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Hey, I'm new here.  Joined NFA here a couple weeks ago, (still trying to hammer out a routine that works, trial and error).  Anyway, about where I'm at now.... I'm a 28 y/o man, with a somewhat active job (intellectual disabilities nurse).  I am 5'9 and 190lbs at about 22% BF, ABD measures 40'', also, I smoke... Gross right!!  So, that's what I'm working on changing, physically.


    As far as changes I've made SO FAR, I don't smoke at work anymore (exception being if I have to do OT... not an excuse, just the way it's going) and smoke one less cigarette on the way home than I did a month ago.   Got rid of all the 'bad carb' foods at home, not that I had that many, but you'll find no bread, processed pasta, chocolate here, just a container of brown rice, and a container of honey (and sugar, for guests, but I never really used that ever anyway, so, it's moot)  And once the rice is gone, it's gone.   My freezer is full of Broccoli, Spinach, Green Beans, ground turkey, lean beef. 


Things I struggle with:  Packing a lunch for work, the stuff they have there is pretty much the opposite of Paleo (processed, carb-rich, so much sodium (joke: What fish has only two atoms? 2Na, wakka wakka)), I really need to discipline myself into 1)waking up early enough to eat breakfast, and 2) bringing better food with me, so I don't either starve or gorge on that garbage).  Second is, nailing down a good workout habit, I feel like the gym is a bit out of my way, and sometimes it's really hard to find the motivation to go ( I want to workout, but I don't feel like driving, anymore... especially after driving 40mins from work), going to experiment with a bodyweight routine here at home.  Something that I can stick to, and adapt with my schedule if needed.


Anyway, that's where I'm at.  Hope to meet all of you, and best of luck in whatever it is you're up to! :D

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Nosce te ipsum, es tu ipsum

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I've found it's much easier to pack a good lunch if I 1) pack it the night before and 2) follow a set routine - Mon: ... Tues: .... Then I don't have to think about it at all. I just check the list on the fridge for what goes in that day and throw it together. I keep it very simple, two basic lunches that alternate and the fruit changes depending on what's in season/on sale.


My husband leaves for work extra-early two days a week so I pack him breakfast to eat at work, then he has good food even if the waking up early thing doesn't go as planned, which it rarely does once the seasons change and the light goes away in the mornings.


I don't know if these ideas will work for you or not, but I hope you find something that does! I'm sorry not to have meal ideas, but we aren't paleo. 

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Race: Elf   ~   Class: Druid Apprentice   ~   Level: 12

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2015-2016 Challenges: OneTwo, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

2018-2019 Challenges: (first one in progress)


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Thanks for the reply! I've actually put some of your suggestion into practice. (even before I realized you replied!  You are just that good!)


 The past week and a half or so, I've been cooking 3-4 days worth of meals, then freezing them.  So, when I get home, I just throw whatever it is I want to bring to work tomorrow in the fridge, then load up the lunchbox while I'm waiting on my morning coffee, BAM, FOOD!  I still am having issue with breakfast, but I've been experimenting with a couple things.. protein shakes, storing hardboiled eggs, freezing avocados,  etc.  Something quick, nutritious, and not overly carb-ey that I can prepare and consume in 15 mins or so.


And like you, I have just a few different combinations I use.  Split my protein choices up between some preparation of chicken (Go between a chili (Using a variation of my Grandma's enchilada sauce recipe)) type chicken, or a Tequila Lime chicken (the only way I can consume tequila anymore without whishing I was dead soon after), or a canned fish, tuna or salmon.  Then a choice of veggies.  I've found I really like the microwave steamer bags, makes life handy.  That or Spinach with some lemon.  Easy peasy! :D

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Nosce te ipsum, es tu ipsum

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Wow, great job on the freezer meals! I always mean to keep my freezer stocked, but somehow it all gets eaten and not replenished...perhaps I need to try again.


Breakfasts are a challenge. Have you tried making up some breakfast burritos to keep in the freezer for the days you are running late? I'm not sure what you eat and what you are avoiding, but you can pretty much put whatever you want in there - lots of recipes online, if a tortilla is on the ok list. 

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Race: Elf   ~   Class: Druid Apprentice   ~   Level: 12

Current Challenge

2015-2016 Challenges: OneTwo, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

2018-2019 Challenges: (first one in progress)


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Huh, there's a thought.  Tortillas as a rule, no, not if going strictly paleo... buuut, I'm not really going to split hairs on the matter either, especially if it's not too processed.  (Hell, I could probably just make a bunch at home one weekend)  I'm already not eating pasta, what more can I give!! lol.  Do scrambled eggs (or eggs in general) keep well in the freezer? 

Nosce te ipsum, es tu ipsum

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I wondered about eggs myself. I haven't tried it yet, but there are a lot of recipes for it. If I get to it this weekend, I'll let you know! I have made my own tortillas, not hard, just a bit time consuming if you don't have multiple pans. Those are on my list for today!


Have a great weekend!

Race: Elf   ~   Class: Druid Apprentice   ~   Level: 12

Current Challenge

2015-2016 Challenges: OneTwo, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

2018-2019 Challenges: (first one in progress)


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My biggest concern would be, they would dry out when reheating.  Yes! let me know how it goes! Someone was also telling me that you can dehydrate scrambled eggs, reconstittute them in warm water and eat.  Aren't homemade tortillas the best though?  I can never get mine perfectly round, but who cares.  My grandmother could... I swear, she was probably once a top secret tortilla making robot developed in a secret lab by the Mexican government only to be brought to the US. 


Likewise! Have a fantastic weekend!

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Nosce te ipsum, es tu ipsum

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Welcome and congratulations on your decision to take full command of your health. Nutrition is the stumbling block for me, so I can relate to your comment about the lunch-time options in the business world. At how, my kids live with me so I have to meander the "what I should be eating" and the "what can I make that they'll eat" paths. Suffice it to say that, beyond breakfast, which I make and eat alone, meals are an adventure!

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I know the pain, as far as kids go, my ex-fiance has two... It was rough cooking for them, lol. One of my issues, at work, there are so many bad choices available. Lunches are free, but almost everything is fried, processed, canned, et cetra. I can pass up most of those things, but our cook makes these no-bake cookies and... Whoo man, really hard to pass up. Still may indulge in one or two these days.

Thanks for the comment! I like that, "taking command", it fits. I wont get into the "why" of everything, a lot of psychology there. (the first sentence should provide a clue) I will say I feel better than I have in some time, both physically and emotionally. In control, confident.

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Nosce te ipsum, es tu ipsum

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