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When You Have the Blues


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I've been feeling pretty down for a whole week now. I've said it in my logs, but I just don't have energy, I know I'm not getting enough protein, and I'm in an emotional funk. I feel like even though I eat pretty well for the most part, I make most of my meals, plus I walk almost everyday and workout at least 5 times a week, I feel like nothing's changed since I started 2 months ago. I don't feel stronger and I don't look any better/worse. I feel like I'm coasting.

Anyway, what do you guys do when you're feeling upset? Any advice?

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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Music. I listen to inspiring/uplifting/aggressive music. Music can do so much, and help in so many ways. (Yes, I love music.)

But to be honest, that's the only advice I can give, really. It's what helps me, and I don't have many other ways of coping with feeling down (that are positive).

Exercise can help as well, of course. Too sad/unmotivated/gloomy/etc to get out and exercise? Start moving. Just move. Do something. Jump up and down. Go a boxing round vs. the air. Get down on the floor and do some pushups. Go out and run/walk if you can bring yourself to do it. And so on.

TL;DR Music (inspiring, uplifting or aggressive) and/or exercise.

Ash nazg durbatulûk

Îα είσαι καλÏτεÏος άνθÏωπος από τον πατέÏα σου

â–²STR 7 | DEX 11 | STA 6 | CON 6 | WIS 9 | CHA 5â–²



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I was in a funk for a long time and couldn't get motivated to ANYTHING. The thing that helped was getting my heart rate WAY up up. For me that was interval sprints and lifting heavy. I have to do those intense sessions at least every other or every third day.

If you think you might be depressed, you should consider talking to your doctor. Of course, one week of being in a funk doesn't mean you are depressed. But if that's how you're feeling, there's no shame in talking to a doctor.

Other things to consider: Sometimes the changing seasons and getting less sunlight can make you feel blah, too. (In that case, Vitamin D is a good solution.) Other times, there's no specific reason and the blues just come and go. If the music listed above doesn't work (which I also love), I also do well getting some time alone (anything quiet, watching a show or movie I love, taking a hot bath, or just reading), or even talking to a good/supportive friend.

I'm sorry you're feeling down. Hopefully some of this works for you!

Shape-Shifting Ginger
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When I'm in those kinds of funky times in life, I turn to music, meditation, and lately hanging out in the Woot Room here. One thing that's helped through a couple mini-funks lately is reading inspirational stories on fitness blogs or going to the Woot Room to seek out others to congratulate. I do this at work too...when I am feeling uber stressed, I have started sending a funny email to my teammates to relieve their stress, and it makes me feel better too. Reading and responding to posts in the Woot Room does a lot for my motivation, because everyone in there is happy, exciting, and achieving things. Gets me pumped to get another workout in or another day of eating well.

The meditation piece is important for me as well. One of my primary points of focus with my meditation practice is to be okay with sitting with myself no matter how I'm feeling. Just being willing to sit there even if I'm feeling sad, angry, lethargic, whatever, really does wonders. I consider it a kindness to offer the hand of friendship to myself during meditations, and sometimes just sitting with the "down" feelings can buoy me up enough to find the other side and climb out of the funk.

Best of luck to you. Everybody's different, and you'll find the coping mechanisms that work best for you. :) Just remember you're not alone in feeling this way. The lows never last forever, and neither do the highs. It's all just the ebb and flow of life, something we all experience, so be kind to yourself while you make your way through it. :)

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Well, more protein. Check to see if you're coming down with something.

I tend to drink, and I was addicted to gaming until that became more of a thorn than distraction.

Try to get a case of the warm fuzzies. Basically it's that high you get in return for a selfless deed. The safest way is probably to go to your local charity and ask them for a task. It's about the safest legal high you can get without a prescription.

I have conditions that affect my social awareness.  If I am rude, tell me what I could do better.

5'8" & 220 260 pounds | Miles Walked: X

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The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title - "Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues."

I have my times where I'm in my "funk"; usually its a case of home-sickness (really missing family and the MN weather). For me, it sometimes just a good DVD (High Fidelity, Princess Bride, classic Who, among others), reading one of the many books in the cue, or calling either family or friends back home.

Hope you find something that can get yourself back on track.

Race: Human / Level: 1 / Current Class: Adventurer / Goal Class: Ranger

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"Our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing, that nobody in the universe can do what we're doing."

- Patrick Troughton (Doctor #2)

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I was in a funk for a while and it turned out to be a B vitamin deficiency. I also find I do better when I spend time outdoors in a quiet place, get some fresh air into my lungs. Yoga helps, too; it's amazing how much energy you can gain from slowing down for an hour.

"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination." -Nelson Mandela



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All of this advice everyone has given you is pretty excellent. I love this community.

For me, personally, is that I let myself feel what I am feeling in the most intense way possible. Generally a day or three days of going "I AM GOING TO BE THE SADDEST EVER." Skipping workouts, eating crap, crying a lot, staring out of windows and imagining montages of how tragic and sad I am. Extra points if you stand in the rain and gaze wistfully at streetlights.

Once that time is up though, you have to convince yourself that all of the sad is gone, and you aren't allowed to be sad anymore. If I start being sad, I have to remind myself I'm not allowed. Generally after that three days, I am keen to get back into it anyway just out of sheer boredom. Then do something out there: a new piercing, a new tattoo, white water rafting, leaving town for a few days. Just to give yourself a hard reset, maybe a new challenge.

This is me though. I fully support the doctor idea too.

I hope you feel better soon!

Level 1 Orc Assassin STR: 5.5 | DEX: 5 | STA: 5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 5 | CHA: 6.5 "My strength lies in my tenacity."  

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Thank you all so much, I truly appreciate it. I'm back at my home with my family, so I have the whole day to relax and just catch up on some school work before I go back to my apartment and hang with the bf.

You guys are awesome!

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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Yeah autumn/winter-blues is a recurring thing for me. Although I have to say that it has gotten way easier the last few years after I started working out regularly. My quick list for alleviating the situation is clean eating (more than usual that is, vitamins are awesome), murderous exercising (to max out on those tasty post-workout dopamines and endorphines), good friends, and maximize the hours spent outside in daylight.


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