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I just realized I never did an introduction here! So, hello!  I'm Mary.  I'm 32 and I live in southern IN with my boyfriend and 2 cats.  I knit monsters and socks, I read all kinds of fiction and non, I watch horror movies and paranormal tv series and I just recently started what I'm sure will be a long addiction to Don't Starve.  I've also recently gone back to school to study accounting.  I work at a trucking company as an office monkey and dispatcher.  Well, that's about the basics on my outside NF life.


So, NF time!  I joined less than a year ago but I'm not sure what day.  I started by reading everything!  Then I started changing foods and joined a gym.  I'm really glad to have found these forums because I love the challenge aspect.  I'm nearing the end of my first and I'm already plotting my next.  Right now I'm still doing bodyweight workouts, but I want to learn to lift.  I'm thinking I might make that my next challenge.  We'll see how hard it is to get in with the trainer at the gym.  I haven't attempted that yet.  I'm also re-learning how to run.  I ran track in jr high school, but since then I'd just lived behind a desk until I found Zombies Run.  I'm still working through the Zombies 5k training app but I really love running.  Especially the how I feel afterwards part.  So, I'm working on getting better.  Eventually I will make it back to the regular ZR app and find out what happens next!  Running is much harder as an overweight 32 year old than in JR high.



Well, that should just about cover the basic intro.  Questions?  Comments?  


I look forward to kicking ass with you all!



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Hope you enjoy lifting - it's pretty freaking awesome!!!

Thank you!  It looks like so much fun.  And I really want to be strong.  I've got 3 older brothers and my dad was always one of those "guys are stronger" people.  So, I was left out of the car repairs and heavy lifting.  I ended up entertaining myself by moving furniture around every chance I got.  I still find myself completely rearranging everything in my apartment once a year or so.

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Welcome, RiotGrrrl! Zombies, Run! is amazing! The story is brilliant. The 5K one got me to 5K (which I didn't manage with another app). Really worth it. It took me a bit longer than 8 weeks to get to 5K, as I really don't like running, but got there in the end. But seeing as you love running, you'll get there in no time. :encouragement:

Pumpkin Pi: Level 1 Night Elfling (respawned September 2019)

0 STR | 0 DEX | 0 STA | 0 CON | 0 WIS | 0 CHA

Challenges: Respawn: Current (16 Sep-20 Oct 2019) | Original: 2nd (2 Nov-14 Dec 2015), 1st (14 Sep-25 Oct 2015)

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Welcome, RiotGrrrl! Zombies, Run! is amazing! The story is brilliant. The 5K one got me to 5K (which I didn't manage with another app). Really worth it. It took me a bit longer than 8 weeks to get to 5K, as I really don't like running, but got there in the end. But seeing as you love running, you'll get there in no time. :encouragement:

I do really love the story!  And it helped me suck in a running buddy .  I have not been really great at it though, since we end up walking and chatting way too much during the free form running portions.  But I brought this up to her and we are going to try to run them more.  Also, we are planning to do another C25K training app that has a lot more structure to it  (they tell you what to do the entire run).  I think I need more prompting until I get a bit better at running.  I do really love running!  But sometimes 5AM, no sunlight and a friend I haven't seen much else just turns into catch up time instead.  


That said, we are signed up to do a 5k at the end of this month!  Probably will involve much walking, but I am very excited.

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