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World of Warcraft nerds, anyone?


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Sometimes I am ashamed to admit that I really, truly love World of Warcraft.

Please tell me I'm not alone here! Post your toons and servers if you play?


Level 90 shadow priest

US server Dark Iron

Mgn, level 1 Satyr adventurerSTR 2 | DEX 1STA 1 | CON 3WIS 5 | CHA 3"'I wanna be this, I wanna be that'... well then grab your f**king nuts and BE IT!"

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Played on malganis for a few years as a blood elf paladin from early BC to mid WotLK. Had to quit due to it taking way too much of my time to the point of addiction as I was raiding 2-3 nights a week and prepping/instancing to be ready another 2.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Level 90 Prot Warrior

Horde-Kil Jaeden

Ive been playing that toon since BC. Cant seem to get away from the game. lol. Its the network Ive made with in game friends that keeps me coming back.

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Wandering WarriorLevel 4- STR: 7.5 | DEX: 1 | CON: 7 | STA: 7.5 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 4.25"Your future is created by what you do TODAY, not tomorrow"


Battle Log | Fitocracy


Lifting Goals: Squats - 545 | Bench - 410 | Deads - 585 

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Level 90 Prot Warrior

Horde-Kil Jaeden

Ive been playing that toon since BC. Cant seem to get away from the game. lol. Its the network Ive made with in game friends that keeps me coming back.

Exactly!! I have been playing my priest since the early days of BC and all the friends I've made are what keep me around, although admittedly I haven't played in a while due to time constraints and internet problems.

Used to be Alliance, switched to Horde a while back and love it soooo much more, even though I thought I'd hate it. Been playing the same character since the start and actually have zero desire to make/maintain an alt.

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Mgn, level 1 Satyr adventurerSTR 2 | DEX 1STA 1 | CON 3WIS 5 | CHA 3"'I wanna be this, I wanna be that'... well then grab your f**king nuts and BE IT!"

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Casual player here since the beginning of BC, but haven't bought the MoP expansion yet.



Level 85 Goblin BM Hunter (started and leveled up to 80 as a dwarf, was convinced to switch servers and factions by a friend)

The Venture Co

For the Horde!

Current Focus:


Level 68 Dwarf BM Hunter


Part of the WHU, all dwarf hunter guild.

Various alts in other classes, but none past level 30ish (except the DK)

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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I've been playing since the day Burning Crusade came out. Unfortunately I was too young to have a job and maintain a subscription during vanilla :(

I have recently quit for school or health reasons but my heart will always be with WoW, and I will return one day.


Halifirien - lvl 90 Prot Warrior (first and forever main)

Koorii - lvl 90 BM Hunter

Korrin - lvl 90 Brewmaster Monk

Æesir - lvl 90 Resto Druid

Shamalamado - lvl 90 Subtlety Rogue


All on US - Proudmoore


While all of my toons are Alliance now (for progression purposes), my heart lies forever with the Horde!



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Hi, I'm Rymmare and I'm a WoW addict.

Unfortunately I gave it up for a while so I can focus on leveling up my real life because if it came down to the choice between WoW and studying...well, there was no choice really. I'd always pick WoW lol. 

Sooooo...I guess I'm a recovering WoW addict :( 

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Level 10 Wandering Nord

Constitution: 15.5 Strength: 14 Wisdom: 17.5 Stamina: 12.25 Dexterity: 2 Charisma: 8
Current Challenge: Picking Up The Pieces

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I played up until halfway through Cataclysm and I started playing again in Mists. My current main is a level 87 Resto Shaman(my old TBC main) but I raided as a Death Knight for WotLK/Cata and a Hunter in vanilla all currently on Shadowmoon. You can probably tell from my avatar what faction I play. :tongue:

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Zeuel the level 1 Human


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I play, but I'm totally bored with it. I pretty much just log in for my 10-man raid on saturdays and to do dailies occasionally when my friends bug me about it. I might start leveling my shaman soon though, as my raid leader said we could use a spare healer.

"When I can no more stir my soul to move, and life is but the ashes of a fire; When I can but remember that my heart once used to live and love, long and aspire - O be thou then the first, the one thou art; Be thou the calling before all answering love, and in me wake hope, fear, boundless desire." - George MacDonald


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Hi ya!


I used to play WoW before MoP.  Even though I don't play at the moment, it still is the game that contains most of my favorite characters as well one of the best guilds I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Go Dark Crusaders!



Level 85 Belf Disc/Shadow Priest

Member of Dark Crusaders


(Healing Smite Priest of the Firelands)





Level 85  Belf Hunter

(Owner of the great and powerful Ducky, Attack Flamingo)


I miss it now!  :miserable:


Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR: 2  |  DEX: 2  |  STA: 1  |  CON: 4  |  WIS: 4  |  CHA: 2


"You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."  ~ C S Lewis


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Yes! More WoW players! :D I had been wondering how many on this site played. Anywho!


Ãdanessa (A)
Level 90 Resto Druid

Eira (A)
Level 90 Shadow Priest

Tooshie (A)
Level 75 Arms Warrior (workin' on this one...but slowly since I've been too caught up with Torchlight 2 and FTL lately...)

Due to the other games and stuff going on in my life (Such as this persistent cold that I've had for and a week and a half that isn't helping me to do better with my work outs), I've only really gotten on for raids and that's about it. Hoping once I get things settled I can get back to working out and leveling my warrior. :D

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Level 1 Human Adventurer


STR: 2   DEX:  2  STA: 2

CON:  2  WIS:   CHA:  3

"It's a tad easier to be proud when you come in first than it is when you finish further back. But there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped. You can't run away from your problems. Better to run to your friends and family."-Twilight Sparkle



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All on Eldre'thalas (US)

88 Undead Warlock (destro)

Bonnie (main)
85 Undead Rogue  (combat)

85 Troll Shaman (resto)

85 Blood Elf Paladin (ret)

I log in maybe once a month and don't really have the drive to play anymore. I was a vanilla/bc raider and leveled my rogue through battlegrounds back in the day. From what I did see of MoP; the story is very well developed and I like reading the books but Vanilla and BC were my happy times, very few of the friends I made then are still in-game. We keep in touch through Facebook and Twitter.


Level 1 | Half-Orc | Adventurer

STR 03 | DEX 02 | STA 02 | CON 02 | WIS 03 | CHA 03




  • I want regular physical activity to be commonplace in my life.
  • I want to be able to walk up hills/stairs and not feel exhausted.
  • I want to cook most of my meals at home.
  • I want to run in and finish a Journey to the End of the Night.

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Jackt lvl 90 Prot warrior

Stumbdmytotem lvl 90 elemental shaman

Recently deleted my lvl 85 holy priest...may se if I can get him rezed. I just didn't play him for awhile and they changed some stuff so I was completely lost on how to even play the character.


All currently on Thorium Brotherhood

Changeling Warrior







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I am also on Thorium Brotherhood. My main is a lvl 90 Enhancement Shaman--Binklebug. I also mainly just log on to do dailies and sometimes on the weekend Maxtrong and I log on to do some BG's with our lower level toons. But it is definately something that I Jones for if I haven't played awhile. I started almost 6 years ago during BC when Maxtrong got me to try it and I became hooked.


Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR: 3 DEX: 0  STA:1  CON: 4 WIS: 4  CHA:4



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I have seen a lot of comments recently on WoW, figured I would necro this thread.

WoD has been pretty solid so far, imo. Ability pruning was a bit bleh, I don't care for the changes made to talent trees in MoP but all in all I am enjoying. Start playing way too long ago in WoW vanilla closed Beta, so far have:



Feral/resto druid - 100

Prot/ret Pally - 90

Dk - 90



Prot/arms warrior - 95

Resto/elemental shammy - 92

Disc/shadow priest - 90 (my freebie boost from WoD)

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Start playing way too long ago in WoW vanilla closed Beta,


I haven't been playing quite that long, but close.  I did all my hardcore progression raiding in late vanilla and all of TBC, then went casual in WotLK, and quit for 2 years during Cata/MoP.  Came back for WoD and really liking it so far.  


Battle Tag is Oramac#1305 if anyone wants to add me.


Darkspear - Alliance

Oramac: 100 Ret/Prot pally (main)

Modyn: 90 mage

Inthehunt: 90 hunter


Tichondrius - Horde

Apollyón: 100 frost DK

Racour: 90 rogue


Plus one of every other class at various levels except priest/monk/shammy.  Just never could get into those 3.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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