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For the last challenge, I was using a piece of fruit per meal as a reward for working out.

I later changed it to allowing myself to eat w/e I wanted for a couple of days after the challenge.

I found that on days I had trouble getting motivated I would think WWSD (What would Spezzy do?) which would usually motivate me to get my lazy arse moving. Eventually it was watching the BF drop (from 25 -18.5). Now its chasing a sub 15% BF, knowing that I leave Afghanistan for good in 47 days, and will have to buy new clothes when I get home.

I think that initially that because I was never a fan of weight lifting or exercising much in the beginning, that the rewards did help motivate me. Now, the workout itself is usually enough to motivate me. I rested almost 72 hours (from 6am Friday until 330am today - Monday) and was supposed to rest today. I started my 6 week challenge today and will probably take off Sunday. I just couldn't not go to the gym again. Tortue!

My friend called me a health nut the other day. First time I had ever been called one of them!


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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I like to buy gear like a new pair of Muay Thai shorts or an Under Armor shirt. When I use food it alwasy ends bad rewarding yourself with food in my opinion is a mistake because it becomes a habit. That being said I do think sometimes you need that piece of cake or the ice cream just to keep from being over dieted and under caloried.

My wife and I spoke about this very subject this weekend because she is not reaching her goals but likes to say, "today was hard I deserve some ice cream!" or "it's the weekend I really need Dokkbogi(rice cakes in spicey sauce)" Not the best way to reaching your goals.

Race: Mul (Dark Sun, AD&D)

Profession: Battle Monk


Str/4 Dex/3 Con/4 Wis/2 Cha/2

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I like to buy gear like a new pair of Muay Thai shorts or an Under Armor shirt. When I use food it alwasy ends bad rewarding yourself with food in my opinion is a mistake because it becomes a habit. That being said I do think sometimes you need that piece of cake or the ice cream just to keep from being over dieted and under caloried.

My wife and I spoke about this very subject this weekend because she is not reaching her goals but likes to say, "today was hard I deserve some ice cream!" or "it's the weekend I really need Dokkbogi(rice cakes in spicey sauce)" Not the best way to reaching your goals.

Agreed. Which is why I didn't keep it up. If I wanted fruit, I ate it in moderation. I had crap for about 24 hours after the last challenge and going paleo for the full 6 weeks, said screw that and went back to paleo almost immediately.

Last challenge I was going to get myself a nice watch for passing the challenges, but instead I am looking forward to MNST (moar naked sexy time) when I get home. Pretty much all the motivation I need. :P (Granted I have been away from the wife for 18 months too but still)


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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I had like 1500+ calories (Chicken royale w/ cheese, like half a fast food bag of fries- thats how they serve them out here, 1.5 soda and a twix) but never felt full like I do after a paleo meal. Then I was hungry like 90 minutes later, and the caffeine made my heart race. Said screw the Pizza Hut I was going to have and went right back to my paleo diet. Much happier and stayed saited much longer.


Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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My reward system is kind of weird. If I'm being lazy, then whatever I want/need to do next in my day (i.e. check my email/facebook, call someone, watch a tv show) can't happen until I do a workout. Like I'm talking to my boyfriend about plans and I'll be like "okay, I get to check my text after I do 30 min of bodyweight stuff".

It's not very conventional but I've tried other reward systems and they just don't do it for me.

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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Honestly, I don't think of rewards for following certain behaviors, beyond what the behaviors themselves can bring me. How can reward good eating; By allowing myself to act like I've suddenly become skinny? How do I reward strength-building; by not letting myself carry the kitty litter until I'm strong enough?

I take what I want, when I want. And whatever I cannot have, I eliminate the reason I cannot have it. (Within reason of course. Just because I want to buy something that is equal to two month's food budget does not mean I starve for two months. It means that I spend six months trying to cut the budget as much as I can without more than a tiny bit of suffering, and hopefully talk myself out of such nonsense.)

I have conditions that affect my social awareness.  If I am rude, tell me what I could do better.

5'8" & 220 260 pounds | Miles Walked: X

2019: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Pre 2017: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | * | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

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Like others on here, I'm starting to work on a "better gear" rewards system. After hitting a certain number of miles running, I got a new pair of transitional shoes, and then a more minimal pair. I guess that's slightly different, though, as buying new shoes is pretty dependent on the mileage they've seen, anyway. Once I hit 1,000 miles for the year, though, I'm going to splash out on one of the pieces of kit I've had my eye on - either a Garmin or a really nice backpack / waistpack / water bladder combo; my reward for my walking goal is a pair of OESH shoes (probably); and if I complete the weights portion of my 6 week goal I'll be investing in a barbell, rather than just the dumbbells. I kinda think of this system as "levelling up my loot", too - I've increased in level, so it's only right that I have a +1 bag of holding, for example ;o)

More immediate rewards? After an intense workout (of any kind), I get to have a quiet 5 - 10 minutes with a massive mug of coffee (decaff at this time of night) and not feel guilty!

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I hang out with my friends only when I have made a streak of 20 workouts, 20 because it limits eating fast food to once or twice a month, so it keeps me healthy.


Spartan adventurer



"Push the pace" - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"Blood, sweat and respect. First two you give, last one you earn." - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"The world has a habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he's going."

"See the invisible, believe the incredible, achieve the impossible."

"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want" - Madonna

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In a way I use new workout gear as a reward, but then it gets all confused with the stuff that I'm replacing (like my crops that pretty much fall down if I think about running). When I reach my weight goal (about 3 lbs away) I'm getting a NF hoodie! That last 3 lbs is a killer...

Good plan! I'm probably gonna get something from the NF store (resources, clothing) each time I complete a challenge - think that's an appropriate reward =o)

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My reward system is kind of weird. If I'm being lazy, then whatever I want/need to do next in my day (i.e. check my email/facebook, call someone, watch a tv show) can't happen until I do a workout. Like I'm talking to my boyfriend about plans and I'll be like "okay, I get to check my text after I do 30 min of bodyweight stuff".

It's not very conventional but I've tried other reward systems and they just don't do it for me.

Even this is a good idea for me. I sit a lot on internet so this will help in reducing my addiction to internet. Thank you for the idea.


Spartan adventurer



"Push the pace" - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"Blood, sweat and respect. First two you give, last one you earn." - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"The world has a habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he's going."

"See the invisible, believe the incredible, achieve the impossible."

"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want" - Madonna

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I might get a new tattoo when I shed a few more kilos, or maybe finish c25k. And maybe buy some overpriced workout pants - instead of the normal Target $10 specials! Already rewarded myself with a few cool singlets a month or so ago - my Battlestar Galactica singlet makes me run like a boss!

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My rewards fall into two categories: Stuff and Time. For some goals, I pick out something to buy myself upon completion. For the Multi-PvP challenge this time around I am working toward a pair of red chuck taylors that I have wanted for 6 years. The key for me for Stuff rewards is it has to be something I've wanted for a long time...that way I know I really want it and it will be something to really motivate me. I keep an Amazon Universal Wish List on my computer, and I've filled it with things over the years that I really would like to have. These make good rewards for me. For Stuff rewards, I usually have a large goal to complete, so I am not buying stuff for myself all the time.

Time rewards are basically giving myself permission to use my time for something I want to do. This can include a long meditation, gardening, a spa day, a day of reading books, a day of playing video games, a morning of leisurely hiking, going to a movie matinee, etc. The upside of these is that they are usually free or cheap. I live in a large house with a partner, 3 dogs, 4 cats, and a 5 acre yard....there is ALWAYS something that "needs" to be done and often my hobbies and enjoyable activities get put on the back burner in favor of "chores." These Time rewards really work for me because they allow me to enjoy a hobby/leisure activity while also reminding myself the hard work I put in to earn it.

I don't do food rewards or planned cheating anymore. It doesn't work for me. I am exceedingly happy with my primal lifestyle and I find that on the rare occasion when I do eat something not primal, I don't find it appealing. I have been primal for 2 months, and I've eaten non-primal items maybe 5 times. 1 of those was TOTALLY worth it (a slice of homemade toll house pie at our favorite local family diner...OMG SO GOOD)...the other 4 were disappointing and I didn't finish them. I find I am better able to steadily make progress on my goals if my rewards steer clear of food and instead focus on either fitness or my lifestyle/hobbies.

As far as structure, I don't have regularly planned rewards. As I come up with goals, I might build in a reward, like with the PvP challenge this challenge. Otherwise, my rewards are sporadic and usually they are attached to large goals. For example, when I finish my 7-mile distance goal this challenge, I will probably reward myself with a Time reward (hello, a day of playing Oblivion! :)), or I will reward myself by setting aside some extra cash to take for spending $$ on my vacation to CA at the end of this challenge. My reward for my meditation goal, if I achieve 95% success, will be a singing bowl for my practice (I go to a local store almost every week and stare longingly at the bowl they have there with the perfect sound for me :)). Other than that, the encouragement I get from my friends on NF is enough motivation to keep moving forward on my goals. :)

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