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Shameless self-promotion


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I'll jump on the shameless promotion train.

My writing blog is still pretty lonely right now, but hopefully I can get some more readers, who can help motivate me to actually finish writing something.



Also, Oisin, Tea for EVERYTHING! 

Archbishop Turpin, above the rest, Spurred his steed to a jutting crest. His sermon thus to the Franks he spake: "Lords, we are here for our monarch's sake; Hold we for him, though our death should come; Fight for the succor of Christendom. The battle approaches - ye know it well, For ye see the ranks of the infidel. Cry mea culpa, and lowly kneel; I will assoil you, your souls to heal. In death ye are holy martyrs crowned." The Franks alighted, and knelt on ground; In God's high name the host he blessed, And for penance gave them - to smite their best.


There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.




Current Challenge

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Also, made me think of this.

Archbishop Turpin, above the rest, Spurred his steed to a jutting crest. His sermon thus to the Franks he spake: "Lords, we are here for our monarch's sake; Hold we for him, though our death should come; Fight for the succor of Christendom. The battle approaches - ye know it well, For ye see the ranks of the infidel. Cry mea culpa, and lowly kneel; I will assoil you, your souls to heal. In death ye are holy martyrs crowned." The Franks alighted, and knelt on ground; In God's high name the host he blessed, And for penance gave them - to smite their best.


There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.




Current Challenge

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::scurries in::

::looks around::  <.<    >.>    <.<    >.>

::drops a link to her personal website::

::scurries out::

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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I just signed up to ride in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure. I'd like to invite you to support me in my efforts to Stop Diabetes!


I am riding in honor of my brother-in-law, Scott, who was diagnosed last summer with Type 1 Diabetes and my late father lived with diabetes for 10 years.  The American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure is so much more than a cycling event to me. It is my opportunity to change the future and make a positive impact in the lives of those who are affected by diabetes. 


Chances are, you also know someone who has been affected by diabetes and you already know how important it is to stop this disease. My goal is to raise . Will you join me by visiting my personal page and making a donation?


By supporting me, you will help the American Diabetes Association provide community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.


The power we have together far outweighs what I can do alone. 


Please join me by donating to this great cause - it would mean so much to me!



Thank you!


aka Empeg9000

Check out my woodworking at peonywoodworks.

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I honestly don't remember where the bacony beets idea came from!  It turned out sooooo good though.  I'm a huge fan of sweet and salty, and the beets were just sweet enough to hit those notes.  I used canned beets, but this summer I am going to get some fresh ones from the farmer's market, roast 'em up, and then make the dish again.  NOM.  I looove brussels with bacon and a little bals vin.  If I'm having a primal meal (instead of paleo), I'll add some blue cheese too.  So good.


OMG caffeine and I are soooo not on speaking terms.  My one cup of tea in the AM is quite literally all the caffeine I can have...like, if I drink my AM tea, I can't eat chocolate, drink more tea, or have other caffeinated beverages later on in the day if I want to sleep at night.  My mom is super sensitive to caffeine too so I am assuming I inherited it from her.  If I were to have 2 or 3 cups of regular black tea in the morning, you bet I'd be in the same boat that night....wide awake until 1 or 2 am.  Not fun. 


Irish, how long do you steep your tea?  I get different recommendations for steep time from different sources...


(also, knockingdog, I think we have a tea obsession in common!  I have an entire cabinet in my kitchen just for my tea, teapots/cups/mugs, and various tea-related accessories! :D)


Whoa, your caffeine sensitivity is insane! Does even milk chocolate affect you? And pics of the tea collection, please. =P I love getting to see how people store their hoard.


Also, made me think of this.


Fuck. Yeah. Win.

Train hard. Drink tea.

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Ha, I knew I remembered seeing an appropriate thread!


If you follow my challenge thread, you have already heard me talking about my a-capella group, Sassafrass, and our plans for an epic two hour concert of our Norse mythology themed music at Balticon this year.


Today we launched a Kickstarter to help with funding for the production of the CD and for making a DVD of the concert; the music is really excellent and the concert will be awesome. The concert is next week and the Kickstarter runs through June, though it would be great to be able to announce that we met our first goal while we're at the con.


Hope people will check us out and contribute! Every little bit helps us meet our goal and we have some great prizes for the different donation levels.

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My buddy is getting his first book published this summer.  It's geared towards YA, but sounds like a fun read, no matter who you are.  He's selling autographed first-run copies here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/coming-of-mage-the-first-run

In his words, it's "classic 80's John Hughes, get-the-girl-type flick, sorta thing, but with wizards... Like if Ferris Bueller went to Hogwarts."


You can also find him on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mikel-Andrews-Writer/185026451567807?directed_target_id=0

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My personal blog. I'm currently doing a Pokémon 30 day challenge which I'm nearly at the end of and every so often I will blog about something

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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What's that? You want to read a blog with sporadic updates, random topics, and fairly good writing? Ask and you shall receive! Voila!


My personal blog: http://torreybenware.blogspot.com/


(As a bonus, my last post was about Steve's Epic Quest of Awesome and how he inspired me to create my own quest.)


“The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.

But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now

mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater.â€

--J.R.R. Tolkien, "Return of the King"


"Are the gods not just?"

"Oh no, child. What would become of us if they were?"

--C.S. Lewis, "Till We Have Faces"

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This topic is awesome. It's gonna take a while to go through all these links.


Anyway's here is the link to my personal/motivation/level up my life blog: http://catchityourself.blogspot.com/

I'm in the midst of a 30 day blogging challenge. If you want motivation, random insight, and constantly improving writing this is the blog for you.


Also... I am going to have a link soon to my science education site, but I am having problems with my hosting company at the moment, so I'll post again when that come through.



Fitness/Motivation Level Up Blog: IronEdutainer

twitter: https://twitter.com/pjr_ilstu

fitocracy: https://www.fitocracy.com/profile/pjrilstu/

My ScienceCom website and video channels.


"He who lives on hope, will die fasting" - Ben Franklin

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A while ago, I started a FB group called "Screaming Tortise Athletic Club" to bring together some IRL friends, plus folks from Slowtwtich, CHRunners, KickRunners, and other assorted Family & Friends




[yes, I know I spelled it wrong, but so did "The Beatles"]


It's open for all, so come on by




We / I host a few Virtual Competitions throughout the year. This weekend we're holding the 2013 Runaway Golf Cart Marathon / Half Marathon / 10K




Time: Masters Golf Tournament Weekend [today-Sunday]


Route: A golf course near you


Rules: Make your own course ... 26.2 Miles OR 13.1 Miles [maybe 10K, if you want] BUT it MUST include at least ONE GOLF COURSE!!! Either at the Start, the Finish or somewhere in between!!! You can just run by if you're not allowed ON the course itself [yeah, this is a running race, not a Golf Cart Race, in case that wasn't clear]

Time Bonuses will be awarded for wearing Argyle, Plaid or Ugly Hats [the kind you might get a bowl of soup with]


Players get custom bibs with a number of their own choosing, emailed as PDFs to print out at home for wear on the run or for scrap-booking porpoises or whatever


Cost: FREE!!!


Here's the inspiration




If you want in, stop by the Event Page on FB and announce your intentions, then message me with your email address and what number you want.



I have nothing of substance to add except what an awesome spectacle that was! Even up in the boonies it was awesome. Though, I am still partial to the meatstick extravaganza from my first new years run.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


Battle Log

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Love your blog! Just found it this morning and I'm happily reading it instead of working....bad Kessihl......good blog!

This topic is awesome. It's gonna take a while to go through all these links.


Anyway's here is the link to my personal/motivation/level up my life blog: http://catchityourself.blogspot.com/

I'm in the midst of a 30 day blogging challenge. If you want motivation, random insight, and constantly improving writing this is the blog for you.


Also... I am going to have a link soon to my science education site, but I am having problems with my hosting company at the moment, so I'll post again when that come through.



Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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Would you guys do me a favor and let me know what you think of my site redesign? I can't afford a pro to redesign it so I'm doing the best I can with modifying templates.

I am in photography groups, but I'd rather have impressions from non photographers about it. 




Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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Shameless promotion, count me in and since getting my etsy site back up and running was one of my goals in my six week challenge this is great timing.  Anyway, the blog itself is a bit old these days, really need to update it, but there's been a few new things put into the store recently, still only a couple of things there though!






Level 6, Ranger


Challenge I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X Current Challenge

My Sewing Blog


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