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As of yesterday, I've lost 100 pounds.

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Hey boys and girls,


I'm not here as often as I used to be or as often as I like, but I'm still crazy busy and active in my life with my exercise regime and regulating what I eat.


The heaviest I've ever been was 300 pounds.  That was about six years ago.  When I was that heavy, my spider sense started tingling fiercely, and I was able to loose some weight , about 25 pounds over the course of a few months and lowering portion size.  After that, I didn't care too much for a few years, and fluctuated between 260 and 275 regularly, when my recommended body weight is 180 pounds.  Even though much of the time I'd be extremely active, practicing martial arts an hour a day, running a mile a day, I'd never loose weight because I didn't feel that was something I should have to change.  I wanted the easy route and the montage solution.


Two years ago, I decided to get serious with my health, shortly after my (now) wife accepted my proposal.  I was going to get married and I needed to get healthy as to have a long life to spend with her.  I saw a dietician and started watching what I was eating more strictly, cutting out lots of junk food and including more healthy choices, (Spoiler: lots of veggies).  I lost more weight, and with regular exercise got down to around 230 pounds.  Still chunky, still high body fat (measured at 28% from a high of 33%), but an improvement.


Nine months ago, I was turned on to Nerd Fitness by a good friend of mine.  I did a little reading on the articles, and then a little more, and then (unsurprisingly) I read through at least fifty articles in the first week.  I began using paleo and exercising my little amounts of willpower as effectively as I could, trying to level up my will power more then anything else and evolve something approaching discipline into a feasible skill I could utilize, a weapon I could wield against 30 years of bad habits.  


I also started using some applications for my iPhone that have proved invaluable: the "C25K", couch to 5K runner application for the iPhone App store, totally free, (Designed by Zen Labs), as well as Steve's own, "Is It Paleo?" app.  In conjunction with the lessons learned on Steve's articles, I started doing paleo six days a week, running twice a week, heavy weight lifting twice a week, and body weight exercises through out.  


I've never been a runner, nor have I ever been very strong; I've never been able to run more then half a mile without having to stop, and even though I'm 6 feet tall, I've never been a strong guy.  Using the C25K application to get my running and using Steve's recommendations for weight training, I slowly progressed, feeling like I was cleaning a dirty mountain with an old tooth brush.  Like eating an elephant, it's taken some time.


Nine months after discovering Nerd Fitness, I am very proud to share the following results:


I’ve lost 100 pounds from a high of 300, currently at 200.  I’ve lost 13% body fat, from a high of 32% to a current of 19%.  I can run five miles without stopping, and am currently on week 11, day 3 of the 10K trainer application trainer from Zen Labs.  I can do ten pull-ups without stopping and I can bench press two-hundred pounds.  I have lost 8 inches off my waist, and have had to donate all of my old clothes to homeless shelters (I had a collection of shirts from rock concerts that were all 2XL or XL, and now they all look like parachutes when I wear them!), and slowly acquire a whole new wardrobe.  


These are all things I never once thought I’d be able to do if you’d asked me a year ago.


For the first time in 30 years of life, though I’ve still got a (small) gut, I feel good about myself when I look in the mirror.  I’m healthier then I’ve ever been, and I feel great.


It’s a point of pride for me that even while during some of my toughest runs, I’ve never once stopped before I was at a designated walking point.


My toughest challenge is still controlling myself with food.  Beyond all the normal temptations and challenges of living in a society that’s basic diet is over-processed grain products with sides of dairy and meat, my arch enemy from days of yore is Taco Bell.  It’s siren call lures this foolish soul into it’s corridors far more often them I’m comfortable admitting.  Now I recognize it more fully not as a trusted lover, but a creature that shall surely drown me should I enter it’s embrace enough times.  While I’ll never slay the beast, I can strengthen my heart, look into it’s eyes, breath in it’s cheesy gordita scent, and turn away with no fear in my heart.


At the moment, I’m less interested in weight loss and more interested in loosing more body fat.  


Current goals

  • Reducing to 15% body fat.
  • Bench press 220 lbs.
  • Complete 10K.
  • Perform 15 pull-ups without stopping.



Stretch goals: 

  • Reducing to 10% body fat
  • Bench press 250 lbs.
  • Complete half-marathon (13.1 miles).
  • Perform 30 pull-ups without stopping.


That’s the story.  My hat’s off to anyone who’s here and trying to better themselves.  Cheers!


Level 3 Doppelganger Ranger
"Think not that you have to win. Think instead that you do not have to loose."
STR 8|DEX 4.5|STA 11|CON 6|WIS 6.5|CHA 5

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Hold on for a second. I have to go get something....



There...that should about do it haha. Seriously though, Con-grat-u-f***king*lations man. A job well goddamn done.


i don't think i can word it better than that! congrats on your success!

this person really wants to delete their account but can't because it's not allowed.


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...my arch enemy from days of yore is Taco Bell.  It’s siren call lures this foolish soul into it’s corridors far more often them I’m comfortable admitting.  Now I recognize it more fully not as a trusted lover, but a creature that shall surely drown me should I enter it’s embrace enough times.  While I’ll never slay the beast, I can strengthen my heart, look into it’s eyes, breath in it’s cheesy gordita scent, and turn away with no fear in my heart.



Your words are awesome, your story is awesome and you are awesome! You have been reported as such and the world should know of your awesomeness!


Keep fighting the cheese!

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Thanks for sharing your awesome story!  You inspire the rest of us!



Current challenge  6 5 4 3 2 1 Favorite recipes


Level 4 ranger  Str 13 Dex 4 Sta 12 Con 12 Wis 11 Cha 5


“Success is not final...Failure is not fatal...it's the courage to continue that counts†-Winston Churchill

"One step at a time, I can walk around the world. Watch me." -Aral Vorkosigan, Barrayar, 1991

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Thanks to all the people who have commented and offered their kind words and their congratulations.  Making my validation internal has been a large part of being able to succeed at this, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy hearing the praise from other people, my peers, who have gone through similar challenges and struggles.

You guys are awesome.  Thank you again.


Level 3 Doppelganger Ranger
"Think not that you have to win. Think instead that you do not have to loose."
STR 8|DEX 4.5|STA 11|CON 6|WIS 6.5|CHA 5

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Wow! You have an awesome story! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!

Lvl 8 ◠Half-Elf breaking free of an Ogre’s body ◠Ranger
STR 11.5; DEX 2; STA 19.5; CON 13; WIS 13; CHA 5
Fire Flower Power-up
“Things Do Not Happen. Things Are Made to Happen†– John F. Kennedy


My current challenge

2014 - My Year of Badassery (Battle Log)




Past Challenges:

#1; #2; #3; #4, #5, #6, #7, #8



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Incredible job!! Thank you so much for sharing. Inspiring! And I can totally relate with your battle with Taco Bell. The Bell is a fierce adversary.

"If A is success in life, then A = x + y + z. Work is x, play is y and z is keeping your mouth shut." -Albert Einstein

"So once you know what the question actually is, you'll know what the answer means." -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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