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A Respawn is just what I need.

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Hello all,

I've been absent for a while, but I need some extra support these days, and so a respawn is in order. I had some moderate success losing weight last year. I lost about 10 pounds, the most I had on any attempt. Then the holidays, and then a few long visits from my in-laws where we ate out for like a week straight. I haven't gained it all back, only about half. Also, the brutal snowstorms killed my exercise habit dead.

Since probably nobody remembers me, my name is Shay. I'm 5 ft 2 inches tall, and as of this morning, 173.6 pounds. My goals are too lose weight and develop some Dex skills, so I can be more like my imagined jester self.

I'm about to go do my first workout in a while. I'm gonna give the bodyweight workout at http://www.startbodyweight.com/a try. It seems to cover a lot of the bases for bodyweight/gymnastics work.

Any advice you guys could give me or accountability buddies or just saying hi and cheering me on would make me feel great, thanks.

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OK, so, I did the workout as best I could. My upper body is weak, so I doubled up on the inverted rows. I can't do a pull up yet. I'm very sore today. I haven't done a strength workout in forever. I was doing cardio through the winter.

Despite the soreness, I feel better for having done something. It's the first step on a road I've walked before.

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So, I'm super proud of myself.  Fridays, I have a half day at work, so I'm done by 11am.  I typically do some errands, so yesterday, I had a haircut scheduled.  My stylist is only 15 minutes away from work (where my gym is) so after I was done with the haircut, I actually went back to work so I could go to the gym and get my workout in.


And just now today, my husband and I did a 2.3 mile walk around the neighborhood.  I'm feeling pretty good about my activity.  We've got a plan to get back to eating at home this next week, I just have to keep myself excited about cooking at home.

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I find that focusing on only one thing at a time and getting it right beats trying to make multiple changes at the same time.  Keep up with the exercise and count each day of exercise a success. 

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Hey, Shay! It's awesome to see things are getting back on track for you—I hope all goes well as you continue on!


And thanks for posting that link to StartBodyWeight. I never heard of that one, but it looks like just the thing I'd like to try!


Best of luck as you continue this journey! :D

Level 0 Human

STR: 0 DEX: 0 CON: 0 STA: 0 WIS: 0 CHA: 0

(Impressive, huh?)


Respawn in 3...2...1...


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Peel out, I agree, I've gotten burned out before when I tried to do too much at once. But, I also know that losing fat is more a function of diet than exercise.

SkateTroe, glad you like the link. I really like the progressions, since it gives me a clear path to follow. Thanks for the luck!

Speaking of...

Today I started trying to increase the reps. I didn't do it on everything, but since he says to only add one rep per workout, I feel like I'm ready to start for some of them. The pull up progression is the most difficult to track right now. When I'm indoors, I'm doing lat pull down, but today I was outdoors and doing leg assisted pull ups. Hard to tell how much was the legs. I felt like my arms were working, but I also couldn't tell when I started recruiting my legs.

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Hi, thanks for checking up on me. It's been a bit crazy for me lately, but I had been planning to post an update today anyway. I went to yoga on Tuesday, and think I twisted something in my foot, so I took Wednesday off from workout. Did strength workout again on Thursday and either increased reps or went to the next exercise on almost everything. Except inverted rows. Those are still really hard.

In other fun news, this weekend is my town's annual Medieval Fair, so I spent four hours walking around in costume. On Monday, I attended a local flow (poi, hula hoop, etc) meetup. It's the closest to a juggling/circus group I've got at the moment, even though flow stuff isn't really my thing. I'm planning on going back next Monday.

I haven't noticed any major changes in my weight or appearance, but I've only been at this a couple weeks and my diet has been bad. Next week is already looking tricky because some coworkers/friends I haven't seen in a while want to go out for lunch both Monday and Tuesday. Monday I can do probably healthy, but Tuesday is going to happen at a burger joint. And both mean I won't get a good workout in until Wednesday, since lunch is typically my only time to workout.

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OK, updates. I did a run on Friday instead of a workout, since I had the day off. 20 minutes straight at about 13:20 min/mile. I'm not very fast to begin with, but the wind was really bad that morning.

I was trying to check how I'm doing on cardio. A friend convinced me to sign up for an outdoor "warrior" class, marketed as a high intensity class. I did the class last year, but I remember being the slowest one and if there was any running, I would get winded and wouldn't be able to catch up for the rest of the workout. Other than that, I enjoyed it and I loved the instructor.

I just hate feeling like the fatty of the class, especially when I'm already feeling bad because I've gained back the weight I lost last year. But I'm pretty sure I'm more fit than I was last year.

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Welcome back!! :D


Never feel bad about working out, even if you struggle or feel like you don't "fit in".  You're doing this for you and that's the most important thing!! <3

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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What Shaar said! You are doing what you're doing for you and no one else. If you enjoy it, do it! That's all that matters. :)


Level 3 Hobbit Druid

MFP: kelliefications | battlelog | NF instagram

The NF Society

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe

STR 2.25 DEX 2.25 STA 2.25 CON 4 WIS 7 CHA 10.25

campaign -  act iiiact iiact i

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OK, updates. I did a run on Friday instead of a workout, since I had the day off. 20 minutes straight at about 13:20 min/mile. I'm not very fast to begin with, but the wind was really bad that morning.

I was trying to check how I'm doing on cardio. A friend convinced me to sign up for an outdoor "warrior" class, marketed as a high intensity class. I did the class last year, but I remember being the slowest one and if there was any running, I would get winded and wouldn't be able to catch up for the rest of the workout. Other than that, I enjoyed it and I loved the instructor.

I just hate feeling like the fatty of the class, especially when I'm already feeling bad because I've gained back the weight I lost last year. But I'm pretty sure I'm more fit than I was last year.


Somebody on here said (or maybe it was in their signature) "the only bad w/o is the one you missed".  So true.


There are people of all sizes in my gym.  The only ones who don't get respect are the ones who aren't showing any effort, regardless of their current shape.

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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OK. So, the class was hard. I am once again the slowest. Here was today's workout:

25 pull ups

50 sit-ups

100 pushups

150 bodyweight squats

Run half mile

We could do them in any order, but we had to finish an exercise before moving on to the next. I did pushups, sit-ups, squats, pull ups, and then the run. I actually didn't finish the run. Only got about half way.

So, yeah. Not feeling good about myself right now and debating if I should do my Start Bodyweight workout tomorrow or just some sort of cardio.

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OK. Feeling better today. Sore, because holy crap that was a lot of reps. Weirdly, I can feel muscles in my upper arms, even without flexing. Maybe because I was doing upper body stuff before this?

Anyway, today I did some intervals on the rowing machine. My legs are hurting from the squats, so I thought it would be better than just running and it recruits my arms a little.

Tomorrow is the next warrior class. I'm allowed to bring music, so I'm going to rock that workout.

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