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Help! Breaking the NPC coding

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Phew! I definitely should not let myself go out :P Royally screwed my diet with a giant Pulled Pork Burrito (heapings of Chipotle style Cholula sauce for a little bit of a tingle,) two pieces of original recipe KFC (& Fries!) and an Oreo Milkshake! Can't believe I let myself go so much! I'll have to tense my abs extra hard on my planks tomorrow :P

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Today was definitely a fake it till you make it day - I just did not have any energy for exercising today :P But you know, no excuses, got to get that done.


Squats (L3, 70) 36,26,18 (**)
Pushups (L1, 40) 15,14,12 (**)

Back Exercise (L3, 40 Bent Over Rows) 21,21 (***)

Planks (L2, 120s) 60s,62s (***)

So maybe it was the pulled pork from yesterday or the fact that I've been mainlining water for the past few days, but that's a big improvement! I'm pencilling in for the next workout on Monday, and I'm doubling the Bent Over Rows again! I can see my improvement in the numbers, but I don't feel it yet! Also next wednesday I'll be taking another photo to compare and see if my body has changed noticably.

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Really had a hard time today - couldn't even get myself into plank position by the end, so the last set of Planks I did on my knees.


Squats (L4, 70) 37,35 (***)
Pushups (L1 40) 14,13,14 (**)
Back Exercise (L4, 80 Bent Over Rows) 20, 21, 20, 20 (*)
Planks (L3, 180s) 45s,60s,80s (**)

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Okay, today was the low point of this so far. I got halfway through my second series of sets and had to stop and leave because I couldn't keep going.

Firstly because I just don't have the space - we have a guest so my usual space to do pushups (through two doorways) wasn't an option, same with the Bent Over Rows. I've got more time tomorrow so I'll try and make up the rest now but I have to admit that this definitely felt more difficult than any previously. 

Worst case I'll pick back up on Monday when I have the whole day.


The worst thing is that I just don't feel as though there's improvement. Looking at the numbers I can't gauge whether I've actually gotten stronger or if I'm just cheating. It's times like this that I really feel that I should have something to do, physically. The main problems are location, money, and time, in that order... I don't feel safe leaving the house in my local area, and I don't drive. I have a maximum of two days free, random, generally not a weekend.


Sorry if this is getting a bit negative and sad-sack-ish but I just feel drained at this point.

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Frustrations happen.  No worries.  Some of it won't progress quickly but the best way to tell if you're doing it right or cheating is to record yourself.  I usually just use my video recorder on my phone.  Watch yourself (and/or post it here for us to see) and you'll get a good idea of what you're doing. 


I think finding something else is a good long term goal.  I'd make it a goal to try anything you can think of and see how you can make it fit in your life.  It certainly won't be super easy but when you find something you really love to do you'll be surprised at your ability to make it work.    Just don't think about how much it WON"T work when you go to try it.. just go do it and see if the details are something you find yourself able to work with.


and if that was rambly and/or didn't make sense, forgive me.  I need more caffeine.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Stay positive! You have already started taking the steps toward being a healthier you. Don't give up!


And don't feel like doing stuff in your house is ineffective. Have you looked at Waldo's thread yet? Dude is ripped and he does purely bodyweight stuff.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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It's not that I feel working out at home is ineffective, I'm just not at a point where it's effective yet. More muscle means more weight loss.

I just feel like... Exercise is not something I enjoy in any form, so doing specifically exercise is a drag, and it would be nice to have an activity that supports the specific exercise & aid it, particularly at times like yesterday when I just couldn't do a full workout. So I'm trying to think of something but like I said, I don't enjoy exercise in any form.


I also feel like doing a 40-minute workout 3 times a week and just slouching around the rest of the time (barring work) isn't really enough.

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Honestly? Like I say, I can't say any kind of activity really interests me. I mean, I played sports in the past but didn't really enjoy them, same with martial arts. Dance is definitely out.


Back on the trolley today at least.


Squats (L4, 100+) 40,40,23 (**)
Pushups (L1, 40) 15,16,15 (**)
Back Exercise (L4, 80 Bent Over Rows) 30,25,26 (**)
Planks (L3, 180s) 50s,65s,65s (**)

So definitely getting better.

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Definitely don't have space to set up a tripod I'm afraid


Sad to say but there are literally no sports or physical activities I know of (or have done in the past) that I'd consider for a second. Activities for the exercise averse?


HAHAHAHAHAHA Tripod? LOLs, what?  I lean that sh*t against a wall, or chair, or can, or stack of books, or pillows, or... anything.  No tripod needed. 

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Stay positive dude! I got a twinge in my back the other week and took the best part of a week off the regime, felt devastated but in the mean time my body repaired it's self and rested and got it's self ready for this week where it was ready to lift hard and heavy. A lot harder than the past few weeks. Yes sticking to the programme is vital but having worked a 5 week shift pattern before I know there's days when lifting a fork of food to your face seems difficult. On those days be sensible, stay positive and if you can't get through the full thing rest and prepare for glory!

Level 2 Half-Sidhe Archer (Toolkitted Ranger)

|Str 3|Dex 3|Sta 2|Con 3|Wis 2|Cha 1| 

Introduction: Roll your own adventure!  DBL: Aim to Misbehave!

Challenge 1, 2Browncoats 1, 2



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One of the positive things I got from a workmate of mine who's into fitness & MMA is that it's more common to not feel like a workout and just not do it, the fact that I even started and tried means I'm on the trolley.


HAHAHAHAHAHA Tripod? LOLs, what?  I lean that sh*t against a wall, or chair, or can, or stack of books, or pillows, or... anything.  No tripod needed. 

Sorry, because of the convention photography/videography, I think "set up a camera" and think, set up a tripod, set up the camera, check focus, check white balance etc etc etc :P


On the whole I'm not feeling too bad, I am anxious to see changes though. On the positive side, I know that setting up a routine take at least a month, so if I can conquer that and make it a part of my day then it'll be easier in the future.

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Alright, just finished up today's workout. Struggled at first but I think I'm getting there slowly.


Squats (L4, 100+) 30,40,30 (**)
Push Ups (L1, 40) 18, 20, 12 (**)
Back Exercise (L4, 80 Bent Over Rows) 40,30,20 (**)
Planks (L3, 180s) 60s,60s,61s (**)

So getting there slowly, I'm pretty confident I'll move up in Push Ups pretty soon although I might sub in 40 knee/incline pushups rather than 20 full pushups because I have to admit my abs are still weak like tiny baby kitten. Will try it out and find out on Friday.

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Okay, woke up with a pain in my right shoulder and a bit tight for time (in my mind, I hate being late) Wasn't sure if I would be able to do the workout with the shoulder but tried a few of the exercises and didn't get any extra pain so forged ahead. So glad I did! Made a big jump today.


Squats (L4, 100+) 50,50 (***)
Pushups (L1, 40) 20,20 (***)
Back Exercise (L4, 80 Bent Over Rows) 40,40 (***)
Planks (L3, 180s) 91s,90s (***)

So again I'll be subbing in double Bent Over Rows in place of increasing # of pull-ups and I've pencilled in for 20 full pushups for Friday but I'll have to see how I manage. If my abs give out totally I'll double the number of knee pushups I was doing and try to work my abs up. I'm also considering dusting off the stationary bike for cardio on off-days, at least once I've gotten into the habit properly.

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Alright, the four week point is getting closer. Been waking up earlier, generally having more energy and while the workouts themselves aren't exactly fun I'm finding them easier to tolerate.

For the sake of brevity, I decided not to double my reps of Bent Over Rows, but to double the weight instead (was 4kg, now 8kg) and it's definitely tougher. 


Squats (L5.1, 30 0verhead Squats) 20,22 (***)
Pushups (L2, 20) 5,8,8 (**)
Back Exercise (L5, 80 Bent Over Rows) 30,30,21 (**)
Planks (L4, 240s) 60s,65s,60s,60s (*)

So past the four week point I'll be looking to expand my workout, probably add situps on the same kind of pattern as squats, and add some cardio on rest days (tuesday, thursday) with the stationery bike. I'll probably move over to a genuine Battle Log thread too!

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Alright, day 28. I've been at this for 4 weeks exactly.


(crappy photos aside)

This was me on Day 1




And this is me on day 28




And I'll admit, it's not a HUGE change.

But I do feel different - I wake up earlier in the morning, and I generally have more consistent energy throughout the day rather than crashing!


So I'll be retiring this thread after these latest results. 


Squats (L5.3, 70 Overhead) 36,40 (***)
Pushups (L2, 20) 9,9,5 (**)

Back Exercise (L5, 80 Bent Over Rows) 35,25,20 (**)
Planks (L4, 240s) 40s,60s,55s,45s,40s (0)


It was an odd feeling, it's the first time I've worked out as late as 8pm and I feel like it did hurt me. On the other hand I'm happy to have worked through it.

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Did you start a challenge thread? How are you going to continue from here

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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I haven't started a Challenge thread but I'm not sure what my intermediary goals are so it seems natural not to try and force a challenge thread.


I have, however, started a Battle Log thread that has details of what I'll be doing from here on out.


The jist of it is that I'm going to continue with (basically) the Angry Birds workout, but expanding slightly, at first with Situps and then on depending on what I find and like. I'm also sourcing a stationary bike for cardio for my off days (tuesday, thursday)

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i love how you referred to yourself as an NPC. i have been a NPC in my own life for WAY too long. great way to make me realize the changes i need to make. good luck with your fitness journey :)

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes."

--Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself"


The blog of my journey to a better self: http://be-large-contain-multitudes.tumblr.com

The blog of my other random stuff: http://fever-moon.tumblr.com

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