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Trying to Win a Ridiculous Bet

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Hi guys,


I joined NF a few months ago, but never really made use of it. This morning someone bet me â‚¬200 (about $270) that I couldn't get a six pack in 6 months. The bet starts straight away, so I have until the 22nd of July, (although obviously the quicker I get there the better) so I was hoping to find some help and encouragement online!


I've still to weigh myself and take measurements, last time I checked I was about 90kg (just shy of 200 pounds), just under 6 foot tall. I'll try and work out my body fat % over the next few days, from looking at pictures online it could be anywhere from 20 - 30%.


Starting out, I'm just going to try follow the Beginner Bodyweight Workout on NF, it's something I tried before so I'm used to it, I might try throw in a few deadlifts too. I'm going to try to get my diet 95% Paleo (probably allow myself 1 cheat meal a week if I hit my workout goals) too, which will be a lot of work, but I'm just going to try eliminate all non paleo food from now on.


My main concern is staying motivated, I want to try and break it all down to monthly, and possibly weekly, goals for myself to stick to. These will just be something that I can stick on the calender in advance to make sure I keep on track. I'll be taking pictures every week too, and try to keep track of my daily workouts on the forum.


I'd love to hear any feedback, ideas or suggestions, or even stories from anyone who's done anything similar successfully in the past.


Thanks in advance,



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Welcome to the rebellion, Bof!


That's a very ambitious goal, but it can be done. Read all about it here. The best advice I can give you is to start a battle log here to help you keep track.


Good luck with your goal and keep us posted!

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Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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Best of luck! That's definitely a big motivation to get serious :o


And Rocky555 is definitely right about the importance of the kitchen - Paleo is a great choice. You might also want to check out this NF article on intermittent fasting to get the 6 packs visible. It's way easier and less painful than it sounds (The part-day fasts at least. Can't do the 24 hour version personally haha)

Assassin Applicant (Level 0)

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0


Captain's Battle Log


WANTED: WhatsApp Accountabilibuddy - Message me if you're interested!

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oh my god, this is so much fun! i will most certainly be checking in on your battle log. haha i want you to get that money so bad! it feels like if you win, i and everyone else here at NF will win, too.  :tongue:

As for the six pack, you know what they say - six pack is made in the kitchen. :)

^this. as long as you're eating a caloric deficit, you'll be golden.

level 4 elf ranger
STR | 6    DEX | 5    STA | 6    CON | 4    WIS | 4    CHA | 8

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Wow, thanks for the support guys! I'm really focusing in on what I eat, I'm trying to plan all my meals out for the week in advance, to make sure everything I buy is Paleo (and so I don't give myself any "excuses" for getting lazy and ordering fast food when I've nothing else to eat!)


The workouts are pretty tough so far, but at least I've got my motivation! Going to try and get a calendar up too so I can have some weekly or monthly goals up where I can see them (still need to decide on what these goals will be), I reckon if I've got something like that to look at it'll keep me going. That, and the money!

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some things i would have liked to know when i started eating healthy: slow-cookers are great for making meals in bulk which you can then throw into the freezer or fridge for later. if you make a different meal every night for one week, your leftovers will last you pretty much forever. also, frozen vegetables. i get huge bags of various broccoli and cauliflower mixes. they're stupidly easy to steam or roast, they don't go bad before you can eat them all, and the price is pretty much the same as for fresh veggies if not better. finally, BEWARE HIGH-CARB VEGETABLES! lol i pretty much lived off of sweet potatoes/yams during my first 6 week challenge and made no progress because of it. super frustrating, since i had cut breads and pastas and all that totally out of my diet.


Going to try and get a calendar up too so I can have some weekly or monthly goals up where I can see them (still need to decide on what these goals will be), I reckon if I've got something like that to look at it'll keep me going.

you might have heard of Jerry Seinfeld's "don't break the chain" method: for every day that you meet your goals, put a big X through that day on the calendar. once you get a good chain going, it sucks to break that streak, which gives an additional little push.

it's great to see your motivation! you got this!

level 4 elf ranger
STR | 6    DEX | 5    STA | 6    CON | 4    WIS | 4    CHA | 8

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Nothing quite as motivating as having some skin in the game!  Best of luck with the wager!  In addition to the bodyweight workouts, I would incorporate some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).  It's had great results for me.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Good luck on your bet!


I'm of a similar weight and height as you, with a similar goal. I echo what Why Not is saying as that is pretty much what I am doing, along with lifting, to achieve my goals.

Level 3 Bearded Assassin


Str: 10     Dex: 9     Sta: 6     Con: 7     Wis: 4     Cha: 3


Current Challenge: Respawn    Past Challenges: 1 2 3


Daily Battle Log   Album


"I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again."

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The most success i had loosing weight was when people put money on it, so you definitly got some great motivation. Definitly going to follow you and looking forward to seeing your progress.

Lvl 3 Half-Orc Warrior Assasin

Male, Age: 30

STR 4 - DEX 2 - STA 5- CON 2 - WIS 4  - CHA 3

Intro Post --- Current Challenge


"Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try" Jedi Master Yoda


"Any misspellings or grammatical errors in the above statement are intentional; they are placed there for the enjoyment of those who like to point them out"

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Decided to do my first HIIT workout tomorrow I'm following Mev's advice and going with burpees (the alarm is set for 6:30am, really not looking forward to it!) I haven' tburpees done before, so it should be a good way to start my Friday! I've moved my normal workout to Saturday too, just to give myself a break after football, so my week now looks like this:


Monday - Normal workout

Tuesday - Football

Wednesday - Normal workout

Thursday - Football

Friday - HIIT

Saturday - Normal workout

Sunday - Rest day


Looks tough enough, hopefully once I get into a routine I should be OK!



As most have stated, 90% of the work is going to be controlling your diet.  Personally, I'd try and do the IIFYM diet, but that's just me.  But it's going to require dedication.  Good luck!  


Can you share a bit more info on IIFYM Rooks? Being honest I'd never heard of it before, does it tie in with the Paleo diet or is it different altogether? Thanks for the input by the way!  :smile-new: 

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Can you share a bit more info on IIFYM Rooks? Being honest I'd never heard of it before, does it tie in with the Paleo diet or is it different altogether? Thanks for the input by the way!  :smile-new: 


Nope.  Completely different then paleo.  It stands for "If it fits your macro".  Basically, just gotta track your calories and make sure you hitting certain calorie, protein, fat, and carb intakes every day.  I personally just started an IIFYM diet, so I can't personally speak to it's success, but I like that it doesn't limit the foods I can or can't eat.  If I want a donut, I can eat it.  Just limits my other carbs for the day.  :)  Also, I know few other guys on the board adhere to it and said it's worked for them so thought I'd give it a go.  


I used this calculator to figure out my Macros at a 15% Fat loss.  We'll see how it goes.  

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Hi Guys,


I've fallen behind over the last 2 weeks, unfortunately we had a death in the family, so I ended up on a bit of a downer (which resulted in lots of beer and junk food being consumed). I haven't been eating right since, and I haven't had a chance to exercise either, but I'm back now and determined to get this done!


I'm going to give the 6 week challenge a go to give me something short term to aim for, and I'm back with my (slightly improved) routine! It didn't go too well today, think my muscles were in shock after their time off, but hopefully it should start to pick up again over the next week! 

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good luck getting back on the wagon and so sorry to hear of your loss. you've got an ambitious goal! (I'm assuming you've read about "Saint" - the buddy of the guy who runs this blog? he did a similar thing with a bet.)


I did, someone actually sent me the link to it, it was really inspirational! There's a few parts of it that I've still to get around to (I don't have a full length mirror for pictures, a measuring tape or a weighing scales...) but I'm hoping to stick to my exercise plan and get back to eating healthy, aiming to go fully paleo as soon as possible!


Here's the link for the challenge too, for anyone who wants to keep an eye on it!

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