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I can't trust people who say...


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For me there is a clear knowing when someone is older than their golden years and coaching you, because typically you go search these people out.  But if I know your capability (age/size/fitness level) and you aren't willing to just drop down and go do it, or at least something of relative difficulty, then I don't think you have any business telling me what to do. Like my homie the other day was like, "I want to see you do 10 Schools." which means run the local High School 10 times while, running 10 laps around the track up and down the bleachers.  I'm sorry but I'm not near the level of fitness of a High School Wrestler, so there's no way I'm going to be doing that, you feel me? 

There's a quote from Dan John in Easy Strength, "It is a lot easier to smoke an athlete than to make him stronger."

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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I don't trust people with the way of thinking like my dad. To him, the "best" way to lose weight is to starve yourself. His reasoning behind it is that there are millions of starving people in the world and they are all skinny. "If a poverty-stricken person in India can survive on only tea and cabbage, why can't we?" Exact quote from him.

There's a reason I've lost 30lbs in two months and he's still gaining weight. (Easily 500lbs & won't listen. )

Or the people who say its all about cardio, cardio, and more cardio. While I think it's great for someone to be able to run 5k no problem. I really don't want to spend 2 hours running on a treadmill. My cousin has lost 60 pounds and swears it is from his elliptical. No way it's from eating only 1/4 of what he used to.... I would much rather do my strength training that leaves me exhausted at the end of a half hour workout!

“The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?† 
 -Billy Connoly , The Boondock saints
Level 2 Warrior
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When my friend tells me that vomiting after every meal helped her lose loads of weight and that I should do it. Thanks but I'm fine exercising and eating healthy rather that ripping out my stomach lining and hating myself.

Level 2 Gladiatrix-in-Training

Spartan Warrior 

STR 8; DEX 4; STA 4.75; CON 5; WIS 2.75; CHA 4.5

"A man must accept his fate, or be destroyed by it."

"Do or do not, there is no try."




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Oh or when people tell me as a woman it's weird for me to want to learn martial arts or fight or have any *GASP* muscles. You are woman! You must stay home and have babies!

Level 2 Gladiatrix-in-Training

Spartan Warrior 

STR 8; DEX 4; STA 4.75; CON 5; WIS 2.75; CHA 4.5

"A man must accept his fate, or be destroyed by it."

"Do or do not, there is no try."




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"Do as I say and not as I do."  My dad always told me this growing up.  I haven't had anyone else say this exact phrase to me, but I do take it in to consideration when taking advice from people.  If they are going to give me advice or tell me to do something than they had better be doing it them selves and following their own advice.  If you are going to give advice you had better be "Doing as you say and saying as you do".

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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It was Nutrition Month at work recently. And we'd get little emails about Healthy Fats or Eat Plants or whatever. It was great info and full of good advice. Except my coworker didn't read any of it. And the woman sending it out is very overweight. I guess it's easy to KNOW what to do, but it's very very hard to actually do it.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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agreed to a point.. but we were mostly talking diet and fitness. less about his massive need to lose weight. but what's funny if you had asked John he would have said the same thing that I said about diet and working out.


Even if it's just about general exercise and nutrition, when I was still almost-morbidly obese, I preferred hearing it from others who needed to lose weight and had done it.


It wasn't that I wanted to dismiss the information, but I've found losing weight a gajillion times harder than staying fit.  And there's a lot of shame in having become obese.  I've rarely found anyone who hasn't had to lose a lot of weight that really understands the emotions behind it.  It's just easier to hear from someone who has felt similarly about their body.


I think emotions is 90% of the battle when starting to lose weight.  One of the biggest emotions to overcome is the feeling of impossibility.  Hearing "This is how it's done" from someone who has never done it makes things worse.


Now that I've got a solid emotional base for success, it's not hard to take advice from people who haven't had to lose weight.  But it was much more helpful to hear the things from people who had lost weight when I started.

Level Four Mandalorian Assassin

| STR: 8 | DEX: 7.5 | STA: 12 | CON: 8 | WIS: 7.25 | CHA: 6.75 |

| First Challenge | Second Challenge | Third Challenge |

You can't look dignified when you're having fun

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I can understand and appreciate that.  My friend dealt a lot with emotional eating and managed to keep herself from going way over into truly morbidly obese line.  But she was damn big and she knew it- I'm still shocked when I walk into her dining room sometimes and see her family picture- it just looks nothing like her- from that time period. ( didn't know her at that time)


But she gives me a lot of insight in that because there is a certain amount I can only vaguely grasp for those very reasons.  It always makes me pause and think for sure.

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Even if it's just about general exercise and nutrition, when I was still almost-morbidly obese, I preferred hearing it from others who needed to lose weight and had done it.


It wasn't that I wanted to dismiss the information, but I've found losing weight a gajillion times harder than staying fit.  And there's a lot of shame in having become obese.  I've rarely found anyone who hasn't had to lose a lot of weight that really understands the emotions behind it.  It's just easier to hear from someone who has felt similarly about their body.


I think emotions is 90% of the battle when starting to lose weight.  One of the biggest emotions to overcome is the feeling of impossibility.  Hearing "This is how it's done" from someone who has never done it makes things worse.


Now that I've got a solid emotional base for success, it's not hard to take advice from people who haven't had to lose weight.  But it was much more helpful to hear the things from people who had lost weight when I started.

This! Very well put. 

Level 1 SheHulk Warrior [str: 1]  [Dex : ]  [sta: ]  [Con: ]  [Wis: 1]  [Cha: ] 

Challenge 2: Project Krisptonite

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Oh or when people tell me as a woman it's weird for me to want to learn martial arts or fight or have any *GASP* muscles. You are woman! You must stay home and have babies!



I'm not enjoying people asking if I think my husband will be upset and/or unattracted to me because I'm getting stronger (weightlifting) or a better fighter (fencing). Neither his masculinity nor his love for me are so easily threatened. I don't like the implication that men only love those weaker and more dependent than they are, nor the idea that women should cater for that presumed preference, by not getting *too* fit.



I hate that that stereotype is still alive today.  It's like until now some people believe Eve came from Adam's rib and therefore women should submit to men and be the weaker but prettier sex.


I met my wife in the dojo.  When I tell people this, their reactions are usually something like:


"Really?  How do you guys fight?"  Or, "Oooh, then you can't fool around with other women 'cause she might beat you up" WTF if physical force is really necessary to deal with your relationship problems why bother even dating - much less get married, right?   Sometimes I answer: "Fight?  We don't use aikido for fighting, we use it for foreplay! :P  Why do you think it's called "the art of harmonizing energies?"  :D


Seriously though, I like strong and adventurous women because they inspire me to be strong and adventurous.  Because I want a partner, not a follower.


I told her the other night, "You know what attracted me to you?  You were the complete opposite of me:  you left your job and your country (Japan) to do volunteer work, you came to my country and together with your buddies climbed - and temporarily managed to get lost on - the highest mountain!  You represented everything I wasn't."


Level 1 Lycan. Druid/Monk at heart, training with the Assassins
STR 7|DEX 5.75|STA 4|CON 3|WIS 3.75|CHA 3


My blog, "Zen, Music, and Movement": http://raffyayaladvo.wordpress.com/

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I told her the other night, "You know what attracted me to you?  You were the complete opposite of me:  you left your job and your country (Japan) to do volunteer work, you came to my country and together with your buddies climbed - and temporarily managed to get lost on - the highest mountain!  You represented everything I wasn't."

quoted for awesomeness

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I don't trust people who say 


"Oh that's fine Oisin, I honestly don't mind what you want to do"


In my experience, when I do whatever I want to do (Which is never something bad), it always ends in a shit storm.

Probably the most dangerous statement ever issued from woman to man. If she says that, freeze, cuz you're probably about to die if you do whatever it is lol

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This isn't really about what someone said, it is just how they look. When I go boxing, I am in total workout mode but I see other girls that don't even break a sweat and have pristine outfits on the whole time! I'm there drenched, and  trying to not give anybody the crazy eye cause I got sweat in my eyeball.  


^^^ Yes! It drives me nuts when people are "cute" at the gym and do everything they can to stay that way (3 lb. weights, avoiding exercises that will cause sweat, and giving low effort). The gym is not the place for "cute".


In my opinion, skin should be salty after a workout, and if you're not grunting or yelling at some point in the middle...you might need to try a different form of exercise.

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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see- that's one of those things that annoys me.


I look good when I work out.  Well- not during the actual grunting and impending death phase- mostly because I can't talk and I'm slightly red (okay by slight I mean a lot) but pre- and post- I do.


What's so wrong with looking good?   Don't hate because I look fly working hard!

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I look good when I work out.  Well- not during the actual grunting and impending death phase- mostly because I can't talk and I'm slightly red (okay by slight I mean a lot) but pre- and post- I do.


What's so wrong with looking good?   Don't hate because I look fly working hard!


Nothing's wrong with looking good! It's the not-even-breaking-a-sweat that bugs me. Maybe it's the gym I go to, but there's a lot of people (girls especially) that just don't try. Pre/Post workout = totally acceptable to look awesome. Middle-of-workout = please be trying hard and sweating.

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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I have found that I can not trust the guys at the gym that stand there pointin at the highschooler and say "thats wehre i was (insert X many years) years ago. But my arms were bigger and i was putting up half again as much. TOTAL BS!!! also the girls that go to the gym and do the countless reps on the weight machines at all of 5-10lbs but are able to hold a conversation w/the person next to them. ANYTHING that coms out of their mouth I disregard. The only words that should come out of your mouth durring a work out (least in the middle of a set) are Cave man words like UGH! or GRRR! or my favorite GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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I can't trust people that say:


"When are you going to stop doing this?"


(working out)




I've had people ask this.  Or...


Person ~ "How long is your diet and exercise program for?"

Me ~ "For the rest of my life, it's more of a lifestyle and not just a program."

Person ~ "Oh really?!  I found an amazing program  and I only have to do it for 6 weeks."

Me ~ "Huh....?"

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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