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Must try those...

They are godly, and as easy to shovel down as chocolate.


From this point on the log needs to get a little more abstract for reasons of... reasons

Beltless Squat: 115kgx6

Beltless Squat Drop Sets: 107kgx6x3

Bench Press: 75kgx6

Bench Press Drop Sets: 70kgx6x5

Assistance: Incline dumbbell press, bent over rows and bicep curls

Hitting some yoga every morning and it's helping my mobility and waking me up a bit better than stumbling on the bike then into the office, and hitting the mobility work and foam roller every night after training.  Physio gave me the good news that I don't need an MRI and the fact that my left hip is getting to depth again means I just need to loosen up.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Unilateral SLDL: 50x6x2

Unilateral SLDL Drop Sets: 47x6x8
Spoto Press: 65x6

Spoto Press Drop Sets: 65x6x3

High Bar Squat: 102.5x6

High Bar Squat Drop Sets: 96x6x4
Assistance: dumbbell rows and tricep dips.

Tanky, the girl that DOMS forgot.  I'm now realizing the kind of volume and intensity I'm expected to hit at my level.

These sldls are a killer on the posterior chain and something that comes in handy for judo.


"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Judo, judo, judo.  We've got a new judo Scotland guy from NI.  He's pretty good, just lacks fitness.  Spotted the BJJ practitioners right away (protip they're the two smallest in the club) and was impressed with both my standing and groundwork.

Thursday (this looks like bro day on the program):

Split Squat: 75x6(L+R)
Split Squat Drop Sets: 70x6x6(L+R)
Close Grip Bench: 60x6
Close Grip Bench Drop Sets: 56x6x3
OHP: 33x6

OHP Drop Sets: 30x6x2

Assistance: delt raises and tricep push downs


"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Deadlift: 132.5x5
Deadlift Drop Sets: 124x5x3

Romanian Deadlift: 90x6
Romanian Deadlift Drop Sets: 84x6x3

Front Squat: 87.5x6
Front Squat Drop Sets: 80x6x4
Assistance: hyper extensions and chest supported rows


Drove for 6 hours in a sauna box and experienced cleavage sweat for the first time in years.

Katie spent an hour laughing at me foam rolling and stretching, plus an hour napping.

Joke's on you Katie, I felt great on Sunday morning while you were wrecked.

Sunday (All England Bench):

Both Katie and I got 2kg off over night to make weight (water benders right here).

Raw Bench:
Katie: 60x, 60, 62.5 - missed her first bench due to hip spasms kicking her butt up.  #parabencherproblems
Tanky: 80, 85.5, 90 - new British record at 57 and boosting my best pound for pound raw bench result

Then I fannied about for two hours eating, rolling, walking around topless and spraying recovery spray on my lats before equipped bench.

Tanky: 102.5, 110x, 110x - opened in an unjacked shirt but found that I need a belt to pin the shirt as it shoots up during the press and gives me nothing at lockout.

Katie ended up getting an informal invite to the European masters bench as her 62.5 at 52 puts her as the top ranked masters bencher in the UK.

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"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Congrats on the bench record!

Thanks, I really need to start celebrating my records more on the platform.  I have become too complacent after just continually breaking my own without realizing how significant they're becoming now.

Training summary video for last week is ready.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Beltless Squat: 120x6
Beltless Squat Drop Sets: 108x6x8
Bench Press: 77.5x6
Bench Press Drop Sets: 70x6x2
Assistance: incline dumbbell bench press, bent over row, bicep curl



Unilateral SLDL: 58x6(L+R)
Unilateral SLDL Drop Sets: 53x6x4(L+R)
Spoto Press: 70x6
Spoto Press Drop Sets: 63x6x4
High Bar Squat: 107.5x6
High Bar Squat Drop Sets: 107x6 (misload), 97x6x4
Assistance: dumbbell row and tricep extension

Every day is squat day!

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Working on snatch technique again, going to revisit hangs as a way of keeping my lats tight during the pull.


Some show boating, and reaffirmation that I do have standing game.  Standing game is also improved by my swagger.

Some transition training also, unless you're a pro from guard you really want to make sure you commit to that tomoe nage.  Lots of people getting messed up during transition tonight. 

However, my show boating of one handed cartwheels left me a little worse for wear.  My wrists aren't strong enough in this position.


Supposed to get some training in with some guys but ended up drinking and discussing what needs to be done while they're in Scotland.  Haggis supper and irn bru are a must, stuck for plans on Saturday night though.  Plans willl probably involve single malt and live music.

Training rescheduled to when the mat is likely to be quiet.
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"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Thursday (this looks like bro day on the program):

Split Squat: 82.5x6(L+R)
Split Squat Drop Sets: 75x6x2(L+R)
Close Grip Bench: 62.5x6
Close Grip Bench Drop Sets: 57x6x6
OHP: 33x6

OHP Drop Sets: 30x6x3

Assistance: delt raises and tricep push downs

Then dinner with some visting BJJ guys, took them out for haggis suppers and ice cream, followed by rolling till stupid o'clock on a school night. 

Tons of coffee for training tonight and a lie in till 9am (before I have to get up and deal with judo ;_;) on Saturday.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Thursday (this looks like bro day on the program):


No Kurlz?

Classless Human Male Warrior - Introduction

Height: 1.77m Weight: 93 kg



Current Maxes: (repsxkg)

Squat: 10x122.3, 5x138.2, 3x147; 1x170

Bench Press: 10x79, 5x93, 1x102

Deadlift: 10x152, 5x192, 3x210, 1x229

Overhead Press: 10x52, 5x61, 1x70.3

Current Battle Log: 1707 Sam Ashen Summer Swole Program

2017 Challenges:  1701 1702 1703 1704 1705

Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1609  1610 1611 1612

Daily Log:The Daily Grind

Form Check:  Stronglifts Olympic

More FC's:  Pistol Squats

Want to play?  MFPvP



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Deadlift: 132.5x5

Deadlift Drop Sets: 125x5x2 (misloaded), 120x5x4
Romanian Deadlift: 95x6
Romanian Deadlift Drop Sets: 86x6x4
Front Squat: 87.5x6
Front Squat Drop Sets: 79x6x5
Assistance: hyper extensions and chest supported rows

Late night BJJ, drilled some half guard stuff again.  Got some more rolling in, napped at the side of the mat and got a lecture about training too hard off a coach that had known me for three days.

But the training is too good an opportunity to miss ;_;


Did my first independant big girl coaching.  Worked on gripping structure and posture on the ground.  One of the judo traditionalists got his panties in a twist over my approach, but it's the one I was given a lot of praise for when I sat my practical coaching exams at judo Scotland.

(Also snuck in an anaconda and sweep from half guard.)

Afterwards, bench day party!  With cake, bad jerks and some acro stuff.

Jerk: 3x3 @50kg, 3x3 @55kg

Then crashing right after the Mafra vs Ray fight.


Beltless Squat: 122.5x6
Beltless Squat Drop Sets: 117x6x2
Bench Press: 75x6
Bench Press Drop Sets: 72x6x3
Assistance: incline dumbbell bench press, dumbbell row,  bicep curl

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Unilateral SLDL: 55x6(L+R)
Unilateral SLDL Drop Sets: 53x6x2(L+R)
Spoto Press: 75x6
Spoto Press Drop Sets: 72x6x2
High Bar Squat: 100x6 - massive low back fatigue after Monday night and still feeling it, need to take it easy at judo tonight
High Bar Squat Drop Sets: 95x6x2
Assistance: bent over row and dips

As if I needed less ROM.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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I can't get over how wide you grip the bar. Still, epic training numbers, and plenty of inspiration to keep building my own lifts.


optimal leverages :D



Split Squat: 85x6 (L+R) - seoi otoshi mofos

Split Squat Drop Sets: 81x6 (L+R)

Close Grip Bench: 62.5x6

Close Grip Bench Drop Sets: 60x6x3

OHP: 34x6

OHP Drop Sets: 32.5x6

Assistance: delt raises & tricep push downs.




Deadlift: 135x5

Deadlift Drop Sets: 125x5x4

Romanian Deadlift: 97.5x6

Romanian Deadlift Drop Sets: 92.5x6x2

Front Squat: 92.5x6

Front Squat Drop Sets: 87.5x6

Assistance: Lat pull down & hanging leg raises

In a commercial gym with lots of men mirin', and the gym PoA asking how I "am so lean but so strong" along with comments about how some one is pretty brave.




Basic BJJ movement patterns, transition from double leg and single leg and some rolling with Dave Goodall at Commando Temple in London.



Also showed off my lovely no gi seoi otoshi.  Mawari step guys, google it.





Squat: 135x3

Squat Drop Sets: 125x3x4

Bench: 85x3

Bench Drop Sets: 80x3x4

Flat Bench: 67.5x5

Flat Bench Drop Sets: 65x5x5

Assistance: db rows  & bicep curls



On a leader board with Dan Green and Dan Strauss.  Invited down to roll with Dan Strauss next time I'm in London.

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"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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SLDL: 107.5x5

SLDL Drop Sets: 100x5x9 - I suspect I could have gone higher than 107.5
Close Grip Bench: 70x3
Close Grip Bench Drop Sets: 66x3x4
Paused Squat: 122.5x3
Paused Squat Drop Sets: 114x3x6
Assistance: Hamstring curls & bent over rows

I seem to have all that leg strength, none of that upper body.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Technique work on snatch with 44kg and BJJ drills on the weights room mats pre judo.  Managed to get one of the judo guys for working on the double leg take down :D

Judo, where the coaches are asking if I'm gearing up for Judo or BJJ comps again as I'm getting my conditioning up and bullying the big boys.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Are you a fully sponsored athlete or do you have a full-time job on top of all this bananas training you do?  

I have some sponsorship but it doesn't cover much.  I work full time on top of training and have pretty much a few hours free at the weekend for other activities.

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"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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I have some sponsorship but it doesn't cover much.  I work full time on top of training and have pretty much a few hours free at the weekend for other activities.

It's amazing how much time you have when you put down the remote/keyboard/joystick...and your friends/family are mostly at the gym/dojo

Middle Age Mutant Ninja Panda

Monk Level 13, Epic Quest Level 3

Academy Class Achievements: General=21, Academy=12, Ranger=11, Warrior=8, Scout=14, Assassin=15, Monk 7, Druid 8, Adventurer 29,

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