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From Troll to Warrior Princess

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I am here because I am tired of being a fat bridge dwelling troll. I know it's unkind to say these things about myself but I think it's better to just say it and move it from my head to the internet. It's better to eject that sort of thinking at the get go, right?






315 lbs


29 years of age. 


Weakness: Sugar and bread. (Basically the same thing.)


I've always been fat. There was a time in the distance, hazey epoch of childhood where I was not fat but I can't remember how it felt to be slim or truly strong. I was taller, bigger and stronger than most of the boys my age and it felt good be powerful. I don't really have any sense memories of that time but I carried a desire to be strong with me all of my life. 


Despite my desire to be strong I always shot for skinny. 


I realize now that's probably why I've never really succeeded in weight loss. It's always been about a way to look and not a way to be, which is a recipe for both disaster and failure. I've worked through fifteen years of disordered eating and I am finally ready to leave the shame, the diets and the expectation of slenderness behind me. I don't ever want to fit in a six six, I am just not that girl.


I want to be big and trim and toned. I want to haul heavy things and surprise people by my strength of body and my strength of character. I am going to be a Warrior Princess, not a Troll, I am going to join the Rebellion.


It took a truly spectacular fail to get me where I am. Two years ago I nearly died because of an idiotic diet plan and a sexist trainer. I was consuming less than 800 calories a day, working out five days a week and doing nothing but cardio and yoga. My body did not respond the way I want to it. In fact, it kicked me in the ass and brought me down with bronchitis four weeks in. The only bright spot of that time was the realization that I love lifting weights and that I have an innate athletic ability within me. 


I can easily bench press 80 lbs even now and got up to 140 lbs during my terrible diet odyssey before my trainer stopped me. He said, "You're going to bulk up so we need to focus on cardio. Besides, girls don't need to life that much." I knew absolutely nothing about fitness or strength training at the time so I believed him. Now- I kind of want to punch his face in.


My desire for heavy lifting was reinforced by my younger brother. He struggles with his weight as well and after years of yo-yo dieting figured out how to use his genetics to his advantage. Everyone in our family is big. Not always fat, but big. Our father told him a story about how he used to life weights in high school and wasn't fat until he got a job where he had to sit down all the time. So my brother found a cinder-block and does a few simple weight training exercises everyday with said cinder block. He's lost fifty pounds and he looks like a hugely powerful guy. It toned him and melter the fat away. So, obviously, I should do the same. I come from a family of bruisers, why didn't I think of strength training before!?


I am starting with simple goals. Complete the basic body weight work out twice a week and eat a healthy breakfast while skipping sugar in my morning tea. I'm not going to overwhelm myself with restrictive eating and impossible workouts from the get-go. I am going to level up!

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Potentia ab intra.

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Madam Minty,


 First off I'd like to say; PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!

Next I'd like to welcome you to the Rebellion. As a newbie myself I don't have much knowledge of the workings of the site but I do have a large reservoir of support for people who want to change themselves for the better. 

Thirdly, I did strength/cardio training while I deployed and must say, when you start seeing the muscle through the fat you get a big rush of self confidence. I myself am doing a simple body weight workout to get into a routine before I move up. 

I wish you luck on getting everything started. Kick some ass out there.

The King of Lame

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Cin vhetin. Ca'nara at am, vod!


Race: Gallifreyan.

Class: Vigilante (Ranger/ Assassin/ Monk)

Current Class: Assassin

Level: 3 Level Per Class: 2/ 1/ 0
STR: 4 DEX: 4
STA: 6 CON: 6
WIS: 4 CHA: 5


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Yes. This.

I feel like you're a kindred spirit :)

We always joke in my family that we're descendants of the Norse giants. Since we're all rather large.  :tongue:

It's rough to try to break from the common mentality that we have to be small and delicate and dainty. We're just not built that way, plain and simple. As...odd as it sounds, I'm glad you went through the struggle and have finally found yourself. I went through similar circumstances as you myself, as have many of us larger girls here on the forums. Won't you join us?

I like stronglifts, and I love that every workout I can actually feel that I've gotten stronger. And dropped about 15% body fat as well :D I still weigh 220 lbs, but it's mostly muscle :)

Welcome, and I sincerely wish you luck in achieving your goals!

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Yes. This.

I feel like you're a kindred spirit :)

We always joke in my family that we're descendants of the Norse giants. Since we're all rather large.  :tongue:

It's rough to try to break from the common mentality that we have to be small and delicate and dainty. We're just not built that way, plain and simple. As...odd as it sounds, I'm glad you went through the struggle and have finally found yourself. I went through similar circumstances as you myself, as have many of us larger girls here on the forums. Won't you join us?

I like stronglifts, and I love that every workout I can actually feel that I've gotten stronger. And dropped about 15% body fat as well :D I still weigh 220 lbs, but it's mostly muscle :)

Welcome, and I sincerely wish you luck in achieving your goals!


Hell yes! I will totally join your thread! Thanks for the support; I'll be sure to lurk around and soak up the wisdom!

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Potentia ab intra.

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Hey Minty,

I've only just joined here too and I've felt so welcomed already.

I applaud you for your practical start goals.

I wish you good luck on your journey to being a warrior princess

  • Like 2

Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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May I just say, Minty, that I have always found strong, healthy girls very attractive. The health is what's most attractive, not necessarily the size. I love that you are looking to tap into your inner bruiser and use it to your advantage to get yourself to a higher level. Don't worry, only weak men fear strong women! Time to level-up!

  • Like 1

Race: Half Orc/Elf. Class: Assassin. Level: 3 STR: 7 DEX: 9 STA: 4 CON: 5 WIS: 5 CHA: 2

Current Challenge: Tommy Khaos VS Gravity!


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Hey Minty,

I've only just joined here too and I've felt so welcomed already.

I applaud you for your practical start goals.

I wish you good luck on your journey to being a warrior princess

Heya Puma! I see by your profile pic that you're into derby? Sweet! Are you on a team or something? I'd love to pick your brain about training and stuff!

Potentia ab intra.

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Hi Minty,


I know how you feel about getting stuff out of your head and onto the internet, writing my "About ME" felt rather cathartic. As for little changes often, slow and steady wins the race :friendly_wink:

Vido Ardes (VEE-DOW ARR-DEZ)
Race: Roegadyn | Class: Ranger | Job: Mercenary | Stats: STR 4 DEX 3 STA 4 CON 2 WIS 0 CHA 1 | Level: 1
EXP to Level 2: Complete 3 sessions at gym per week, for the next 4 weeks | Progress: 3 / 4
Side Quest: Buy new gym clothes
My Battle Log | My Epic QuestMy Fitness Pal Food & Exercise Diary
"Strength without determination means nothing, and determination without strength is equally useless." - Godo Kisaragi (FFVII)



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Now- I kind of want to punch his face in.


Ugh I kind of want to punch him in the face too!


Welcome to the rebellion! You have great goals. Learning that small, slow changes in your life build up to a big change is a huge first step -- that's one of the things I've learned over the past 2 challenge that this place is all about. There is a wonderful community here full of support and a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you through.  Seeing all the women here who want to be super strong is awesome and inspiring.  I'm currently doing body weight workouts but hope to move up to lifting heavy things soon.    I can't wait!


I look forward to seeing your progress!  I hope to see you in the next challenge (I think it is going to start the first week of January). I'll definitely be subscribing if you choose to join in :)

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