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Introverts, Social Misfits and the Terror of Talking to People

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I'M NOT A HIPSTER!! I hate trends and stuff like that. I don't do things because they're ironic. I dress the the I dress because I like clothes like that. Some of mine shouldn't really count anyways. I haven't worn a hoody in over a year, and I've only worn a beanie two of three times in the same span.

And Machete, if you see a six foot guy with a beard wearing a blue trench coat coming your way, run.

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This thread speaks to me on a number of levels. 


I've always been the "shy" one. Introverted, even family gatherings (and my family isn't that large) are exhausting. I have to take a break from conversation every half hour to go sit by myself. I usually need a nap afterward!


I'm diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (emphasis on the social anxiety) and with depression on top of that, well... a slip up in a conversation used to be agonizing. I'd berate myself for days over it. But with time, counseling, medication, and practice, I can now carry on conversations with strangers if necessary, and generally come off as confident and put-together, even when my insides are screaming. I can more easily forgive myself for any perceived "mistakes" I make, too, which is helpful. I don't generally seek out social activities, though.


I've had a few friends with Aspergers say that they suspect I might have it too, but I haven't sought out a diagnosis or anything. I have the classic troubles with reading people and understanding social cues, which has oddly enough made me extremely perceptive of subtle changes in body language and tone of voice. I guess being forced to learn those things through trial and error has made me better than your average bear at understanding how people feel without them saying so. Being an empath helps, too, heh. I have weird triggers too, certain sounds, textures, tastes... I have to eat my food a certain way in proportion to other types of food on my plate. It can be amusing for people who don't know me, haha.


I'm an INFJ, if that's helpful.

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Saera Windrunner, Level 1 Centaur Adventurer

STR 1 | DEX 0 | STA 2 | CON 1 | WIS 4 | CHA 2

Current Challenge ~ 1st Almost-Challenge

Battle Log ~ Epic Quest


Be like Batman:


Beware the Carb Monster: 


Saera vs. the Frying Pan: 



"For anyone stuck in that terrible place between 0 and 1."

"How bad do you want it?"


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I guess we have an update


Hipster Bingo ranking


1. Machete (13)

2. tyrsnbdr (6)

3. Sjard (4)

4. Rurik the Ranger (3)

5. Jakkals (2)


All Hail the new lord of NF Hipsters, All Hail Machete!

thought of this thread this weekend. On the lake front the life guard was wearing plaid shorts, had an ear gauge, and yes, even had the beanie (even though it was 90 degrees out) To be a true hipster, I think you need to wear the beanie in summer, and the shorts in winter.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Can I call you God now? 


I am NOT a hipster, I had one thing on the entire board (apple product), and its only bc I cant learn new technology worth a shit


No better not, I don't want to have stupid people do shitty things in my name. But thank you for the offer.




Hoodie(less so nowadays)

Beanie(very rarely)

Apple products(I got them cheap)

Thin framed black glasses

Call me a hipster and I will find you and smack you so hard that if you have a beard it will fly off your face, and if you don't you'll grow one.


I'M NOT A HIPSTER!! I hate trends and stuff like that. I don't do things because they're ironic. I dress the the I dress because I like clothes like that. Some of mine shouldn't really count anyways. I haven't worn a hoody in over a year, and I've only worn a beanie two of three times in the same span.

And Machete, if you see a six foot guy with a beard wearing a blue trench coat coming your way, run.


I give you eight points, including the two bonus points for fulfilling the "Being a Hipster who hates to be called a hipster" cliche perfectly.



Hipster Bingo ranking


1. Machete (13)

2. Yraen of the Engwar (8)

3. tyrsnbdr (6)

4. Sjard (4)

5. Rurik the Ranger (3)

5. Jakkals (2)

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No better not, I don't want to have stupid people do shitty things in my name. But thank you for the offer.

My bad, I should have clarified that I meant to call Machete God, since he is the Lord Hipster...lol

but your reponse is beautiful :)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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I'M NOT A HIPSTER!! I hate trends and stuff like that. I don't do things because they're ironic. I dress the the I dress because I like clothes like that. Some of mine shouldn't really count anyways. I haven't worn a hoody in over a year, and I've only worn a beanie two of three times in the same span.

And Machete, if you see a six foot guy with a beard wearing a blue trench coat coming your way, run.


I don't run. I hate cardio. Besides, you promised me a beard. I need to fill out all the boxes. (Besides the bicycle, because I don't know how to ride one. I didn't learn because everyone else was doing it. Ironic irony.)

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thought of this thread this weekend. On the lake front the life guard was wearing plaid shorts, had an ear gauge, and yes, even had the beanie (even though it was 90 degrees out) To be a true hipster, I think you need to wear the beanie in summer, and the shorts in winter.


Ah, hell.  +1


I strongly dislike hats though.  It takes a bloody cold day in winter to get a beanie (or toque, since I'm from Canuckistan) on my head, but when I do... again, I turn to plaid.

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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thought of this thread this weekend. On the lake front the life guard was wearing plaid shorts, had an ear gauge, and yes, even had the beanie (even though it was 90 degrees out) To be a true hipster, I think you need to wear the beanie in summer, and the shorts in winter.


I wear shorts during the winter...  I probably shouldn't as it drops to a freezing cold low 60s(f) here.  I should be wearing snowboots and puffy jackets like the others.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hipsters tend to be very left leaning when it comes to politics. And to always try to have the latest thing in fashion or whatever. I'm the exact opposite.


Maybe...  but I think its more of the new anti-establishment/cool/in with a knack to create a thing and make it cool(er)  like craft beer guy.  But as soon as everyone likes craft beer...  they have to move on to craft whiskey (or whatever.)


Apple products get associated with everything.  Every hipster has an iphone, but so does every #basicbitch.  Some how Apple marketing has made their products invulnerable to the negative aspects of every niche.   


I find it funny that I'm 3rd in the hipster bingo...  I look like I belong more at a golf tournament than an indy concert at a brewery.  

May Br0din bless you with mighty gains, and may your shaker bottle always be full.



...and, if you die...  Walk it off - Captain America


Level 13: 1/4 Giant Warrior

STR - 50 | DEX - 19 | STA - 19 | CON - 14 | WIS - 28 | CHA - 24

My food logging is here*: MFP: tyrsnbdr


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According to this, the closest approximation for me would be the plaid-clad gent fourth from the left... minus the banjo.  I'm not musically-oriented at all.


Oh, and my glasses aren't those black-rimmed spectacles commonly associated with hipster legend.  They're just plain jane eyeball helpers.

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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I find it shocking that I'm second. I look more like I belong in an Indiana Jones movie. Or maybe 24.

I don't prefer apple products I bought an iPad of my drunk uncle real cheap. And I don't have an iPhone, I just started carrying a cell phone this year and it's an old flip phone.

As for beer or whiskey, I don't drink and I never plan to.

On the picture Sjard put up I have the hair of the first guy, general style of the second guy, the fourth guys boots, beard of the fifth, and a hat similar to the sixth. also a guitar.

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I find it preposterous that I am first. I look like I belong in a soup kitchen for deranged homeless samurai... Wait... Yeah, that makes sense. I'm probably the guy whom the unicorn guy at the end is calling a hipster.


But yeah, there's really no clear-cut definition right now. I think it's just a derogatory statement generally used to describe a set of annoying behaviors that everyone is more or less prone to. I believe everyone is a little bit of a hipster; we just become more hipster by trying to deny it.

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But yeah, there's really no clear-cut definition right now. I think it's just a derogatory statement generally used to describe a set of annoying behaviors that everyone is more or less prone to. I believe everyone is a little bit of a hipster; we just become more hipster by trying to deny it.


Just like beatnic and yuppie and hippie and....

May Br0din bless you with mighty gains, and may your shaker bottle always be full.



...and, if you die...  Walk it off - Captain America


Level 13: 1/4 Giant Warrior

STR - 50 | DEX - 19 | STA - 19 | CON - 14 | WIS - 28 | CHA - 24

My food logging is here*: MFP: tyrsnbdr


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Just like beatnic and yuppie and hippie and....


This reminds me of when my husband turned to me and asked "What do they call them? You know the people with skinny jeans and giant glasses? Birthers? Is that right?" 


I spent all of Tuesday and Wednesday in an IT project management workshop (agile & scrum.) Too much togetherness with other people. Plus during one of the hands on exercises, my task was to start a side conversation, which meant I had to just start talking to somebody I didn't know while interrupting the group. I would like to spend the next 24 hours in complete silence, alone.

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2016 goals: Hit goal weight. Build muscle.

2015 goals: Get stronger, stop loathing squats and get better at them - DONE!!!

2014 goal: Lose 52.5 lbs. - DONE!!! 12/13/14




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According to this overpaid, ink-stained, wannabe journalist, there's a new breed in town:  http://mashable.com/2015/06/09/post-hipster-yuccie/


It kind of fills me with rage/despair that people have nothing better to do than write crap like this.  We live in sad times, my friends.

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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According to this overpaid, ink-stained, wannabe journalist, there's a new breed in town:  http://mashable.com/2015/06/09/post-hipster-yuccie/


It kind of fills me with rage/despair that people have nothing better to do than write crap like this.  We live in sad times, my friends.


I am extremely proud of myself. I read the title in that link and then trusted your recommendation and didn't click on it



Fellow introvert checking in.

My job says I need to work on my communication skills I

thought that getting in a technical field I really wouldn't need communication skills! What a ripoff


The main trouble with working in a technical field is that you have to communicate with people who are not technical people. 

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Level 8 : Wizard Blacksmith 

[ STR 6 | DEX 6 | STA 5 | CON 5 | WIS 10 | CHA 4 ]

Jakkals, 2019 nommer 3




Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast

and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has

ordained that you shall live.

-Marcus Aurelius



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The main trouble with working in a technical field is that you have to communicate with people who are not technical people.

True, I used to teach senior citizens how to use Facebook and excel for job trainees so I can't be that horrible.

I just work in an office with many extroverts and usually they talk over me or never take a breath -can't get in a word edgewise. One on one with clients or teaching I do ok. But when I'm with another person they'll almost do all the talking. It's a vicious cyclebecause I don't get a lot of one-on-one time until I can prove that I can do things in front of somebody els eand sometimes it's hard to say to somebody let me take the lead, if I need you I'll ask.

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Battle Log | Current Challenge | Instagram

"...You must always keep the star in your heart
shining strong to defeat the dark and evil souls." - Queen Serenity



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I feel ya on the people-talking-over-you thing, Doe. I'm a very quiet person, so when I'm talking with someone - doesn't matter what about - I'll almost always get steamrolled right over. It happens in groups, it happens one-on-one... I've gotten used to it at this point and just let the people talk. Sometimes I talk over them in return, if I'm sick of being interrupted - I'll just finish my sentence while staring into their soul. And even that doesn't work with any consistency - usually they still keep talking. Some people looooove talking.



(sorry about the rant; that's just something I've been particulary aware/sensitive of lately :tongue:)

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