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Down 100 LBS in about 11 months!!!


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Hello all,


I am new here but not new to trying to lose weight. Since I was a little kid my family forced fed me to make me fatter, thinking fatter is healthier. Wow, right? As I grew older, obviously my stomach was huge and I had very difficult time eating less. I joined a few gyms, but always lost the motivation when i didn't see results fast. I once asked my good friend if he believed I will ever lose the weight, he said he doesn't believe so because I am a super lazy man. To be honest, that hurt me a lot but I appreciated his honesty. I somehow knew deep inside that he was wrong and that I was only lazy because I was obese but did not know where to start. When I turned 25, I weighed 325, and I decided that enough is enough and something has to change. I always wanted to be in shape and I knew I wanted to be stronger and more energized but it took me a while to learn that food is not my best friend, especially when I am sitting on my ass all day. I started making my meals smaller which helped me shrink my stomach, meaning I get full faster. After about a month, I developed enough motivation to join the gym again and actually started going there for a change. I finally was determined to change myself to the healthier more energized version of me.


I started by going to the gym every other day for about an hour to do full-body workouts. I have been working out(mostly machines with heavy weight levels) for about 11 months now and I am VERY PROUD to announce that today I officially have lowered my body weight to 225 lbs(100 lbs loss, with a lot more fat than that lost, but hey I got bigger muscles now).. I plan on bringing my weight down about 45 more pounds. Now I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week for about an hour to an hour and a half each time depending on how tired I am from my regular job. So far I went from wearing pants size 50 to pants size 38. I used to wear XXXL shirts, now I wear XL, sometimes I even find Large shirts that fit me well. I am much stronger and can move a lot faster and more often than I used to. I still got a long way to go, but this is for sure something worth celebrating. I don't plan on stopping what I'm doing ever. It takes some motivation, keeping that motivation over time and pair it with strong determination to become healthier. Trust me, if I can believe in myself after what I been through and do it without anybody's help, then anybody can do it. I still got a long way before I can walk shirtless on the beach, but at least I am 100 lbs closer than I was a year ago. My goal is that by next summer, I want to have no more than 10% body fat.  :peaceful: 


In order to achieve something, you gotta start doing, not just wishing.  :nevreness:

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Congrats a million times over! It's absolutely amazing you were able to drop your weight and improve your overall health. Even though it can really suck hearing something like you'll never lose your weight from someone close to you but it can sometimes be the motivating factor you need to push yourself forward. You obviously did that.


Keep grinding forward and the results will continue to astonish you. Best of luck in your endeavors = D

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

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First off congratulations!


Some time the negative comments are the most motivating. Especially when they come from friends and family, I have been there.


Keep kicking ass, just remember that there will always be someone out there to push you down, or say "You may have lost 100 lbs, but this guy over here lost 200lbs!"


Keep working on being the best you can be!

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

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Awesome man! Welcome to the warriors!

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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That's so awesome and I hope you're incredibly proud of yourself. Believe me, I know how hard you worked because I just lost 100 lbs in 10 months as well. It's no joke. You have to want it more than you want anything else and making that shift can be so hard. I'm so happy for you! Keep rocking. I still have some weight to lose and some strength to build myself, so let's kick some ASS! /highfive

Hearthsinger the Wandering Bard

Level 4 Halfling Ranger

STR 9 | DEX 7 | STA 12 | CON 11 | WIS 8 | CHA 9

"You are what you do. You can re-create yourself every second of your life." -Xena

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/hands you a level of badass

Well DONE sir! 

Archbishop Turpin, above the rest, Spurred his steed to a jutting crest. His sermon thus to the Franks he spake: "Lords, we are here for our monarch's sake; Hold we for him, though our death should come; Fight for the succor of Christendom. The battle approaches - ye know it well, For ye see the ranks of the infidel. Cry mea culpa, and lowly kneel; I will assoil you, your souls to heal. In death ye are holy martyrs crowned." The Franks alighted, and knelt on ground; In God's high name the host he blessed, And for penance gave them - to smite their best.


There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.




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