right?
We do have a park just up the road from where we live. We have to drive there just because of the heavy traffic flow through town. It's a lovely little place and has 3 different trails. It was one of the many things I fell in love with after moving here. It's just been a bit too cold for me to feel comfortable taking them outside.

As far as goals on here, I'm learning that there is a lot of rudimentary work that has to be done. Heck most of my 4 week challenge pertains to getting the basics back into routine like cooking how I used to before the depression, and finding a routine to keep the house just clean enough. Lol
We're making progress, just kinda embarrassed at where I've realized the beginning truly is, if that makes any sense.

Basics are sooo necessary. Lay the foundational work now so later you can build on it. No matter how basic, they’re still steps in the right direction.

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