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Greetings, Rebels!


Y'all got room for a fat, old broad who's not a serious gamer?


I'm joining the Rebellion for a couple of  reasons.


     >> I'm naturally rebellious and a dedicated Contrarian, so the whole vibe here speaks to me.

     >> I need to make some serious changes in nutrition and activity, and I need some accountability, too.


About me. I'm 62, female, married 40 years, no kids, and I work at a high stress desk job. After working long hours, the last thing I want to do is exercise. I'd rather park my wide-body in my recliner and play with my iPad.


I'd be happy to lose about 50 pounds, or about 4 clothing sizes. At this stage in my life, I'm less concerned about looking good naked (though that's a nice bonus) and more concerned about age-related conditions and my health in general. I'm grateful for my good health, but I know I'm pushing my luck. I've already been diagnosed with osteopenia, so I need to get on track with preventing osteoporosis. I watched my mother suffer agonizing pain with that disease. It's terrible.


I'm no stranger to working out, but I have lapsed miserably over the past several months, and I'm seriously deconditioned. My body type is endomorph/mesomorph, so heavy lifting comes relatively naturally to me, and is the most effective for me for fat loss. Plus, I feel like a real badass when I pick up something heavy and lift it overhead.


I began strength training about 13 years ago. I learned (and have forgotten) the Olympic lifts, but my Kettlebells are my iron of choice. I have a home gym with KBs, a bench, and a few other items.


One thing I don't have: EXCUSES.


My main goal is to get to a healthy weight with an appropriate body fat percentage. I will be setting more specific goals when I join the 2016 Challenge.


To achieve my main goal, I have three behavioral goals: Nutrition, Fitness, and Mental Health.


     Nutrition: My intention is to stick to a Paleo meal plan, with a planned splurge once a week. I have completed two Whole 30s (and have started and quit several more times), and I have learned that if I follow the W30 meal template, I will lose the excess fat. I will also gain energy, have a better attitude, and improve many other health markers.


      My fitness goal is to complete the first (Simple) phase of Pavel's "Simple & Sinister" Kettlebell program. But first, I may have to do some conditioning to be able to start the S&S program.  Like I said; I'm terribly de-conditioned. Right now, I am slightly out of breath just getting dressed. I looked at the Beginner's BW circuit that came in my email from NF. Dang, I know I can't do all those lunges. Yet.


     For my mental well-being, I will be keeping a journal and participating in the NF forums. I need the fellowship of like-minded people rebels. I know I benefited from the support that I got at Weight Watcher meetings, but I've moved away from that mindset.


What I can bring to the group--besides my warped sense of humor--is a broad knowledge base of recipes, cooking methods, and tips on how to get a healthy (and tasty) meal on the table without breaking the budget (financial or time).


I'm looking forward to getting to know you and to participating in the group.

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      My fitness goal is to complete the first (Simple) phase of Pavel's "Simple & Sinister" Kettlebell program. But first, I may have to do some conditioning to be able to start the S&S program.  Like I said; I'm terribly de-conditioned. Right now, I am slightly out of breath just getting dressed. I looked at the Beginner's BW circuit that came in my email from NF. Dang, I know I can't do all those lunges. Yet.






Nice job getting started, it is the hardest step :)


The part of your introduction quoted above caught my eye. When I started here I began with the Beginner's BW circuit. It was hugely effective for me even though when I started, I couldn't do all the lunges, sometimes I rested more than I was supposed to, and I felt like a failure because I looked silly and felt like a spaz. All that aside, it was a great start. Today i deadlifted 205 for reps and did 2x20 lunges with a barbell. I took the long route to get there and have a long way to achieve my goals, but I only PR when I do the things I "can't" do.


I love your profile pic. Some folks at my gym were doing one handed snatches like that this weekend. It isn't in my training right now, but it looks terrifying/fun!

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I love your profile pic. Some folks at my gym were doing one handed snatches like that this weekend. It isn't in my training right now, but it looks terrifying/fun!


I ran across your challenge thread and I'm following. I'm glad to see more young women building strength. I sometimes worry that I waited too long, but then I surprise myself. Even after a long layoff, the strength comes back pretty quickly. On my third workout session with lunges in the warm-up, they were already a lot easier. I'll be adding weight pretty soon.


That's Abbye "Pudgy" Stockton in the photo. Hers is an interesting story.


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