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LGBTQA and Ally Safe Space

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I can't read this whole thread but I wanted to chime in as a lady currently dating another lady. By dating I mean living together for like 2 years now. :tongue: But we both of us have dated men and women equally in the past. Are we gay, straight?! Neither?! Both?! Banana?!!!??!??!?


One possible argument is that you're both bisexual. But "banana" is a great term that deserves a proper definition.

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What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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For some reason I loathe the term bisexual because well.. I feel like it doesn't cover all the territory. It implies there are only two kinds of people to love but I have loved many more kinds of people than that! And could love still more kinds! I have never felt super attached to one or another label, I just love who I love!


But then I also don't like pansexual cause it seems pretentious. Maybe I just dislike labels. is there a label for label-dislikers?



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"Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead!" - Buffy Summers 

level 1 Orc Warrior at heart, training with the Adventurers
STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

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For some reason I loathe the term bisexual because well.. I feel like it doesn't cover all the territory. It implies there are only two kinds of people to love but I have loved many more kinds of people than that! And could love still more kinds! I have never felt super attached to one or another label, I just love who I love!

But then I also don't like pansexual cause it seems pretentious. Maybe I just dislike labels. is there a label for label-dislikers?


Well, on the topic of terminology/labels (this might have been said before, I haven't read all the billion pages of this thread), you can look at it from the source for the term. Heterosexual comes from hetero- or different, referring to the attraction to a different gender. Homosexual stems from homo- or same, referring to the attraction to the same gender. Bisexual stems from bi- or two, which would be a synthesis of the two, homo and hetero. Pansexual has pan- or all, referring to an attraction to all.

I feel that labels aren't a requirement.

Love is love. It makes no difference whether you identify as (insert label here), because, in the end, all that matters is that we are all fabulous people on this beautiful planet.

Sent front phone. Any mistakes are its fault.

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All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

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For some reason I loathe the term bisexual because well.. I feel like it doesn't cover all the territory. It implies there are only two kinds of people to love but I have loved many more kinds of people than that! And could love still more kinds! I have never felt super attached to one or another label, I just love who I love!

But then I also don't like pansexual cause it seems pretentious. Maybe I just dislike labels. is there a label for label-dislikers?


I feel you on the bisexual label dislike (not bisexual people! I am one, and I like me). To me, the emphasis always falls on the biSEXUAL part, which frustrates me to no end. It's not all about sex! People are multifaceted!

To that end, I like the term queer. It's ambiguous, but that's a plus.

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Level 1 Human Avatar

STR 2 || CON 2 || DEX 1 || WIS 2 || STA 0 || CHA 1

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"Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you." - Ovid

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I feel you on the bisexual label dislike (not bisexual people! I am one, and I like me). To me, the emphasis always falls on the biSEXUAL part, which frustrates me to no end. It's not all about sex! People are multifaceted!

To that end, I like the term queer. It's ambiguous, but that's a plus.

Yeah, I don't know why there's such a strong stereotype of bisexuals being slutty. It's really frustrating. Back when I used to call myself bisexual, I would have to point out that having twice the number of potential partners doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with twice the number of people. It means I can be pickier, because I have more options. :P


Personally, I use "pansexual" now and don't consider it to be particularly pretentious. "Pan" means "all", so to me it suggests that I could like someone from any type of gender/sex combination. And that's true. It's not about the physical body, it's about who they are as a whole person.

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Not sure where I can put this woot moment, but I think you folks will appreciate this! 


I completely changed my uncle's stance on homosexuality today. The man was born in a isolated village in Sri Lanka and his whole outlook is quite silly; he's the type of guy who thinks that if it's "different", it's wrong. His homophobia is completely irrational; it's not seated in religion or anything like that.

This old dog is the worst person to argue with. You know how some people can't help make circular arguments? He's one of them. English isn't his first language and let me tell you, arguing a case to a guy who only understands seventy percent of what you say is really hard. I'm not that good a speaker either, so that's a further challenge.


But yeah, I changed his opinion. Done and dusted, right? Well, not entirely.

Two years ago he kicked out his eldest son for coming out of the closet. I've been trying to break through his ignorant ideas for that long and today I finally managed it. It was a long debate, though! It pretty much ruined the party they were hosting, but considering the outcome the party doesn't really matter.

He asked my mum for his son's number and I do believe that he called his son after everybody went home, which was probably the first time he'd talked to his son since the day he kicked his kid out. Hopefully they patch things up! 


I don't know, this whole thing has made me really happy. I feel like I've really done something worth doing today! Granted, my mum was chiming in to back up my points and translate stuff, but still. ^^

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Assassin - Level 3 

STR: 6 | STA: 3 | DEX: 1 | CON: 6 | WIS: 5 | CHA: 1

Challenge 1 - RESTART -  Challenge 2


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Hello lovelies,


I'm Kementári and I am poly/pansexual, a German demigirl with an amazingly supportive family. Stumbled across this (huge) thread and honestly I'm really glad that the Rebellion has a special place for our community and allies. Can't wait to start my first challenge!




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 Level 2 Wood Elf Assassin | House Slytherin | Challenges: 1, 2, current


STA: 2 | STR: 6 | CHA: 3 | WIS: 0 | DEX: 6 | CON: 0 


"I am alive. I am here. I am trying. That is enough."


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Just finished Legend of Korra Season 4. What a great ending. Thanks for not spoiling it for me when we were talking about it awhile back (I think it was here). I almost threw my iphone when I went to look up the release date for season 5 and found out that season 4 was the last one. There's SO MUCH MORE to do! I read there are petitions for amazon prime or netlfix to pick it up as an original series if Nick doesn't want it, but I doubt they're giving up that goldmine of a license.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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When I get home from work, I'm posting up my challenge. Let's get in on this.

I wish to see how you QUEER ALL THE THINGS for a challenge...I may copy it

Sent front phone. Any mistakes are its fault.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

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Conference call with the Whitehouse about LGBT issues and the administration's response on the Leelah's Law petition and  conversion therapy for those of you who are in the states and interested.

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SW: 229 lbs CW: 150 lbs

GW1: 200 lbs GW2: 190 lbs GW3: 180 lbs GW4: 170 lbs GW5: 160 lbs GW6: 150 lbs GW7: 140 lbs GW8: 130 lbs

Ultimate Goal: Lose a total of 100 lbs

Current Total Lost: 79 lbs


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Curious your guys thoughts on acronym lgbttqqfagpbdsm. So far not loving the placement of some of the letters. Connecticut please stop trying to get us beaten up.


Also, I'm out to lot of people now. Feels awesome. My family will be my next task (helps my mom admits she has not being dealing with her depression, which explains why she been control freak for past few months).


I've just switched over to GSM


Gender and Sexual Minority. When explainint it to people, I say: It properly addresses why the groups are unified, while being inclusive, and is the proper successor to LGBT and all the acronyms after it.


I've found that people who are JUST accepting LGBT but would have trouble accepting any longer acronyms are usually ok with GSM. I suppose the downside is it doesn't name all the groups within GSM, but in my opinion that's also an upside as groups currently not accepted in LGBT+ can work their way in easier (say polyamorists).




On an upside, I posted my first picture to facebook since I deleted my old one and made a new one with my proper name. It recieved fine responses, though my favorites are the ones from my brother and father.

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