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3 things

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From Yesterday:

1) for my friend helping me out in the shop

2) for finally being able to find an recover my metal stump :)

3) for making the checkout clerk smile at the grocery store


For today:

1) for my recovery times getting shorter :)

2) Waking up to snow on the ground and watching it melt away during the day

3) Getting to get my third CrossFit of the week in, just a few hours away.

Race - Elf                                                STR - 3                    DEX - 2

Class - Ranger                                        STA - 3                    CON - 2

Level - 0                                                  WIS - 3                    CHA - 2

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1. That I was up at 8AM running errands.

2. Prepping my food to cook either tomorrow or before going to work Monday.

3. A beautiful Saturday to myself.

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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1) I came up with, and successfully implemented, eating steak in the shower. (What? it was post workout and I was hungry and gross and needed to satisfy both. Jealous?) ;)

2) Had a great chuckle with the guy that runs the local coffee shop in town this morning

3) Got asked if I would be some girls boyfriend for offering to help put away weights at the gym yesterday. I know it was a joke, but still very well played and highly entertaining! Then started the class with 30 military burpees, and things went back to serious.

Race - Elf                                                STR - 3                    DEX - 2

Class - Ranger                                        STA - 3                    CON - 2

Level - 0                                                  WIS - 3                    CHA - 2

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1. That I have the next 3 days off.

2. The sun is shining.

3. I'm surrounded by people who love me. 

"How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."

-Chouji Akimichi 



BBWW: 6 of 18


Yoga: 9 of 24


Brown bag lunch: 12 of 26


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1) For having a good productive day.

2) The means to be eating this amazing dinner! (Steak x3, sweet potato, steamed asparagus and broccoli)

3) Getting a few hours of amazing sunshine :)

Race - Elf                                                STR - 3                    DEX - 2

Class - Ranger                                        STA - 3                    CON - 2

Level - 0                                                  WIS - 3                    CHA - 2

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1. Waking up on time (for the most part) considering my alarm clock died in the middle of the night.

2. The bank doing what I wanted.

3. BBQ for lunch!

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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1. Having such a great boss!

2. Going to Vancouver in May with my sisters and mom!  Will be a wild vacation!

3. Sunshine, great music, and smiles!


Finding out I got approved for my vacation has just made today awesome, going to dance and sing and jump around!  Booyah!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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1) My strong will and determination.

2) Going to CrossFit tonight, can't wait!

3) Getting a higher pull on my gtg pull-ups. 

Race - Elf                                                STR - 3                    DEX - 2

Class - Ranger                                        STA - 3                    CON - 2

Level - 0                                                  WIS - 3                    CHA - 2

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Today -


1. Thankful for the results I'm seeing after a heart to heart with someone close to me.

2. SWTOR finally completed download on my laptop (previously played on PC)

3. Today starts the 30 day challenge at pure barre and I'm massively motivated

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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1. Not losing my shit and breaking things and punching people.

2. Music.

3. My appraisal finally going through.

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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1. Last night at Pure Barre, I overheard a lot of girls saying how they don't know anyone who could possibly do the '20 classes in 30 days' challenge. I smiled to myself as I've signed up and am motivated for 30 in 30.


2. Weather has allowed for grilling. Grilling involves a lot of paleo food that I love. I've eaten full paleo dinners for almost a week straight.


3. I've acquired a taste for black coffee, no creamer or sugar. I've actually come to -prefer- it.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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