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MT: A Sticky Situation of Goblins and Spiders

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Moderated Thread: A Sticky Situation of Goblins and Spiders

This is a moderated play by post Dungeons & Dragons game. Please only post here with permission from the Dungeon Master (Gainsdalf). Everyone is welcome to follow along with the adventure as well as to post and discuss the game over in the Out of Character (OOC) Thread.

Village of Melva


The walled Village of Melva is the home of a 30-40 family farming community 60 miles west of the largest city in the area, Delfraca, and 30 miles east of the Dwarven mining city of Dorga. Due to it's location between the two cities, Melva supports a larger than average supply shop and multiple inns in addition to a few of the more common tradesmen such as a blacksmith and a wood worker/wheelwright.

It is currently midday in late summer and the gates stand open on the west/east road running through town. A few villagers stand watch atop the walls with short swords on their hips, but are busy chit chatting and not really watching the road. One gets the feeling that the town doesn't see much trouble. A small inn and stables stands outside the gate on the eastern wall for late arriving travelers, and is currently closed up for those coming in that way.

The fields surrounding the walls would typically be bustling with activity, but today they stand empty. The reason is clear, it is The Smith's Day! Each of the gods has a day dedicated to them, and today is dedicated to the god of creation, creativity, and crafts.

Within the walls are a few dozen tables along the streets set up by merchants and locals alike to sell their favorite arts, crafts, and wares. From the town square, the sounds of music and cheers come as people play games and dance.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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 â€œNostach be Orch Gaer!†Darvil Dragonsbane yelled over his shoulder at the men chasing him. “Goodluck making it to the sea! I give you two days!†Darvil sprinted down the street, leaping over a cabbage cart. “Stupid Smith's day!†Davril turned the corner at the end of the street and paused to catch his breath. I can’t believe those jack asses wouldn’t hire me as guide to the coast just because I am a half-elf. The elves don’t like me cause I am a half elf and an “abominationâ€, and the human’s don’t trust me because I’m “not one of themâ€. I need a freaking drink.’

Davril started down the street toward the center of town hoping to find a merchant that would need a guide.

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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As Davril walks down the street, has passes various local merchants selling various arts and crafts type goods. Some are children, some are adults, and all the wares are of the quality you would expect of someone who crafts as their hobby, not their profession.

This changes when he enters the town square, which consists of a 150' x 150' square field bordered by a cobbled street and various buildings. Along this street the traveling merchants have set up shop, hawking various wares such as toys, tools, baskets, and simple jewelry. These items are of higher quality than seen in the side streets, crafted by professional tradesmen of various skill level. There is a large combination tavern/inn among these buildings. From the sound of it, the tavern within is bustling. It also has a table set up outside with a few kegs and a tavern girl serving mugs of ale and beer.

The field itself has a well at the center, a beaten dirt path leading to it from the center point from each side of the square. One of these paths is half cobbled as if a pathing project is half finished. The field is full of children playing and people dancing in colorful clothing to the music of a few musicians playing together by the well.

(OOC: players may introduce themselves as already participating in the festivities if they like instead of entering through the gate. Just give a bit of background about how you got there in your intro post. You can take a bit of liberty here.)

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Along the well stood a small group of musicians playing an upbeat dance for the festival crowd. Careful observation would note that one of the individuals stands out a little bit from the others - Obviously not a local farmer, with nicely made clothes in a dark red. Standing somewhat tall, the human has a lanky build that seems easy hidden in the folds and loose fit of their clothing. Long, dark hair falls well past the shoulders in gentle waves, framing what could be described as a pleasing featured face. Light eyes watch the crowd, a smile on their face. The lute in their hands appears travel worn, but far nicer than the other instruments seen.




Tamsin truly loved small town festivals. Somehow Tamsin doubted others professionally trained would agree, but there was something special about pure celebration. It was hard not to smile, watching the crowd. The laughter and cheer of the people dancing, the other musicians playing - the entire atmosphere was just carefree. It was refreshing to the normal burden of earning enough coin and pleasing patrons to get by.

Tamsin could get used to this.


The other musicians playing were all local. Untrained, but Tamsin wouldn’t call them unskilled. They obviously knew when they saw Tamsin, with the nice clothes and “fancy†lute (though Tamsin hardly considered the old lute fancy. You don’t travel with nice instruments. Everyone knows that) that they had a professional on their hands, so they were quick to invite Tamsin to play with them. That was also pleasing, because it seemed like all Tamsin had done the past few months was play alone. One definitely does not realize how much one misses group performance until the opportunity comes up again. And proves just how rare it is.


The music was easy to follow along with, leaving Tamsin free to watch the crowd with little thought. It wasn’t the original intention to stick around in this little town, but festivals were good for practice as well as some coin. Still, Tamsin hoped for a break soon. It seemed the crowd as well as the fellow musicians had endless energy.

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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“Stick to the side streets and make your way around to the other side of the square†the guard had said with a puzzled look in response to Dimlull’s question.  “Figured a dwarf would want to be right in the middle of the traders today…† Dimlull gathered up the donkeys guide reins and looked into the town.  “….happy Smith’s Day!†the guard stated as Dimlull started walking, ignoring anything the guard said after the general directions.  The outer side streets weren’t too crowded with most folks already gathering toward the center of town.  Dim found himself getting lost in his thoughts. 


A commotion in the crowd drew Dim out of his thoughts, to find himself on a busier side street.  “Good luck making it sea! I give you two days†Dim heard as a figure leaped over a cart ahead of him.


“Hmmf†Dim exhaled with a half laugh at the tone the figure regarded the obvious group of pursuers that had given in and were turning away.  A gentle nudge on the shoulder redirected Dim’s attention to the donkey standing behind him.  “I know, I know†he replied to the moody glare the animal was giving him.  “I promised you a good rest.  Come on Nester†he said pulling the reins guiding the donkey behind him through the small crowd.  It had been a longer stint then normal between towns this time and the donkey needed a good break and to be tended to.  Dim however would have been more than happy to avoid any town on this day, but he could not risk Nester throwing a shoe.


Making his was around he took the opportunity to look down the streets towards the center of town.  The sounds of music and merriment could be heard.  It had been a while since he had heard more than a single musician if any music at all.  The small communities that Dim preferred rarely had musicians or bards frequent them.  Glancing over his shoulder he could tell by the gentle sway of Nesters head that the music was a soothing welcome, he started to grin.  The drumbeat reminding him of the rhythm of a smith’s hammer at work, ‘the gods how I loved that sound, when……’


Catching himself in the moment Dim quickly snapped himself out of it; squaring his shoulders he gave a slight tug to the reins breaking the animals ease.  “Come on†he grumbled, “the inn awaits, let’s get you stabled and check that damn shoe.† Nester let out a soft bray and snort of disapproval in being jerked out of his dazed state.  “And maybe I can find some decent drink.†he added as they continued down the street, the back of the inn in sight.

“It’s the sensible, logical thing to do, of course, which is why we don’t do it.” -Tanis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." - Raistlin - Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Current Challenge


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As a catchy tune floated in from the distance, Pariwena lightly brushed her fingers over a small beaded necklace that a young boy was offering.  "That's beautiful work, child, but I cannot partake in such things."  She smiled as she turned away to examine the next vendor's wares.


I can't believe I've been three days in this town already.  It just reminds me so much of home...


She continued making her way towards the sounds of music, stopping every now and again to admire the crafts of the local townspeople - attempting to catch snippets of conversation from the other travelers.


As much as this town draws me in, though, I do need to find work.  There must be someone in need of a willing hand around here.


Upon passing a booth full of colorful scarves and purses, Pariwena turned the corner into the town square.  She couldn't hold in a bubbly laugh at seeing the local children dancing to the music around the well.  A few of the smaller tots were tumbling over themselves in glee.  With a wistful smile, she found a patch of shade under a tree and sat down to enjoy the music and observe the happy festival goers.


As she watched the crowds milling around, her eye kept being drawn to the lute player.  Clearly they weren't from around here and there was something about those eyes... But the thought didn't last long and she found her toes tapping to the beat as the sun warmed her auburn hair.

FluffyRin  --  Ranger (Level 4)

STR 4 | DEX 3 | STA 4.5 | CON 10 | WIS 10 | CHA 6

Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, Current

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As Dim approaches the back of the inn and the stables thereof, he can see it is a packed house. The holiday celebration has brought people in from the countryside and the yard is packed with their steeds, donkeys, and oxen. A short teenage girl looks up from tending a hoof as he approaches and rolls her eyes before stomping over to him yelling animatedly, "Who told you to bring this one here!? Was it Amen? That fool can never remember that on holidays they are to be sent OUTSIDE THE WALL! They're to be hitched out there on Shandy's fence and Prater will see to them!" She stops her stomping a few feet from him and closes her mouth when she sees the look on the Dwarf's face, apparently realizing that a stranger would know nothing of what she was talking about and that she must seem a ranting loon.

After closing her eyes, holding her hands out to her sides, and taking a deep breath, she lets it out slowly and opens her eyes to Dim again. "Alright Beardo, hand him over, I'll take him out. It'll be 3 copper a day for keeping an eye on him and another 5 for feed. No more rooms here, but some locals are renting out floor space in their homes and some merchants spots under their wagons. If you're an enjoyer of beer and ale, Panda Brewing Company is set up out front and my Da has a pretty fair hand as well. His stuff is inside." She holds both hands out as she finishes, one for cook and one for the reigns.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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“Aye lassâ€, Dim returned as he handed over the reins.  Reaching for his coin purse he caught eyes with her, “so 8 copper a day, hmmâ€.  Looking past her to the sables Dim pat Nester, “He is a wee bit of a creature, are you sure there is not a small corner in the stable that you overlooked†he said with a wry smile.  “Probably not I guess†he said as he opened his coin purse.


“8 copper, to be tied and hitched..â€,  he started counting, “or, maybe five silver bits for you lass, and a silver a day for that spot you might have overlooked…â€.  Dim smiled as he watched the girls eyes look down to his hands where he had been counting silver pieces from the beginning.   

“It’s the sensible, logical thing to do, of course, which is why we don’t do it.” -Tanis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." - Raistlin - Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Current Challenge


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"You got yourself a deal there Master Dwarf. I can move something else and find a place for him here." She says, smiling as he counts the coins.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Entering into the town square, Davril started to take note of the different merchants lining the street. A few of them seemed to be from other areas, but most of the merchants were simply local farmers trying to make a few coins from their hobbies.

​Not going to have much luck here I'm afraid. Wait a second, I think I know that song. Yes, I do, father used to sing it when I would spend time in the barracks after training all day.

Davril continued towards the center of the square, stopping to lean against a tree, where he could watch the musicians play.

should have known,their all farmers. Oh, maybe not the one in red. Can't tell if it's a man or a woman, but they defiantly look like they aren't from around here. Ha my luck may be changing after all.

Davril looks around the square as he pulls the hood of his cloak over his head, his face disappearing into the depths of the hood. As he turns his attention back to their musician in red, Davril notices a woman with red hair seated under his tree.

​Kissed by fire, wonder if it means anything.

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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Venlan's search for a target eventually leads him into the target rich town square where most of the festivities, and hence drinking, are going on. Most of the well dressed merchants, of which there are more here, are behind the various counters selling their offerings to the merrymakers that the holiday has drawn. Few of the merrymakers that are browsing the wares are dressed well enough to indicate that trying to pinch their coin would be worth the effort or risk.


The elf realizes that most people in these areas are not yet drunk anyway, for it is too early in the day yet for them to have gotten there. Traditionally the early part of the day is based around the selling and buying of crafts and the appreciation of the arts that are on show, and only once people have seen everything do they turn to the real partying. Some of the day has passed though and there are always some folk who care more for the drink and dance than any arts on display, and for that crowd there is the table dedicated to the drink in front of the tavern, and this is where they are concentrated. A few other tables are set up as well in the proximity for the various drinking games taking place and for just kicking back on such a sunny day.


The drinking table is owned by well known company as well and could be considered art in itself, for this table bears a banner on polls over top reading "Panda Brewing Co.", a well known "craft" brewing company that specializes in small casks of odd specialty beers, meads, and spirits. There are about two dozen in the area, some around the various tables trying to throw balls or coins into tankards, some sitting at tables, and quite a few gathers around the tables with a pretty woman behind dealing out beverages. Once again, it is mostly locals, but one well dressed dwarf, obviously another merchant, stands out and has clearly had quite a bit to drink. He stands at one corner of a table playing a game which seems to be based around throwing a pebble at a bottle of beer on the other side and trying to knock it over.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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The daylight gleamed serenely off of the varnish on the mahogany bar, such a sweet sight. To bask in the rays of the sun and enjoy the sweet kiss of this nectar, wrought from the bountiful harvest. What more could a man ask for than a pint of ale and a cheery surrounding?


Denegoth had been in town for going on three days now. Sore from his travels, well more from the bruises he had earned along the way, he had shacked up at a local hostel and found his way to a stool that fit him rather kindly at the Panda Brewing Company sampling event. What timing! Arriving in town just in time for the celebrations of creation and craftsmanship; it sure beat the dusty roads he had been traveling, taking work where he could find it. It'd been close to a year now since he had left the tutelage of his master, told to find his way in the world. He certainly found it, like most men do...


At a bar.


And what better place to partake in some jovial conversation with the good townfolk? Denny had found himself deep in a wonderful conversation with a local about how wonderful the fruits of the Smith's labors are, once he has taken what the good Woodsman has provided. For surely, if there is any god who provides more to enable those skillful hands of the Smith, it is the Woodsman who coaxes all things in the wild to grow, to bloom, and to make ready for harvest. What more is the Smith than a laborer waiting on a task if he has no materials to work with. Stone to shape, wheat to grind, wood to build...


Build things as beautiful as this bar top, which once again caught the reflection of the sun right before the ever friendly local slammed his fist down into it...

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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A roar of cheers erupts from the Panda Brewing tables, jolting Pariwena from her reverie. As she glances over at the tavern, she notices that she has company at the tree. With a quick half smile at the man, she gets up and brushes herself off - double checking her pack and pockets to make sure everything is secure.

I wonder what's got everyone so worked up at the tavern. It's a bit early for people to be this rowdy!

Upon closer approach, she realized that a few of the locals had beaten traveling merchants in a game of coppers.

Coppers! I haven't played that game in years. I can't believe it's still being played in these parts...

Rather than drawing attention to herself, though, she found a quite spot at the end of the bar and ordered a small pint of the Panda Smith's Day Special. The barmaid passed her the beer.

"Thank you," Pariwena said softly, before relishing the first sip. The earthy ale had a light spice to it and struck her as a perfect embodiment of the spirit. The barmaid bustled off to the other customers and Pariwena settled in, keeping a watchful (and amused) eye on her fellow patrons. Just as she was about to take another sip, the bar jumped as one of the men nearby thumped it with his fist...

(Edited slightly by Gainsdalf.)

FluffyRin  --  Ranger (Level 4)

STR 4 | DEX 3 | STA 4.5 | CON 10 | WIS 10 | CHA 6

Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, Current

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(OOC: no controlling the NPCs guys, Seth had permission for that little bit. PM me in the future for any variances.

Everyone please post any actions up until the man thumps the bar, excluding Seth and fluffy who already have. rath's character is really the only other one right there right now unless you others have yours walk over for drinking.)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Venlen cautiously and expertly makes his approach, taking in his surroundings and each and every aspect of his environment that could conceivably affect his attempt. He leans in, cheering with the crowd, but the dwarf throws with just his arm instead of his whole body this time, causing the would be pick-pocket to mis-judge the target’s throwing technique and miss the cord (45 or less to succeed, roll=74, miss) that attaches the coin purse to the dwarf’s belt.  Even worse, since the dwarf didn’t move, his hip ends up right in the path of the blade and Venlen cuts a clean but shallow gash 3 inches across his love handle! (73 or lower to go unnoticed, roll=99, fail, damage=2)


With a deep throated growl, the dwarf turns around nimbly, his hand clutched to his hip. He brings his hand away from his side and looks down at it briefly, seeing that it comes away wetted thoroughly with red. His eyes then return to the elf with a baffled “WTF do you think you’re doing?” expression.


Over at the outdoor bar, at the sound of the "thump", Denny turns his head from the sun reflecting off the bartop to the local with whom he is "wonderfully conversing".  As he does so, the light of his world is dimmed by an incoming fist (roll=2+1 (surprise)=3, miss).  By a stroke of luck, the well muscled arm changes course and misses Denny by a mile as the town smith’s stool kicks out from under him due to the quick shift in weight from the punch. He just barely catches himself from falling flat on his face and whips around back to Denny, his cheeks and brow extremely red as he is now embarrassed as well as pissed off. On the plus side, he did manage to save his beer in his left hand.  â€œI told ye before, I will not have ye denigratin’ The Smith's name on his day!” he yells, obviously about to take another swing.


(OOC: Please see OOC for direction)

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Davril smiled back at the red headed woman then turned towards the Panda Brewing Co.'s tables. Some commotion seemed to be starting in front of the pub..


Some drunkard probably thinks he got cheated at a game. Could be fun to watch what happens next.


Davril walks over to the bar, and pulls up the stool next to the redheaded woman. After ordering an ale, he turns toward her.


“What do you say to game? The pebble one doesn't look like it should be to hard. Bet you the next round I can knock it before you can.â€

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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It was as if the Smith's bellows themselves had been forced loosed before Denegoth's face, as the mighty arm swung recklessly in his general direction. He could do naught but look dumbfounded as his fellow patron had taken upon himself to accost the young half-elf. There before him stood the older gentleman, the summer sun leaving its loving embrace in the form of sweat across his brow and across his shoulders. The man looked bigger than a mountain, more solid than an anvil, and more heated than the fires with which he worked. But all Denny could see before him was a faithful follower of his god. 


By the Smith himself, you look as flustered and heated as an iron just pulled from the fires of the worlds. Let's say we fill that mug of yours and drink to whose god's name lights this day. 


Denny grabbed his own mug from the bar before them and stood briskly to meet the man steadfast before him, well, try to meet... gods, he was a big one. With his ale in hand and his spirits high, the young adventurer stepped into what would surely not be his last encounter in a bar. He slid his mug forward off the bar and towards the clutched stein the Smithy's outstretched left hand. Far be it from him to trample on the path that another man had chosen, that was not the way of the Woodsman. 

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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All is quiet as the musicians taking a well timed break and most of the crowd around the Panda Brewing Company’s bar and tables, including Davril, Pariwena, and Tamsin approaching from green, hush as the confrontation before them unfolds. The royally pissed off smith stands a good 12 inches taller than the half-elf Denegoth, and it seems that he is about to increase the difference by pounding the smaller man into the ground,  when the follower of the Woodsman speaks up.


“By the Smith himself, you look as flustered and heated as an iron just pulled from the fires of the worlds. Let's say we fill that mug of yours and drink to whose god's name lights this day.”, before drawing his mug from behind him and bringing the vessels together with a clunk, splashing ale into the air and lightly splattering both of them.


The man doesn’t budge at first, just continues to stare downward at Denegoth. But then, with a deep breath, the smith nods slowly and begins returning to his seat. “Fine, but like I said before, no more o’ this Woodsman talk on The Smith’s day! Today, all glory be unto him!”


As all this finishes, Venlan is just himself recovering from his bungle and starts waving to the barkeep behind the bar and shouting about buying 10 rounds. She looks at him, then the dwarf, smirks, and finally goes back to work filling the mugs of the patrons and ignores the elf.


“You can’t be buying me my own beer yah skinny bastard.” The dwarf says, looking at the elf with a smirk on his face that says he knows what actually happened. Chuckling and shaking his head, he reaches his hand into his pocket, removes a handkerchief, and presses it to his wound. With the other, he hitches his thumb at himself and speaks up in a rumbling tone, loud enough for everyone around to hear. “This is Sethic the Giant Calved, owner of Panda Brewing Company. No lasting harm done, but you got come work to do before you’re anything special young thief. Now come, and have a drink with me.”


Venlan’s cover in this town is clearly blown if anyone believes the dwarf that is currently heading toward the bar, which he knows they likely will given his reputation. Everyone has heard about the adventures of Sethic the Giant Calved, they’ve been told for decades. His exploits against the giants of Hoonkla, overthrowing the goblin lord of Malith Forests, and of course his journeys to the far west where he rediscovered the secrets of his brews in the ancient ruins of his ancestors which had been overrun by trolls for centuries. It all came to such a sad end when his Elven companions convinced him to try out their funny sport that required them to climb up and down trees, jump over ropes, and generally hop around like a lunatic. It was too much for the dwarf’s stout build and he blew out one of his giant calves during some event called stump jumps. It was beyond the abilities of the healers to fully mend, and ended his adventuring career. He had to retire to his other love of brewing and spreading his art.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Pariwena gathered her pack a little closer after hearing the elven thief outed by the dwarf... better safe than sorry, after all.  As the hubbub began to die down, she looked back at the half-elf who had challenged her to a game.


"A game, huh?  Which one did you have in mind?" she asked with a smirk.  It's been a while, but I'd imagine I can take him in most of these games...  And I could definitely use a free drink!

FluffyRin  --  Ranger (Level 4)

STR 4 | DEX 3 | STA 4.5 | CON 10 | WIS 10 | CHA 6

Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, Current

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considering the options for a monument, Davril looks around the square, his face falling finally on the darts, where all the commotion had been. 

"How about some darts? As long as you promise not to try and tickle my ribs with you're know when I start beating you.I don't feel like ending up like the dwarf today." Davril says as he starts toward the now discarded darts, not waiting for an answer. "My name is Davril by the way. May I know the name of  the woman about to buy me a drink?"

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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After unpacking Nester and taking inventory of his gear, Dimlull exited the stable, giving a slight nod to the young lady as he walked out.  ‘The lass said something about brew being out front…..’ his thought ending abruptly as he rounded the corner and saw the Panda Brewing Company banner flying in front of him.  It didn’t register when the young girl had said the name, but once he saw that logo there was no mistaking it.  How could I have not caught it when the lass said the name?


It had been a few years since he had seen that logo branded on numerous barrels that were bound for the ports of Delfraca.  There was hardly a convoy he could remember that did not have a load of Panda brew barrels.  “This is Sethic the Giant Calved…†the loud boisterous voice snapped Dim back to the moment. 


Sethic.., He thought to himself, by the depths!  Of all the Smith’s day celebrations and all the towns, Sethic is here!  His memories flew back to that day at the Merchants Guild, tracing the faces and remembering the names of those there that fateful day.  He let out a sigh, realizing that Sethic was not there, but there was no way he had not heard about it, it seemed all of Dorga had.  No reason for a run in, lass said her Da had brew inside, he thought as he turned toward the Inn’s door pushing it open….

“It’s the sensible, logical thing to do, of course, which is why we don’t do it.” -Tanis, Dragons of Autumn Twilight

"Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." - Raistlin - Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Current Challenge


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